
Just one like another day as a woman name Lyka, running through the side of the street, a woman getting out of the car, Lyka badly bump into the woman but the woman swiftly puts her hand on Lyka's waist, preventing Lyka to fall.

"Umm.. Can you let go of me now?"

Lyka says as she stands up cleaning her clothes. Then the woman lets go and apologizes.

"Ah.. Haha sorry, but please don't use jacket here cause it's hot in this city"

As the woman lets go she gently grabs a strand of hair kissing it then the woman lets go of Lyka's hair, leaving, but as the woman gets in she suddenly stops and waves her hand at Lyka saying goodbye, then gets in the car and closes the door, the woman order the driver to drive now coldly. As soon was not seen enough Lyka was speechless not knowing what just happend.

"Why did she kiss my hair?? And why did she waved at me like we know each other???"

Lyka shakes her head and ignores it and starts to run but slow like jogging so she won't bump to another woman or man.

Just as Lyka was jogging, she sees her brother into a restaurant with another man but on Lyka's head was it just his friend and Lyka just ignores it and keeps jogging. Lyka's brother is Leith, just a normal guy with 6 packs of abs. While Lyka still don't know who's that man with Leith.

"What do you want Leith? It's my treat."

"Ah.. Haha you can pick for mine.."

Leith nervously shaking as he sees the menu with many zeros on it, while the man just looks at him smiling widely. Leith just wait for him to order something, then the man calls the waitress and order something.

"What did you order?"

"Oh a steak one for both of us"

Leith was shocked but not exaggerated in place and looks at the menu that, that was the most expensive one in the restaurant and sighs on belief.. Until then Leith remembers that he's with a model and an actor who's good at fighting from Korea.

"Ahh... I forgot.."

"Hmm?? What is it?"

The man still smiles so bright that the other people fainted and cries. Leith still couldn't get his brain back whether he's with an idiot or an actor who don't know he stands out the most.

As they keep their conversation their food was ready and the waitress brings the food to them. As the waitress put the steak on the table and leaves. The man looked on the steak then smirked.

The man gently slices the steak as well Leith but something unexpected happened.

"Say 'ahh' Leith"

Leith jaw drop as the man pointed a fork with a steak on his mouth as he put his head on the pal of the head in the table without a care.

Cameras went flasing through the table like seeing the rarest moments in the world. While the two simple couple didn't care and just eat their food in peace like a normal couple would do.