It was human instinct to want to laugh when someone took a fall like that—at least, that was how Melanie tried to justify the sudden urge to laugh bubbling within her. But the poor girl had landed hard, right on her backside, and it wouldn't be right to laugh at her expense. She must already be feeling humiliated to have been treated like that in public.
Swallowing the chuckle that threatened to escape, Melanie forced a look of concern onto her face and quickly stepped forward, extending a hand,"Here, let me help you."
The woman, once upright, instead of acknowledging Melanie's concern, completely ignored her.
Instead she spun around to glatre at Adam who stood there with a frozen expression on his face. And yet, Melanie noticed that he had just now wiped his lips...
"Adam! How could you do this? I am your fiance."