There were a few different paths Mani could take in his past, and he was always very careful with his choices. He always considered all options and tried to predict all events that might happen. Consulted all available sources of relevant information. He was always a full blown geek.
After he realized that the course he was on did not align with his personality, he spent a full horrific decade deliberating should he just go with the flow of his life or make an attempt to shape his future by his own strength. Then another decade questioning if his decision was right. Plus one more decade preparing himself to actually move out of that dead end where he was stuck for like forever.
And it seemed that he succeeded, he liked it here. The coffee was good, job was easy, and there was only Blaise disturbing his peace. He thought that by hiding in his basement he avoided rest of the dwellers.
When he saw this "all personnel briefing" that he expected to be in some huge hall with thousands of officials like him, he knew that he thought too much. Even if he ran laps around he would not meet anyone since there is less than 30 people on board. And that was fine. He could manage that.
But now, when realization dawned upon him that somehow, with all his careful planning, he still ended up in a dead end, he could not muster enough strength to stand up and talk. He clenched his hands, let his head drop down so his field of vision narrowed to acceptable level, and said to himself: Let it go. It is sill better than it was back home.
Before Xul could prod him again, Mani looked up towards the ceiling and informed it about his findings. He kept his voice under control, unaware that it made him sound more mechanical than professional.
"All daily calculations since my arrival to up until two days ago were within acceptable levels of variance." clink
"Sudden drop that happened then deviated over 40% from bottom safety line." clank
"As there were no prior warnings, alarm was sounded to check for malfunctions with measuring devices." clink
"Malfunctions were not found, so I made retroactive data comparison and found that there is a minuscule, but steady, decline in energy outputs ever since my first measurement were noted." clank
He got zero previous records from his predecessor, so he had no idea what original energy output was. Ten years of measurement just wasn't enough. Sample size does matter.
Xul observed Mani's deflated posture, almost blending with his chair, and decided to ignore impolite way that brat used to report. Did he really heard clinking and clanking or it was just imagined sound effect?
He moved his eyes to Olaf, who picked the cue with due enthusiasm. "Upon receiving notification about possible malfunction, we went with Jone to check office area first, but there were no leaks, fire nor other noticeable damage. Three teams swept through lower basement area, found nothing of interest in areas that are accessible, rest could not be checked without breaking seals. Middle area ice appearance was connected with proximity of vapor cooling section, but since then it melted, no permanent damage. Since some greenhouses are still active there, Notos and Veles are doing detailed inspection of watering pipes and drainage. There might be some leakages if pipes got broken due ice." He was quite proud of his team. Area they had to check was overwhelming, but by teaming new guys with older crew, they were fast and efficient.
Dagda found this a good time to insert himself and give his report. "Food production in upper levels is unaffected by anomaly and so far there are no observable indicators that anything is wrong with installations. As long that does not change, food supply will be per usual. In case of greenhouse deterioration, current food reserve can last for half a year. Actions will be taken to fill up storage until two years of rations are available just in case." And once they run out of power, it will be impossible to keep pumps and lights working. He looked towards Tzol checking if he has something to add.
As General Director of Environment, he indeed had something to add. "Maintaining functionality of the whole station was a challenge since number of inhabitants went under ten thousand mark. With current numbers" he glanced around the table "prudent choice would be to move everyone to top level dormitories. Lower and middle levels should be emptied of fluids and flammables and placed into low energy maintenance mode during execution of Station Relocation Protocol. But" he stopped and looked at Xul "doing that would be against directive that made that protocol invalid." Meaning, they are expected to do nothing and sit tight until they run out of juice and then possibly starve to death, or bite the bullet and move out.
At that moment, Yax who barely paid any attention to reports as he was occupied with planning their expedition route with Ivory, registered his cue, namely station relocation protocol, and also stood up. "To find a new geothermal source of adequate energy level and prepare location for moving the station, all preparations are done and team is ready to deploy as soon order is given." He fired his line in one breath and then noticed Tzol staring at him from across the whole length of huge table as if he said something unexpected. Did they not already decided to go, directives be blasted.
Yet, Xul rewarded him with a nod and a smile. "This is just to make everyone aware and on the same page."
He paused and then said the words he never in 50 cycles of his life expected to say. "We are all basically immortal due to the way we were made. We spent our lives according to our godly masters wishes and whims. Now it's obvious that they gave up on us and this facility, as once it runs out of geothermal energy, electricity production and transmission of energy up to them will also cease. Meaning that they don't need it any more." He paused as he felt his voice breaking and wondered if this reality makes others as sad as him.
Next to him, Ah Kin just stared at him, still not fully believing that they are going to break their orders and defy gods. "To them" Xul continued "this station is outdated trash that can be left to rust and rot. But to us, it's our only home. So we shall take it and make it ours completely."
Tzol imagined for a moment how Mone would take this news? Would it stop his mental breakdown? Would he be able to.. He resolutely pulled himself together. "According to sensors outside of station, pollution of air and rain are down to preapocalyptic levels. Ground should be tested, but as long we don't eat it directly out bodies are equipped with enzymes that can handle residues in plants and animals, so they are likely safe as long they are properly cooked. Radiation spikes happen when sun hits the zenith so mid-day break is highly recommended." He looked straight at Yax's sparkling eyes. "All prerequisites for relocation mission first stage are met."
"Except for personnel" Ah Kin interjected "Originally, there were supposed to be around 10 000 of naturals, to be used as work force to prepare new location, but.. They are not here anymore" he looked around the table still not sure this is not a dream he conjured after drinking too many holy potions. "Yax, your team will consist of only 8 enhanced entities, you included. Do you accept such revised mission?" Is it even possible to be done, with a team like that?
Yax was smiling so wide that his face looked like it will break in half. "Yes, we all accept. Our determination will make it possible!"
"Good!" Xul felt his eyes tearing up "We shall strive to do it within two years. To find a new location, prepare it for exploitation and then move and complete this mission. During that time, we also have to prepare station for moving. Fuel in storage is enough for one trip, and within two years we can produce more."
At that moment Dagda stood up and saluted to Yax "May your travel be blessed by Sun of the day and Moon of the night, and we see you return in triumph."
Everyone else stood up too and echoed ancient cry "May your travel be blessed by Sun and Moon".
Standing and thumping his chest Mani joined the salute carried by contagious mood. In his head though, he was frantic again. No,wait a minute, just wait.. did I just joined the pirates!? This is a mutiny, right?!