Deep in the bowels of the beast, Kane and Ler wrestled with their own task. They were focused, in the zone, impossible to distract from achieving their goal. If anyone asks, that's what's their official statement is.
In actual fact, they were currently in the third upper section of the left wing of general supplies storage on middle level.
Pulling out marked containers and confirming their content.
Then taking out materials listed on request form they got from Soma.
Then adjusting their inventory list for future reference.
Then repeating it for the next item on the list.
Super exciting.
So of course, they would occasionally pull out some items that were not on the list, have a vivid discussion about where that item came from and what it's used for. Then re-evaluate storage location where item was found and move it to another box if they find it more appropriate.
Not that it made them faster in collecting things Soma needed for his work, but it was a way for them to refresh their database in random - fun! - way, which ensured it's accessibility and freshness.
They just preferred to do it that way rather than doing periodical full inventory checks. Those were unbearably boring. Although they did do them, just kept it to once per cycle.
"What do you think Soma is working on this time?" Ler asked while Kane pushed their trolley to the next section.
"He said that Yax and Cid took all of his metal work. Those machetes and spears and whatnot." Kane stopped at the entrance to fourth section and waited for Ler to check his inventory listing.
"Right, timber for handles that he needs is in this section." Ler pushed the doors open and flipped the lights on while Kane pushed ladders down the aisle.
"Which column?" Kane asked, ready to climb and bring the needed container down.
Ler closed his eyes to focus on his database "Third on the left. Take some maple wood from the top, and I will select some oak from the bottom one." Soma preferred those two kinds.
As they were selecting nice looking pieces according to dimensions needed, they both felt melancholic. Back when they took over the management of the warehouse, it seemed as a good idea to continue with previous managers practices.
But now, those records stating point of origin for each item in their storage made it look more like a museum archives than functional materials collection. Each piece in the storage had a note with a date of acquisition, place of origin and info about previous users or purpose if such info was available.
Reading those notes just made them aware how long were they doing this work. And how different life in the station was back then. No, not station. Back then, it was called sanctuary.
Actually, in some containers they found notes that told them that items started to be collected and stored even earlier, when the place was still called shelter. And people who wrote those notes were not enhanced replicants with memory chips like them.
No, first storage managers were natural people who came to the shelter to survive the pollution and radiation that plagued outside world. Their notes often held names of previous owners and their family relationships with others who might claim the item as 'inheritance'.
They had to ask Ivory what's that. It made them baffled that such customs once existed. Private ownership that restricted use of things to those who held legal rights to them or their immediate family upon their deaths.
As, even if owner didn't use or need the item, it still could not be taken and given to someone who will actually put it in good use, unless person actually agreed to it. So wasteful.
Luckily, once things changed and everyone got crammed into shelters, things they brought with them were eventually commandeered by their wise king. 'Entrance ticket' had to be paid, as noting was free in that world.
And then, all the things that were not in active use were moved into storage and then issued as provisions to those who needed them. Of course, providing that it was beneficial for the shelter as a whole.
Also, destruction of items was not permitted, as everything became scarce. If it got broken, it would be fixed. Or reused for materials. There was that one waste disposal unit though, but it was used only to shred and eject toxic waste that was confirmed as dangerous for living conditions.
Sometimes Kane wondered, if people just started to be more frugal with resources earlier, perhaps it would not end like this. But then, he would not exist and therefore it was pointless to even think about it.
As they managed to collect all the things listed on request form, they turned off the lights, closed the doors, and went to deliver it to Soma at his workshop. It used to be nearby, in middle level, but a few cycles ago Soma moved his tools upstairs and remodeled one of the rooms in his apartment to be his working space.
As they pushed the trolley up the access ramp, Kane and Ler agreed that it sucks.
"It was way more convenient for me when all the workshops were in the middle area." Ler said, as his main duty was this materials storage from the start. Now, he had to deliver things upstairs all the time.
"Yeah." Kane agreed as he did help him more often than not, even with his post actually being keeping books balanced, track expenses in food and energy, and update records for Royal Treasury on top level.
"Even kitchens moved to the top." Ler did not mind that, as for a while now they all lived upstairs as it was easier to keep in touch if they all just lived closer. "Now there is only Tzol's lab and rooms left occupied here."
"What are we doing tonight?" Kane asked to change the subject. They all knew why Tzol did not move upstairs, but it was not polite to discuss it. Everyone had things to deal with. Some did it like them, sharing time with others, while others tended to be more private.
"Playing cards." Ler had issues with keeping tabs in his spreadsheets open from time to time, but his social event calendar was always updated. "New tournament starts today, first match is against Notos and Veles."
They looked at each other and smiled knowingly "We are so winning this round." Notos was alright with losing to them, but Veles had short fuse and refused to accept defeat every time. Fun guaranteed.
Beside four of them, usual contestants were Soma and Rudra, as Team Metalhead, due both of them being soldiers. Hama and Wuo, as Team Greenthumb, would occasionally join in for some games, but not always.
Most fun part of their game tournaments was that the winner chose the next game to play. And every decade, someone would forget that they are unbeatable in cards and their time to shine would come.
Their Game Room was not official, it was gradually patched up by all of them together. Everything in it was either repurposed from storage, or invention that Soma created, or something Ler produced via his brain farts.
In a good mood they reached Soma's place and knocked. They waited a bit, but Soma was not there, so they parked their trolley at his doors. Job done.
"Felling kinda hungry" Ler said "do you think it's too early for lunch?"
"Should not be, let's see." They spent quite some time at the warehouse, food could be ready by now.
Not only was the food ready, there were already people at canteen, eating it. They really lost track of time while digging through containers.
Geb and Hama prepared the food, so of course they were here. Soma was also here, sitting with Notos and Veles.
"Well how glad I am to see you two." Geb greeted them as soon as they entered, and by default both of dedicated storage managers had a bad premonition.
"We just climbed up from downstairs, let us eat first before sending us back." Ler said pleadingly "Your food smells heavenly." He flattered for brownie points.
Geb just waved it off "Nah, Jone went to expedition, need help delivering food to our majesty the General Director and his bedridden priest."
Kane filled his bowl with today's stew and sat down next to Geb and Hama. "What, Jone's duties fell on us now?"
"We got roped into working with Dagda, storing food and placing gardens in hibernation mode for the move." Hama explained "So there is really no choice."
"What about younglings from maintenance crew?" Ler asked while also sitting down next to them.
"They are helping Tzol move. Pwyll was just here to pick up their food and deliver it downstairs." Geb shrugged, everyone got extra duties now when eight of them went outside and station is preparing to move. That's like third of their crew gone.
Kane almost dropped his spoon, while Ler choked on potato from his stew. Geb understood their feelings, Tzol moving is indeed an end of an era.
"How? Why?" Ler choked out while Hama patted his back.
"Convenience. Sealing all areas except top levels. Even here, all the spaces that are not in active use will have to be rechecked." Geb grined at them "Guess who got in charge of that."
Ler and Kane looked at each other, then continued eating in silence.
Absolutely fabulous.