
When the crowd was able to get up, they looked at the field again and the two warriors were standing, Shiro had little of his clothes left intact, many parts were burning and others had been torn off by the explosion.

Ikky looked worse, bleeding from his ears, a nasty hemorrhage was pouring out of a wound on his left shoulder that seemed to threaten the integrity of his arm.

However, both of them launched themselves into combat against each other; Shiro accelerated using Shunpo, Ikky accelerated using Zendra's aerial stomp technique. They were two comets on a collision course.

Shiro's sword was just the reflection of light on metal, while precise and continuous cuts were launched in succession.

No human could dodge that rain of attacks; however, Ikky's body seemed to get out of the way of the sword just in time and enough to even anticipate the next attack.