"What marriage?" he thundered. "This certificate is not stamped! Which means—" he slammed a hand onto the table for emphasis, "—there is NO MARRIAGE!"
The room erupted into chaos. Sir Collins banged his cane against the ground, Madam Collins gasped as her face drained of color. The only people who were calm were Adam and Melanie. Spencer, momentarily stunned, snatched the certificate off the table, scanning it with frantic eyes.
His blood ran cold. The seal— The official stamp— everything was missing.
His chest rose and fell with ragged breaths as his eyes darted between the booklet in his trembling hands and the woman sitting calmly before him. Even though she seemed to be sitting there with a calm expression he could see the mocking in her eyes. His face twisted with rage, his pride wounded beyond measure. He threw aside the booklet and stood up, attacking her directly.