Under a clear blue sky, in the middle of the sunny day, Ah Kin thought that he should have paid more attention to time and place. For his age, he was far too impulsive.
But, it was not all his fault, he reasoned with himself, while soaked in sweat and feeling skin on his back burning hot. Xul kissed him first and he had to reciprocate, so he did push his tongue in his mouth a bit roughly. But then Xul pinched his naked butt and well, he had no choice but to pinch back.
And from there, a bit of pulling off the clothes, a bit of rubbing skin on skin, and here they were now. Butt naked under scorching sun, expressing their mutual affections.
He pushed his body up while licking his dry lips, and changed his position so that he could see Xul under him better. Xul's hands held firmly top of the recliner, his elbows trying to block his face. But Ah Kin could still see him clearly. Well defined masculine face, with thick eyebrows and tiny drops of tears hanging on his lashes. Or sweat. It was too hot here even when not doing anything, let alone this.
He stopped moving and sat up, careful to keep them connected, then grabbed Xul's legs behing his knees. My beautiful king. Then he started moving again.
He had no memories any more of exact events that made him fall head over heels for this strong man. He came to this station, young and stupid, took over duties of previous priest without being told why the change was needed in the first place. He doesn't think he even asked.
Then he went through his duties, automatically, according to his training. Not thinking, not feeling, empty as a shell that he was supposed to be. Replicant. Enhanced personnel. Priest.
He stopped his train of thoughts and focused on tremors of Xul's pecs. He clearly remembered the first time his king allowed him to touch those pecs. Allowed him to push him down. And with that permission pulled him up from bottomles pit of despair he was spiraling into. Giving him hope. Happiness. His life back.
He noticed his wrinkled hand holding taut supple muscle and had to admit that he let himself go too much. How did he spiral down again? Since when did he start this ritual of slow roasting under the sun as subtle way of self destruction? Yet, Xul still allowed him to be by his side. He still cared.
Ah Kin blinked his eyes. Tears? Since when was he so emotional?
He leaned down, gently kissing his kings trembling lips. Better to finish this soon. He thought, knowing Xul's body language better than his own. Thank you for allowing me to love you, my king.
In the almost empty throne room, Tzol sat in his designated seat and tapped his fingers over the armrest of his chair. Opposite of him, Dagda had a bowl of cut fruit and ate it without a care in the world.
"Do you know where those two old bats went?" He asked after a while "Yax and his team left this morning, we were supposed to start relocation preparation from our end as well."
Dagda chewed his fruit with suspicious smile on his face "Xul went to pick up Ah Kin from his rooftop penance."
"That was hours ago. Did they get lost on the way?" He was interrupted by Dagda bursting in unrestrained laughter. "Should we go upstairs to check on them?" Dagda started to choke.
Tzol stopped in his movement to get up, and stared at Dagda who somehow managed to catch his breath again. "Don't tell me they are still in that kind of relationship?" He remembered those two hitting it off shortly after he and Mone arrived, breaking his worldview on limits of superior and subordinate relationships.
"It's been almost 40 cycles!" He was not sure if he was more shocked by their commitment or the fact that they were obviously still actively consuming it. If he understood Dagda's hints right.
He leaned backwards, exasperated. "Insanity, do they have no notion of priorities?"
Dagda finally managed to stabilise his breathing and stroked his chest once more glad that he is still alive after this "They do have clear priorities. Their relationship comes first, everything else is second." That was most healthy approach to life on this station he could find among all of the crew members.
"If that was not the case," he decided to enlighten this stick stuck in the mud, "we would not be here waiting for them to finish with fooling around, but would be waiting for power and water supply to get cut off and slowly die." Only Xul could deactivate the locks and open the exits of the station. And to do it, he had to break his orders.
Tzol reluctantly had to admit it to be true. "Then how it goes with you and twins? Still in honeymoon phase?" While at it, he could update on gossip.
Dagda shot annoyed look at him "They are my adopted sons, there is no honeymoon for that." He hated it when anyone suggested that his intentions with his twins were not pure.
Then he remembered to ask back "How did your adoption of Blaze and Jone end up?" And now, watching Tzol's sour face become pure acid, Dagda felt all is fine with the world again.
"Jone is all right. He remembers to visit and brings gifts when he does." Dagda translated it to 'does his medical check-up tour and food delivery on schedule' .
"Blaze is just a big ball of silliness wrapped into a shape of humanoid weapon." Dagda had to admit that was a rather accurate description.
"So you did take your time to get to know them." Dagda nodded sympathetically and sighed "It cannot be forced. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes.." before he could finish, door opened and the king and his priest, both emitting pink aura and shower gel scent, entered.
"Ah, here you are," Ah Kin had the gall to say "just in time for the meeting."
Dagda couldn't help himself. He watched Tzol's face change colours while his lips twitched in irritation, and started to laugh his head off again. This is pure unedited entertainment, if it keeps up, time without his twins will be kinda bearable.
Xul ignored all three of them, and sat down on his spot, picture perfect dignified monarch. As if it was not him, up on the rooftop, all messed up not even half an hour ago. Next to him Ah Kin sat down as well, radiating satisfaction. That Xul and this Xul, both are mine.
"There are a few steps that need to be taken in preparation to relocate." Xul was all business now "First, securing all mobile objects within habitable area, to prevent accidents during move." Dagda started taking notes.
"Second, drain excess water from hydroponics back into reservoir, harvest and store all crops that can be stored, then focus on production of seeds and short cycle crops. Their safety is top priority." Dagda frowned, but still took notes.
"Third, wait for homing signal to be received from away team, and then hold on for your dear life while station launches and relocated itself." Dagda still scribbled his notes, but now with his eyebrows high in the air.
Tzol got curious. "What did you write down?"
Dagda cleared his throat and read "One, let Tzol lead storage managers with Olaf and cleaning crew to do general checkup.
Two, take kitchen crew and leftover guards to pillage gardens, eat what can be eaten, store what can be stored, recycle what is left.
Three, let king and priest get drunk on their moonshine and pray for a miracle."
Well, it was what it was. If Yax and his team successfully find the right place and activate that Head of Serpent pendant they took with them, station will fly over to them even if those who are here do nothing.
If they fail in their mission, get lost or die on the way, and don't activate the protocol, station will not move and all they can do is sit here till the lights go out.
"My thinking is that it's better to do something than nothing." Xul said. "Ah Kin and I will open upper treasury to see if we can dig out some useful holy relics in case it all fails and we have to go out ourselves."
Tzol felt baffled "Then why did not we all go together with Yax?"
Xul just looked at him as if seeing a fool "At your age you want to go out and do manual work?" He pronounced that as if he was swearing at him.
Xul leaned back in his seat and grabbed Ah Kin's hand, squeezing his fingers while smiling at him "Beside, I am not letting this one out in direct sunshine any more. He will turn into a raisin."
Sitting next to Ah Kin, Dagda started to laugh and clapped his back "House arrest! You are finally grounded!" Then he heard unbelievably high pitched squeal and froze with I did not hit so hard, would not dare expression.
Xul just smiled "He got second degree sunburn. Fit punishment, don't you think?"
Tzol shivered. If that's how devoted love looks like, he will keep away from it, thank you very much.
Dagda also retreated a bit. "Well, you still have your moonshine." Good anaesthetic, that stuff. And cleaning agent.