Not Forgiving

"I don't care, Hallie! You had no right to go behind my back and talk to Mom about this! Now look at what you've done!"

Spencer shot his best friend a glare before letting out a sharp sigh, his frustration evident in the way he paced near the door. "Melanie and I… We've finally found our way back to each other after waiting for three years. Do you have any idea how hard that is? There's already so much distance between us because of the time we spent apart. And then you go and make things even worse by running to Mom with your complaints? This was something between Mel and me, Hallie. You should have stayed out of it."

Hallie, unfazed by his anger, folded her arms tightly across her chest, her expression hardening. "You're acting like I did this for my own benefit. Spencer, I did what I did for you! Did you even hear the way she was talking to you? Did you like it? Because I sure as hell didn't. I just wanted your mom to step in, to have a conversation with her, maybe knock some sense into her. How was I supposed to know she would go as far as slapping her?"

Spencer dragged a hand through his hair, exhaling heavily as he tried to keep his temper in check. "Hallie… The way Melanie and I talk to each other, the way we figure things out—that's between me and her. No one else. Not you, not Mom, and definitely not anyone who thinks they have the right to interfere. I told you when I invited you here that I didn't want any trouble. And yet, here we are."

"So, what? I'm just supposed to turn a blind eye to everything? Pretend I don't see what's happening?" Hallie snapped, her voice rising with defiance. "I don't agree with that, Spencer. And honestly? Your mom is right. That woman isn't worthy of you."

Spencer stilled at her words, his expression darkening as he exhaled slowly. Then, in a quiet, almost resigned tone, he muttered, "That's where you're wrong, Hallie. You think Melanie isn't worthy of me? But the truth is… I'm the one who isn't worthy of her. I'm the one who failed—as a husband, as a partner."

With a sigh, she finally moved toward him, slipping her hand around his arm and hugging it lightly. "Fine," she murmured. "I might not agree with you, but I'm not going to argue with you anymore." She hesitated before adding, "I'll apologize to Melanie."

Then, without another word, Hallie released his arm and turned away, walking toward the door, only to spot Melanie at the top of the stairs.

Hallie stopped in her tracks, lifting her chin as she met Melanie's gaze. "I'm sorry that you were slapped by your mother in law. But there was no need for you to be petty and send Spencer here to argue with me."

With that, she turned back toward Spencer, who had yet to move, his expression frozen in shock as he saw that Melanie was here. Clearly, he hadn't realized Melanie had been right behind them. How long had she been standing there?

Melanie took in his expression and a cynical smile graced her face. What a farce. Of course Spencer knew she would be coming up now. After all, this was the only wat to get to their room. Should she have teleported there instead?

Hallie arched a brow at him as she walked to him, taking his hand in her. "There, Spencer. I apologized to your wife, and she forgave me. So, do you have anything else to say?"

Melanie smiled then—slowly, knowingly. It was quite a performance. Her gaze shifted from Hallie back to Spencer, who still seemed to be processing what was happening. He deserved an oscar. He'd come here, to pretend and fight for her with Hallie. If she didn't know the truth, she would have been touched.

Well, let him hone his acting skills then. She walked into the guest bedroom then and spoke in a deceptively light voice," Miss Hallie you made a mistake."

Hallie stiffened and turned sharply to face her. "Mistake?" she echoed, folding her arms across her chest. "I already apologized for my mistake, didn't I? So why are you bringing it up again?"

Melanie let out a soft, amused laugh then. "Hmm. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the fact that you claimed to have apologized… and that I forgave you." She let the words linger for a moment before finishing with a quiet, almost dangerous edge, "Both your statements are incorrect. Those words you threw at me were not 'apology', and I definitely didn't forget you."

The room seemed to hold its breath and her eyes met Spencer's," Spencer. I am going back to my room. Are you going to come or would you like to spend the night here, with your best friend?"

Spencer seemed to be shaken out of his stupor then. "Of course, I am coming with you."

As Spencer hurried out of the room, Melanie turned to Hallie and smiled," Miss Hallie, we met just this morning. You are a guest in my home. But from the moment you arrived, you've been intent on humiliating me. And I should warn you—I am not some forgiving saint. Consider this a warning to yourself."