Using ancient road made their traveling speed faster. They did not pay attention to edible plants, nor did Jone declared any animal they saw as potential dinner.
Even when they passed through area that seemed like ruin of some city or such, they did not stop to investigate it, even with Ivory feeling pangs in his heart due missed opportunity. He just marked the spot. After they finish their mission, when everyone's livelihood is secured, then he might convince Yax or Jone to go with him to explore. Outside world wasn't as dangerous as they thought.
Due their sense of urgency, they did not even stop for a snack. Eating energy bars and drinking from their flasks while walking, other bodily functions were also dealt with haste.
During afternoon, path started to descend and after a while they could hear water flowing ahead. Then their path got blocked by thick bushes again, but by now they were very skilled in dealing with that. While cutting the branches, Blaze even cought their first prey.
Well, more like, he directly killed it. As he grabbed a branch to pull it to better position, he grabbed a thick snake curled on it. Then while cutting the branch, he cut off the snakes head as well. And despite being splashed by it's blood all over, he did not scream. He just turned into a statue, still firmly holding twisting snake body in his hand.
Then, all the while keeping his cool, he turned around and handed the dead snake to Jone "Here, you said this thing is edible." And then he turned away and refused to handle it further.
It was Mani's turn now to comfortingly pat his shoulder, while following him and getting himself away from dead animal. He was just trying to soothe his new brother's distress, it's not like he was freaked over a snake. Nope.
Standing with a snake in his hands, Jone turned to Echo who pretended not seeing him. It was Floreo who offered his assistance. He might never handle dead animals before either, but he felt curious about putting his cooking classes to practice. He did study "Ancient art of preparing food from classic (raw!) ingredients - illustrated edition" in his spare time, and originally he agreed helping at gardens just to get access to raw fruits and vegetables.
Ahead, Yax and Cid noticed Blaze is not with them, so they turned to check and got startled by his bloodied appearance.
"All is fine" Blaze said nonchalantly "you should see the other guy!"
Yax quizzically looked at Mani standing next to him "He means snake. It's dead." As Yax still stared at him, Mani felt he should clarify "He got us a snake for dinner, Jone has it."
"All right then" Yax said in the lack of better words "it seems we're almost out."
They finished making a passage and what greeted them was a nice view of a gravely beach, gently sloping down to a river. A very wide river. A river so wide that they barely saw the other side. They really found it.
"Oh, great, water." Blaze said and went down to wash his hands and face. He did manage to hold it back, but he was feeling a need for another of those conversations with Jone. Would Jone be angry if he asked him to borrow his lap to cry into it? It was his first time to see blood after all.
Slowly, they all gathered on the beach, watching wide open stretch of sky. It was not their first time to see the sun, but other times it was blocked by clouds or trees. Colours of sunset started to appear, colouring both, the sky above and water below. Mani suddenly realised that tonight they will be able to see the stars.
Yax looked around, and found the spot where old road ended. There were still some square pillars visible, half buried into soil and roots of the trees. Yet, they were still holding up, creating a sheltered alcove on he edge of the forest, where pebbled beach began.
"Let's make a camp here" he said while setting down his backpack. "We will start making a raft first thing tomorrow."
Cid was first to join him, and then Mani as well. He mastered putting poles together for their tent, so he started helping with that, while Cid selected and prepared their spot. Rest of the team joined them, and each pair skillfully set up their own sleeping space. It was their sixth night out, it would be strange if they still struggled with it.
After tents, they set up usual cooking spot with gas canister, where Echo started heating up water and their prepacked rations. He carefully ignored his twin and Jone setting up separate camping fire from branches and twigs, to test Floreo's 'open fire grill' skills. Good thing they were out of the forest. Fire and choking in smoke hazard was minimal here.
Others had no such a cautious attitude. They gathered around, watching Floreo using his knife to gut and skin the snake. At least that's what he said he is doing. Blaze turned away and went to help Echo set up their real meal. He might be the one who caught that, but there's no way he's eating it.
Yax carefully watched, it looked strange how skin was easily pulled off, like a sleeve or something. Cid joined and helped cut the meat then skewer it on thin sticks Jone made by cuting and sharpening some branches. Ivory gathered some small plants growing near the edge of the forest. He called them 'herbs' and instructed Jone to rub them on the meat for flavour. When he looked around, Yax saw that everyone was busy with food preparations, except Mani.
Mani sat on the rocks near the fire carefully adding wood to the flames. Then he got up and went towards forest to find more firewood. "Wait, I will go as well." Yax said and in few steps caught up with Mani, who just smiled at him and continued forward.
Instead of entering forest, they collected dry wood from the edges. Picking branches, Yax glanced at Mani wondering how to start a conversation. He remembered how he advised Cid to go slow with Mani due his youth, and started to feel his face heat up. Good thing Cid had no intentions towards Mani.
But really, how should he himself start that 'slow aproach'? To ask if he got used to traveling? Or how he got into coffee? Where he gets it?
But then he heard Mani say "Do you think that snake is really edible?" That was currently Mani's biggest concern.
"Edible for sure," Yax responded, glad to get a cue "but don't expect it to be tasty." He clarified a bit "Not due meat itself, but there is a big chance it gets burned while grilled. So, I just hope to get a little bit to try it."
Mani chuckled, "Yea, things learned from manuals tend to be a bit off when applying in life." He remembered how hey fumbled tents on the first night and laughed "When I packed for this trip, I wanted to take "Good things to do while trying to survive by strength of your own two hands in that strange and dangerous outside world" , but Cindy stopped me. It claimed that you should never sleep on the ground due centipedes entering ears, so it recommended to always use hammocks."
Yax laughed "That would be fun to do in a rain." He looked sideways at Mani "This reminded me, did you get used to sharing tent? I heard there were some issues about that before."
Mani blushed "It was all just a misunderstanding. Cindy is a great traveling partner, helped me a lot in swamps." He stopped and shifted branches in his hold "I just have a feeling that I am taking advantage of his kindness. It's not like he can rely on me to help out with our stuff."
Yax stopped as well, and blurted "No, I think he is lucky to be partnered with you. You always do your best and step up when you can." Well, everyone did that, but Mani did it all with such elegance and fluidity, Yax could watch him for years.
"Well, thanks Yak." Mani didn't know how to respond to that, so he just picked up one more branch and looked back towards fire. "I think this should be enough. Let's go back." He started to walk but when passing Yak, his arm got grabbed.
"Wait!" Yax said then quickly released arm he grabbed "I just" he stumbled over his words, but as Mani tilted his head at him in the cutest way ever, he just blurted "I just wanted to tell you that I find you very interesting and cute. I was wondering if you would consider establishing a relationship with me." There, short and to the point, impossible to misunderstand.
Mani looked at him quizzically "Oh, brotherly one like with Blaise? Or fatherly one? Blaise said that older ones have a tendency to be like that."
"NO!" Yax yelled, then toned himself down "No, I am not that old." He grumbled then cleared his throat "I mean, romantic relationship, you know, like boyfriends."
"Oh." Mani though it was just like him to misunderstand everyone, then understanding hit him and he widened his eyes at Yak "OH!"