Now when he thought back at it, his behavior earlier was embarrassing. As Mani followed Blaise up the stairs, he dragged his feet unwilling to face Cindy again. It was really not his fault! Words used were misleading and then he panicked a bit. And he still had to go on that mission. And share a tent with Cindy. Not a sleeping bag though. How did he mixed those two together even.
When Blaise came to make things clear to him, he noticed suspicious shine in his eyes. Did he thought it was funny? Sure he did. Well, even Mani himself though it a bit funny now when he calmed down. Cindy was such a nice silent guy. Even when being yelled at he held back his tongue. And then sent chatterbox Blaise to do talking for him.
Still, he was a bit ashamed to share the tent with Cindy after all that. Perhaps he could persuade Blaise to switch with him, as it seems he is going as well. Or that third guy, Yak? Or perhaps in the end they will have odd number of people so he ends up with a tent of his own? That would be best. Even though, then he will have to carry it himself. Still better than sharing his space. He perked up a bit, and hurried to catch up with Blaise who was waiting for him ahead.
Watching him trot made Blaze raise an eyebrow. He changed speed on his own? Was that ability hidden before or it was just unlocked now? What triggered it? Swearing, trotting, completely misunderstanding a decent guy like Cid.. What other abilities will surface once Mani gets transplanted out of his basement habitat and out into the open world?
Oh this mission is gonna be so totally refreshing change of pace. Blaze unconsciously rolled his shoulders as if already feeling his body filling with adrenaline. No matter how it ends, just doing it will be worth it.
Ivory had a headache. Cramming all the data about their route and best places to camp according to historical records seemed pointless. Too much time passed, things outside are likely completely different now. Adding info from Tzol's observations made him even more sure of that. Yet, better something than nothing. He placed old data, new data, and data from his original mission he prepared for 15 cycles ago all together into one glorious... Let's say field guide.
When Jone came to fetch him for a meeting, he declared himself ready. No matter what, he will give it his best. And his best was always top of the crop, so nothing can stop him. If he repeats that enough times, it shall become truth and sure thing to happen. Moving on.
Jone saw expressions change on Ivory's face in fast and random way. It seems that info absorption left some residue on emotional part of the cortex as well. Well, there was no other way. He made sure to prepare enough tea powder to last them for a while, at least until Ivory's brain finds it's balance again. Powder did not take much space and weight was negligible. If he was able to bunk with Ivory, he could make sure that he gets it in proper dosages. But he was bunking with Blaze, meaning Yax is gonna.. He frowned.
Hopefully, Yax will live up to his task and focus on the mission. With all the risks in outside world, even he should forget about romance for a while. Jone looked at Ivory walking by his side and decided to keep his eye on him at all times. Just in case.
Dagda hugged his beloved twins while holding back tears.
"Echo. Floreo." He took a deep breath and tried to speak without any trembling in his voice. "Do not worry about your old dad. I will be fine. Hama and Rudra promised to pick up your part of chores in the gardens, so you can go and focus on your mission. Make dad proud."
Above his head, twins exchanged glances. Floreo rolled his eyes. What did he smoke this time. Echo slightly frowned. Just let him act it out. Dagda finally let them out of his embrace, but still held onto them. "I know you will miss your dad. For 20 cycles now we were as close as peas in the pod. But you will still be able to hold on to each other. Be brave, my boys. Bellies of your teammates will depend on you to fill them."
All three of them looked at two huge backpacks with camping gear and prepacked rations. Who is he kidding. They will have to forage on he way to survive.
Echo looked at his twin and moved his lashes slightly. Floreo smiled and patted Dagda's shoulder. "Let's go, meeting is gonna start soon." Both twins were eager to plow through meeting as fast as possible and then go out, no matter where, as long they are spared from playing house with Dagda.
Watching them rush out in front of him, Dagda smiled. Ah, he is gonna miss them. Messing with their heads is such fun. No matter what he says or do, they never know how to slip around it. Just freezing up like two little rabbits. Or deer in headlights. Should he prepare something special for their reunion after mission is done? He sure will.
Cid finished packing his and Mani's gear, then went to check on Yax and his progress. He had full confidence in Yax as a campaign leader, that was his thing after all. Just, organizing and packing required some specific skills that were more Cid's thing.
He found Yax lifting and dropping two backpacks as if comparing their weight, then moving things around and comparing again. Seeing Cid at the doors he brightened and invited him in. "Here, you check as well. Which one is lighter?"
Cid obliged and lifted them. Sure, one was half the weight of the other. How hard was to notice that?! "Lemme adjust them a bit." He said and opened them up to make sure all essentials were there.
Yax had no issues with that. "Just make sure that my backpack holds two thirds of the weight. Ivory will focus on navigation while on trail, so his should be lighter." Cid paused a bit, unwilling to admit that he did not see that as a deciding factor in weight distribution. But Yax was right.
As long as it's about mission details, plan of action, or keeping tabs on team members special traits, Yax will always be on top of it. He finished repacking, leaving bare minimum for Ivory to carry.
When he turned, he saw Yax looking straight at him. "What?" He asked as it was obvious that there is something to discuss.
Yax pursed his lips and finally decided to address the issue. "I heard from Ler that there was a bit of disagreement between Mani and you at the storage area."
Cid froze for a moment then connected the dots "Was he sleeping in the back room? I was expecting him to help with gearing up, but could not find him anywhere."
Yax waved his hand and dismissed that issue. "I know you, so I trust you to control yourself. Kid is young and an older man like you should not push too strong. Let him get used to you first." He patted Cid's shoulder and walked out through the door. "That's it, let's go to the meeting now, should not make others wait for us."
Cid defrosted himself by sheer force of his will. Should he wait for karma to settle this score, or should he push karma aside and murder this wannabe philanderer who thinks everyone is like him?
"Hurry up Cindy!" Yax could not hold back his laughter any more. Cindy! That brat called Cid The Stoic - Cindy.
Cid narrowed his eyes and started walking. He will let karma take care of it this time. Right, Yak?