Run Away

"Miss Hallie, do you see any other assistants sitting here with us?" Melanie asked as she noticed Hallie taking her seat on Spencer's other side. She stiffened and looked around. True. Mr Grif's and Melanie's own assistant had taken a seat in the corner of the room instead of the main table. 

Hallie hesitated and shot a glance at Spencer who seemed unaware of hwat was going on and then stiffly walked away.

"Melanie. I know you're upset with everything but do you really need to take it out on Hallie?" Spencer whispered in her ear.

Melanie turned to look at him then, to see his gaze fixed on Hallie who was now taking a seat on the other end of the room and said," If you're so concerned, why don't I go and sit there and she can join you here." 

Spencer whipped his head around to glare at Melanie but before he could say anyhing more, the door opened.

As soon as Mr Grif walked in, Melanie felt herself stiffen even more. Somehow, she had forgotten just how repulsive the man was. He greeted Spencer as if they were old friends, disregarding Melanie who sat there quietly. Well, she was happy about that. Even the man's gaze made her feel dirty.

"Spencer," Mr. Grif greeted smoothly, "Apologies for my late arrival. Some things simply demand attention. You're looking well. And welcome back. It will be good to have the main man at the helm again. I'm sure the board members are also all relieved."

Melanie smiled at that. Mr Grif really did well to point out a man's painful spot. It was impossible for Grif to not know that Spencer's appointment had been delayed by the board.

Spencer gave a tight, diplomatic smile, clearly choosing his words with care. "The board always has the company's best interests at heart," he said smoothly, though Melanie didn't miss the flicker of irritation in his eyes. "I'm just glad to be back and moving things forward."

Mr. Grif smirked knowingly but let it slide. "Of course, of course. But before we dive into all that, we should have a drink—as old friends." He raised a hand, signaling a waiter. "Bring drinks for our table—and for the assistants as well," he added with a pointed glance toward the corner where Hallie and the others sat.

Melanie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The old man always made a show of magnanimity, but she knew better. It was so that all the 'witnesses' to his depravity would be too muddled to remember anything too clearly the next day.

The drinks arrived swiftly and Spencer took his glass with a slight hesitation before tipping it back for a quick sip. Mr. Grif chuckled and lifted his own in a small toast before taking a slow sip, his eyes flicking over to Melanie for the first time since arriving.

The conversation finally drifted to business and projections, but Melanie simply shook her head. While Spencer was trying to sell things off, Grif was not willing to commit. And Spencer seemed to not understand that.

But Melanie was not concerned about this and barely followed much. She focused instead on the way Spencer's fingers tightened around his glass with each refill. And how he was already on his fifth glass while Grif had not even finished his first drink.

Finally, as the waiter refilled Spencer's glass once again, she placed a hand on his arm, "Spencer, that's enough."

His head turned toward her slowly, as if trying to understand what she was saying. Before he could speak though, Mr. Grif let out a mocking laugh.

"Ah, you should listen to your boss," he said, amusement curling in his voice. "She seems to think she knows what's best for you."

Spencer exhaled sharply, and whatever it was that he was thinking earlier was forgotten as he shrugged Melanie's hand off. "I can handle it."

Mr. Grif leaned back, swirling the liquid in his glass before turning his attention to Melanie. His smile was too smug, too knowing. "And you, Miss Collins? Perhaps you should have a drink as well. Loosen up a little. You're always so... stiff."

Melanie barely spared the offered glass a glance, her expression cool as she reached for her water instead. She took a slow sip before setting the glass down with careful precision.

"I prefer to keep my wits about me," she said evenly. "Especially in the presence of Jackals."

Mr. Grif's smile didn't falter, but something sharper flashed in his eyes. "Pity," he murmured. "I imagine you'd be much more agreeable with a little help."

"The thing is that I don't need to be agreeable, Mr Grif."

A beat of silence. Then a chuckle. As she said this, she sipped her water again, only to pause as she watched Grif's eyes stuck on her glass. 

She turned her head to look at Spencer and the others. They were all totally wasted. Without waiting for a moment, she stood up," Spencer, let's go."

But Spencer could barely move and simply shrugged off her hand before pushing her away. "I don't want to go. I'll stay."

Melanie stared then and turned around," Fine. I can leave by myself."

With that, Melanie turned around to walk out of the room, but it was blocked by the two waiters. She stiffened and turned back to glare at the man.