Ghost Town: Bei Zangli part 2

Bei Zangli had always been quiet, but this was different.

The streets lay empty, shutters sealed tight, not a single curious gaze slipping through the cracks. A breeze stirred the wind chimes outside a shop, the delicate sound was swallowed by the unnatural stillness. The scent of maple leaves hung thick in the air.

Fu Ran slowed his steps, the sound swallowed by the stones beneath him. He remembered this place from his last visit, though 'visit' felt too generous a word. Back then, he'd trailed behind Yi Yang, silent, small, like a shadow with no voice. But even back then, Bei Zangli had never felt like this.

It wasn't just quiet. It felt abandoned.

Officially, the city had no more than thirty residents at its peak, with half of them gone to Jinan at any given time. The ones who stayed behind were mostly elderly living simple lives. It was the kind of place where people lived, grew old, and quietly passed on.

The maple trees framed the haunting city, their crimson leaves a sharp contrast to the quiet.

A restrained worry began to settle in Fu Ran's chest. Cultivators were an uncommon sight here—especially ones from An Xian Yun Peak. Those who did pass through were usually bound for the Faceless City, and none of them had reputations worth speaking highly of. The people of Bei Zangli had likely hidden themselves away out of habit.

He hastily guided his companions to a little building near the edge of town.


"Now find a seat and behave."

Fu Ran's voice broke the quiet as he led them into a small cafe. The space barely stirred as they entered, a faint creak from the wooden floor, the shift of an old man behind the counter. The place smelled of steeped tea and aged wood, a stark contrast to the syrupy scent lingering outside.

Tian Han and the children took their seats in a lone corner, and curious gazes darted left and right. Aside from his group, there were only two other people here. An aged man with graying hair and wrinkled features stood behind the counter. He took notice of their arrival but made no speedy effort to greet them.

The only other person sat alone on the far side of the cafe. Beside him, lazily propped against the wall, was a rod that held an intricately designed lantern. It was unlit, yet the faint carvings on the side were all but legible.

The first man they'd seen, and he fit Bei Zangli's eerie stillness too well.

What kind of man walks around barefoot? None of his features could be made out from beneath a dark hood, except for dirty feet. Because he seemed more drawn into his tea and not interested in the invading children's conversation, Fu Ran turned away.

"Can we get some sweets?" Lin An looked over at Wan Yu and Meng Xiao. She rocked back and forth in a cute chair carved with flower details.

Meng Xiao nagged her immediately. "And do you have money?" Despite the tone, even he seemed a bit dissatisfied with his own answer.

The cafe owner finally came by with a few menus in hand and a weary smile on his aged face. When they first arrived, the owner seemed shocked, but now he'd managed to calm his outward emotions. 

"Now, what brings cultivators from a big sect to Bei Zangli?"

The man scratched at the rough patches of beard beneath his chin and cocked his head with a sly grin. "We don't see your types too often," he added. His eyes trailed over their marked outfits. Even the children bore sigils of a silver tree, and their waistbands depicted painted pictures of a moon peeking behind the clouds.

In particular, his eyes lingered on Fu Ran for more than a subtle moment. The hairpin stuck through his bun was also a silver-decorated piece of jewelry marked by An Xian Yun Peak.

Fu Ran thought it best to play it safe, so he spoke simply and friendly. "It's impressive that you can tell with a single glance," he forced a smile, and joked. It was quite obvious who they were, and they didn't hide it in the slightest.

Perhaps this wasn't the best decision, when visiting a place like Bei Zangli. 

The man chortled and rested his palm on his gut. "Yes, yes, it is a skill!" He was amused, like he hadn't been able to speak lightly with visitors in a long time.

Fu Ran's face dropped to a more neutral tone, and he cocked his head. "So, how is the city?" Even simple probing for answers resulted in a pause. 

"The city is… doing fine as usual." The conversation seemed like it was going to end there, but he continued, "Though, there have been a few more faces around recently. Luckily, they haven't been causing problems." 

"Do they usually?"

"It's better if they go straight through and up the mountain as soon as possible."

The conversation naturally died out, and Fu Ran lowered his gaze to the paper menu he'd been given. The corners of his lips shifted into a frown. I'm really not good at small talk, he thought. This is where Shesui Lang would come in handy.

"How are the festivities?" Tian Han asked.

"What?" The owner twitched, his eyes snapped toward Tian Han in shock, a sudden shift on his features. His face scrunched up, brows furrowing together. "Festivities?" He seemed bothered by a simple question.

Tian Han interrupted, "It's almost summer, isn't it?"

The owner's lips parted, just slightly. "Ah, so that's what you meant."

A hearty sigh filled the room as he collected himself. "...Hah hah, if you're planning on staying for those, you'll be waiting a few months." His laughter came quick, too quick, eyes crinkling in a way that didn't quite reach his voice

Fu Ran raised a sleeve to his lips to cover his perplexity.

Just as he had begun, the owner handed out menus to the table. "Let me know if you want anything to drink." And with that, he fled behind the counter and out of view.

Fu Ran stared at the Tyrant Emperor like he had whispered forbidden secrets. "What did you do?" He plucked up the menu and used it as a barrier so that only their table could hear his whispers.

"It's strange, isn't it?" Tian Han said blankly. "I read over that letter… Hundreds of people in Bei Zangli? It's unlikely outside of one particular event."

"Some big summer fair?" Meng Xiao asked.

Tian Han opened his mouth to respond, but it was Wan Yu who answered for him.

"The Passing Rite Festival."