Chapter: 1 Adjustment and Planning

(1st person pov)

Kento household 

My name is Taiyo Kento and my goal for the future is to become a hero. Ever since my childhood whether in this life or the previous one I have always admired the heroes in comics and TV even the heroes in real life like firefighters I admired them their life meant so much their presence brought hope to people while I was just average my life amounted to nothing if I was gone the world won't even notice I was replaceable but my last act of heroism saved not just a family but millions of people worldwide. While it may not be known that I sacrificed myself to save them that is okay because in the end, my life meant something i brought some change to the world whether directly or indirectly

I woke up at 6 am in the morning and went to the washroom to freshen up and get ready for the morning jog I went on with my father dr.Kento Nanami, and mother dr.Kento Umi at 6:30. it has been a month since I awakened my memories of the past life and I have to say it is a little difficult to adjust here. As an Indian and an enjoyer of spicey food, it is a little difficult to eat the food here as even the spicey food of Japan is just properly seasoned food of India. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of food that is good here no doubt but I miss food like aluparantha, pav bhaji etc. but enough about food other than that I have a small very little problem the body is extremely weak. I just wanted to get up from my bed and look my parents in the eye cover half my face with my hand and say some shit like "From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me" but I did not do some cringe shit like that. and before you say that you are 10 courses it weak, no just no as it is some condition like imagine me like Deku but the difference is that when he exercised he was able to get better but here I am every day training and nothing but empty air if that was not enough I am also very easy to get sick. but it will be solved once I make the super soldier serum with extra benefits long live [Knowledge] and I don't need to be that worried about combat because of [The Batman]. 

so for now I just need to worry about getting my stonks up. and my [super intelligence] will come in handy for it as I have already started my plan by not only submitting a few patents for some tech like the holographic display that Allmight use in the acceptance letter. turns out it was not invented yet and not patented either so I decided why not it is not a problem if it is not out yet.

now you may be wondering how the hell did my parents not question it the answer is simply elementary or more like they have seen me do things like mess with tech since the young age of 4 but that was because my sealed memories were effecting me in that regard and my perks did help and since I was never a normal child it was not a problem for me to act a little mature and for the point of my quirkless status well here is the thing while it is true I am quirkless people don't or won't believe it I mean come on what child at the age of 6 dismantles the fridge to study it or pick up books of level that they won't even be able to understand for another decade.

so everybody just believed I had a super intelligence quirk. because my mother has a quirk that accelerates some bodily functions like thinking prosses and regeneration while my father has a minor intelligence booster quirk, so, I won't be clearing up this misunderstanding as it saves me a lot of trouble, for example, I am able to sell the right to portable holographic disk and not being bullied in school for being quirkless is also a plus. and yes I have to go to school. why? well as they put it "Just because you already know everything about a book dosent mean you know about friendship, manners, and social life" I mean come on I know about all that but it's just I cant tell them that.

anyway, I digress on the topic of school I just yesterday got an invitation to the I-island school with a scholarship and this is something I was waiting for. some may think were you not complaining about going to school just now? and to that I reply fuckoff I know what I said this is different as this school is for advancement in since so other than teaching some compulsory subjects like language because you know everybody needs to know how to talk other than that all science and maths lectures are only far and few in between as they are more hand on experience type of people that would give the assignment to make something and want you to come to them and ask for what you should know about the project and solve any problems with the practical rather than sit for 10 hours a day explain shit that some are interested in and others are not.

so that is a plus today I will discuss about it with my parents, as there i will be able to build things that I won't be able to do here and set up for my hero work. well, more like Vigilant now you might be wondering if you have it all planned why are you going to be a Vigilante here's the thing recently I searched through different school records and hospital records for Deku and Bakugo and it turns out they are only 5 years younger than me so if I decided to go pro by going to UA than I will have 2 years at most to get enough experience for the start of the cannon and some might say why to bother with the cannon and the answer to that question is that if I don't Japan will go to shit I mean it will go to shit regardless of how much I try as the cannon will try to keep its self on the grand scheme of thing the same.

so other than that I will also make sure that Deku is not a pussy this time around. I will make contact with him when he is 13 until then he is on his own.

well all in all every everything is going smoothly till now but let's see what is in store for us.

"Taiyo are you ready yet we will leave you here if you are late" looks like my mother is calling me down for the jog I should get going.

I close my room door and head out for a jog with my parents and will talk with them about the I-island school when we have breakfast.


That is it for the chapter guys i know it's a little info dump kind of chapter i hope you all still continue to read the story despite some things being boring.