
Knock. Knock. Knock.

Adam Collins groaned and opened his eyes a sliver, as the knocking pulled him from the edge of sleep. Dam* it! A few more minutes and he'd have been dead to the world!

He frowned at the door, debating whether to ignore it. He had just laid down, and if he got up now, there was no chance of falling back asleep. But if the knocking continued, it would be just as bad. And the result would be the same- no sleep. Better to take the risk and see what she wants.

Grimacing, he forced himself to sit up and dragged his feet to the door. With a scowl rivalling the devil himself, he yanked it open.

"What?" he muttered, voice laced with irritation.

Melanie stood there, arms crossed, looking unimpressed. Normally, he might have thought she looked cute, but right now, all he cared about was getting back to sleep.

"I can't sleep," she said.