A Throwdown

Sir Collins tightened his grip on his cane as he met Adam's shrewd gaze. He should have known things wouldn't be so easy and go his way! The last few years had seemed quite easy going with everything turning out the way he wanted.

After Adam was thrown out of the Collins' house, Sir Collins had made sure the boy would never be able to come back. But his wife had insisted on keeping the connection, refusing to officially and legally disown Adam.

Once he was out, Sir Collins expected Adam's life to fall apart. He had worked hard to make sure of it—introducing him to wild parties, bad influences, and the wrong kind of people. He was certain Adam would spiral into drugs and alcohol, just like so many other boys with more money than sense. He'd even made sure that Adam was surrounded by people who would pull him deeper into trouble. And for a while, it had seemed to work...