Chapter- 42 Wings of Frost Ø



A loud echo resonated throughout the cathedral's domain. 

In an instant, a long path stretching hundreds of feet appeared, followed behind was a trail of frost. 

The once great woodlands which bore within this land now fell victim to the sword, their once glorious states were replaced with nothing more than rubble.

Neering the large Stone Sentinels, a youth rose a black rapier; its body magnificently crafted its blade shone a deep Azure blue, radiating a deep sorrowful aura. 

Watching the militant force of soldiers near him, Edward's eyes shone more brightly, he finally recalled the thrill of a fight, boredom was truly nagging at him, and now his may prove fun. 

'...' Edward's mind was blank, only focused on the oncoming battle. 

 Milliseconds passed, and Edward's perception of the world slowed. His speed had already surpassed that of sound, causing everything around him to move as if in slow motion.

Milliseconds passed, and Edward's perception of the world slowed. His speed had already surpassed that of sound, and as such the world slowed now only corresponding to a slow-motion paradigm. 

Though his mind blank, Edward's eyes gleamed of wisdom, the wisdom of a Hero who lost and died countless times. His perception was slow, while simultaneously showing him thousands of red threads each targeting him. 

Intent, it was their intent.

An oppressive killing intent & blood lust was directed towards Edward within each intent, emotions of complex origin resonated within each one. Pain, the pain to direct their suffering towards another,

Such fools.

Stopping my pursuit, I stood two dozen feet away and glared at the largest sentinel. Its body is large and weathered. The long sword which it brandished looked chipped and dull, yet its intent was the most considerable.

Gazing towards the militant force I offered a short recitation. 

Their slow barrage moved at slow intervals; this was a consequence of my own respective speed.

"Requiescat in pace," I spoke these words with depth and emotion, my empathy apparent. It was a verse I often recited to my foes before slaying.

Holding the rapier, I changed my grip on the hilt and thrust the blade tip into the ground.

The forest's vitality insatiably seeped into my body. The once lush vegetation had withered to a striking brown, reminiscent of winter. The brittle leaves crumbled, and the sturdy trunks of the trees constricted and snapped, falling to the ground in unison.


The Great Cloud of Gray rising above the forest expanded in size and dominance over the primordial elements, while the snowflakes that fell gradually increased in both quantity and speed.

A blizzard was forming, surrounding the youth with frosted gales and creating a large, multicolored blue vortex. The already powerful mane of flames and frost around Edward intensified significantly.

Shifting his gaze, Edward's speed subsided, returning the world to its normal speed. 

The sounds of loud crashing returned. 






Edward's rapier cleanly sliced through dozens of soldiers with one slash.

"Allow us to dance," spoke Edward with a soft smile and an equally soft gaze.

Finally, Edward Charged toward the group.

Without hesitation, Edward charged toward the nearest sentinel, wielding Durandal. He materialized a dense layer of sword aura on its tip.

'Heaven & Hell Swords Art - a fool's desire for power' 

Completing the sword movement Edward slashed his rapier thousands of times in all directions. The movement was reminiscent of the tapestry of the sky's constellations.


Each slash gained more speed and power.


The titans of stone fell with single slashes, but those that crowded around released a flurry of attacks in unison.

None were weak.

Using advanced footwork, I evaded most attacks; however, when those attacks collided with my armor, the ground beneath me crumbled and large shockwaves slightly staggered my posture.

"Impressive," I say

Soaring over the barrage of attacks, I landed on the sentinel's crown. Generating enough force within my fist I released a powerful punch Shattering the sentinal's whole upper body. 

Shards of stone scattered the region flailing attacks missed and collided.

Hundreds of soldiers of stone would fall yet … the number never diminished.

'Their attacks are getting stronger' I observed

The threads of intent increased in size and amount, their bloodlust rose and so did the killing intent. 

Days passed amidst shattered stone and constant battle; Edwards' endurance was sustained by the improbable abundance of mana within the cathedral's territory.

The once unruly woodland full of lush vegetation, rare herbs, and fruit has amounted to nothing more than a flattened landscape blanketed in snow. 




The armor which cladded my body hung barely suspended. 

The deep lacerations that scattered around my flesh were forcibly weaved shut with frost essence.

My body ached. My bones and skin and muscles screamed with each movement, but my eyes still radiated vitality & my expression was still soft, the sky-blue aura that coated my body grew with each stroke and slash. 

Each of my sword's movements resembled a dance which reminiscent of a deity of frost, each movement held my deepest sorrow manifested into sword movements.

Observing a line of scarlet intent near my body, I instinctively reacted to the stimulus with the creation of a placebo ice armor coating my body. 

More days passed, thus with blood. 

Eventually, the waves of stone titans dwindled, and the sword in my hand shivered as I grasped it.

Its sky-blue blade reverted to its abbreviated form; its slick abyssal blade absorbed the surrounding light before de-manifesting. 


The last sentinel finally fell after Edward inflicted a devastating attack bisecting the stone titan.

The only thing within the territory which stood, except for the cathedral, was Edward.

The ground was layered in a thick layer of snow several feet in depth. 

From a distance stood a lone figure who observed the battle.

Edward noticed this entity several days prior within his peripheral vision, yet this person held no animosity or intent. 

It was as if they were not alive.

De-manifesting my Frost Flame Formulas aura, the tangible energy that spiraled around me vanished.

The large cloud that hovered above soon parted allowing for the rays of light to beam the domain. 

Shifting my gaze I started toward the entity.

Suddenly a loud noise came from the cathedral.

And the structure's grand doors opened. 


 Quick question-> why do the Japanese like V-tubers, & why does my YouTube recommendation page always show it? 

my favorite Youtuber is ending, Penguinz0 
