Awaken The Master of Calamity part 1

Despite the sound of it, the demon realm was not impossibly far away. It took up the southern regions in the nation. So perhaps 'realm' was an incorrect choice of wording, as it made it sound like a different plane. The shift however, was too unfathomable.

The solid tile under Fu Ran's feet vanished, and for a split moment, he believed he weighed no more than a swallow. When he blinked, the white walls of An Xian Yun Peak were encompassed in white and then gone.

Previously solid footing was unstable, and now rocks and dirt were scattered around the view. Some of the disciples that were already bonded, grabbed onto each other in a panic. 

The mountains loomed like broken fangs against a dim, lifeless sky, and the soil beneath their feet was a dull mahogany color, blending into the somber atmosphere. The world around was hazy and somewhat desaturated, save for the occasional splash of red provided by the scarce bushes dotting the landscape. Gone were the vibrant pinks, purples, and blues of the mountaintop.

"So, this is the demon rea—" Fu Ran muttered, but no sooner than the words had escaped his lips, he coughed. The air was so paper thin. "What the hell—" he could barely breathe.

Zhi Lao seemed to house more stability from his experiences, and he pressed a reassuring hand to Fu Ran's shoulder. "Try to relax." 

"Zhi Shixiong, that is much easier said than done!" he rasped.

"Master He and myself already pre-scoured this area last month." Reassurance really was Zhi Lao's biggest skill, but even his brows could furrow in worry. "Of course that isn't foolproof, but this area of the demon realm should be quite empty."

Fu Ran's eyes crept downward to the tiny fist around his own hand. The corners of his lips twitched before he forced a smile. He shamefully released the little boy's hand.

"I am sorry for the fright, A-Wan. Go on, and join the others." Fu Ran lowered to his height and balled his fists into little balls. "You wanna pass right?"

Wan Yu nodded. 

"Good, good! Now go do your absolute best!" Fu Ran almost wanted to laugh at how serious his own words sounded, barely considered encouragement at all.

And yet the boy gave a resounding, "Yes, Shizun," rehearsed like a proud disciple. It was unexpected enough that not only was Fu Ran shocked, but Zhi Lao as well.


And Wan Yu had run off before he could even gather his bearings. Fu Ran let his face fall into his lap. "What am I even doing…?" he whimpered, his voice all but muffled. I'm not a Shizun in the slightest…

The Peak Masters scattered around him, and Shesui Lang led a thorough briefing of the mission. The usual stuff: behave, aid one another, fight with all of your might. He didn't even miss a beat when explaining the rules:

The entrance exam would entail surviving a three day long period in the chosen location, all the while battling and defeating smaller demonic enemies. At any given time, there was an option to return to base and 'give up' but this removed any chances of passing this year.

It was clear that the event functioned like every other hunt. Even down to providing a fail safe should the kids get injured or scared. Very few of the masters showed opposition to the rules, and deemed it 'acceptable.'

So, then why could Fu Ran not rid himself of this worry?

His gaze dropped to his hip. His shimmering white blade—Shi Wei Ji was his usual answer to these things. The other masters led the group further down the unsteady incline, while Fu Ran stayed behind.

He lazily plopped himself down in front of a ruined and dead looking tree.

Zhi Lao asked, "Are you using Shi Wei Ji?"

"I am." Fu Ran said, curtly. 

"Are you well enough?"

"Zhi Lao, I am not the delicate "princess" that some of you think I am." The two of them fell into silence. 

Fu Ran closed his eyes, his long eyelashes fluttering over his cheeks. He felt his way through the habitual motions and pulled his blade from its sheath. With a delicate ritualistic ease, he ran a finger along the side of his blade and mentally communicated: Shi Wei Ji. Forgive me for my previous negative thoughts today. I welcome your power as always. Show me the world through your eyes.

The fleeting feeling of sleep, and then the heavy weight of nausea. Despite his body not being sleepy at all, the pull of drowsiness was beginning to become too hard to fight. A few blinks, each one more shallow than the last, and his body felt light.

Fu Ran slipped forward, nearly falling to the ground, but his cheek was caught by the hip of his nearby Shixiong who just so happened to step a little closer.


The next time he opened his eyes, the scenery was a mirror to his previous location. Demonic wastelands of corrupted nature stretched as far as the eye could see. Dead trees held onto every last grip of survival, and the grasses were as lifeless as scorched wheat.

"Nnn…" Fu Ran groaned. His world shuttered, and the urge to retch was rising in his gut. Shi Wei Ji's foresight ability was often accompanied by a sickening aftereffect, but not to this extent. A few more blinks and his vision still hadn't cleared up.

Suddenly, a stinging pain surged in his gut, and his arms twitched in shock. A wet, guttural choke tore from his throat, and he gasped, only for thick, foul metallic warmth to flood his mouth.

Blood? Frenzied breaths puffed from his nostrils and his flingers clamped over his lips to block the spillage. His heartbeat was thunderous in his ears.

"Shi Wei Ji." A growl slipped through the pooling blood. It was barely discernible as an actual name. Do you enjoy my suffering? 

From the very moment Fu Ran opened his eyes, this vision was missing vital information. As helpful as this was, knowing that he could end up seconds away from death, without the proper lead up it was essentially useless.

He was certainly beginning to feel like the Master of Calamity now.

The quaking of his arms and legs made it difficult to stand, and his vision was blackening with every blink. "Infor… ma… tion," he croaked. His breath was so unsteady one word took several seconds to force out.

Anything would do. Another Peak Master, a monster, a threat, anything.


Fu Ran blinked again, a blurry figure was approaching fast.

Wan Yu broke through a veil of debris and smoke. "Shizun, this way! I can get you to safety." The boy was by his side in an instant and plucked up the corner of his sleeve. "Gege will be—"

" Yu," Fu Ran gagged. The more he tried to talk the more his body rejected the taste. In a sudden lapse of his solid focus, his legs weakened. He collapsed at the hip, and dropped to his knees, kicking up dust to agitate his lungs. "Fuck", he cursed. His grip on Wan Yu was the only thing grounding him to this reality at the present. 

"Please," Wan Yu startled, "Dont—Please don't talk."

"'ell me," he rasped. His fingers curled into Wan Yu's robes, his grip tight despite his failing strength. "…at hap—" Through clenched teeth, he struggled. "—pened?"

How did this happen so fast? Wan Yu was covered in bruising, all black and blue over his visible limbs. A noticeable handprint equipped with claws left its mark on the young boy's left wrist.

"This disciple is… sorry for his behavior." Wan Yu spoke quietly, somehow firm despite the situation, and his words trailed off into a whisper. An expression of guilt weighed his face downward, and he was unable to maintain eye contact.

Speak clearly child! This Shizun can't understand if you don't finish your words! I. Need. To. Know. What. Happened. Fu Ran wanted badly to tear out strings of his own hair, if that would convince Wan Yu to read his mind and speak the words he sought. 

"Demons. Gege said they would ruin everything. Does Shizun not remember?"

Fu Ran tightened his expression and darkened his tone. A short and curt demand between gasps: "Explain."

Wan Yu swallowed back his worries, and continued, "The base is ruined, and a lot of people are hurt. Shizun, you can't go back." His shoulders drooped in defeat and he balled up his fists at his side. 

Fu Ran stiffened.

"The Fall Corpses are attacking indiscriminately." The boy's expression was distant.

 Fall Corpses? A mere child, not even ten, shouldn't know what that is. Why does he know that name?

Even peak disciples were only taught the specific classifications of demonic entities once they join the sect, that is, unless they come from an extensive family history. There was a long pause while he looked over the boy's facial features, but instead he shook his head. 

Wan Yu's family line could be investigated at a later date, for now the problem was clear—With his hands firmly pressed to the ground he battled to get to his feet.

Wan Yu's whines of dismay, coupled with his own injuries, served as great resistance. "Shizun! You can't!" Wan Yu desperately tried pulling him back to his knees, "You have to listen—!" In the distance there was a loud destructive noise, and it halted all conversation.

Wan Yu flinched, his grip faltering at a sound of shattering stone.