Name: Ayla Freedom
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Class: The Undying Light. Daughter of the current most powerful light attribute user and best friend of Dez and Raine.
Cheerful, happy, compassionate
Power System Stats:
Light>Sight>Level 4
Ayla was assigned to keep watch over Raine when he came to The Tower. After the war with INK she decided to help Raine manage The Tower's first peace plan.
Ayla has radiant yellow eyes and long curly golden hair. Often wears white clothes and prefers leggings over jeans.
Purpose & Wishes:
Ayla wishes for true peace to be achieved in The Tower.
Conflicts & Relationships:
Raine and Dez are Ayla's best friends and she cares for them deeply.
Has a strong hate for octopi