Data failure

After facing the mental swarm of the hive mind and being expelled, Ikky's consciousness and psyche took a severe blow. Not only was he damaged, but he was unable to regain control of his own body; all paths of return had been cut off, or damaged to the point that reconnection could not be achieved.

Self-awareness crumbled, blurred, and refocused into a coherent entity, only to shatter again in the next instant and be lost in the darkness.

Many might mistake Ikky's state and his mind for a coma, but Ikky was not shut down, he was lost, he was diluted, inconsistent, scattered, diffuse, but there was that was the only reality, it existed.

In the darkness of non-being, the concept of time did not exist; it was only chaos, memories and flashes, but no time, no direction. In that darkness, without reference to the external senses, self-awareness could not hold on, could not hold on to a point before falling back into darkness and emptiness.