Easy Profit

Sitting in a chair, Sylun groaned as she kept her muscled legs spread apart so that I could kneel between them, the Orc getting what she wanted and then some as I suckled on her tip for any morsel of sperm I could get while also pumping away at her thick cock with both of my hands.

Her groans were candy to my ears as I lathered her tip with my saliva, and the longer we were in this position the more the Orc seemed pleased despite not getting a quick release; the overwhelming smell of a well worked warrior muddled my mind and made my cock just as hard as hers, though there relief only to be found in sucking her off and nothing else.

With a hand wrapped around the back of my head Sylun held me in place to ensure she was getting what she was paying for, the powerful Orc staring down at me with a heated gaze as the relief she needed after a long day of work was provided to her, finally.

The smell was enough to get me high off of lust, and her taste - that mixture of the saltiness of sweat with her own natural flavors - had me relishing every single second that I was latched onto her penis, until eventually she just had to release her pleasure all at once.

Sperm gushed out of her cock in some of the thickest ropes I had ever partaken in, and each time another spurted free from her penis to land on my tongue or flow straight down my throat I was forced to swallow lest I choke, something that she had no control over as she just kept cumming.

The Orc was groaning happily now as her cum was drained from her heavy balls, and knowing that it was finding a place within my belly made her all the happier as she pulled me a little closer, stuffing more of her dick into my mouth and filling it with her seed.

By the time she was finished with that first load she looked like she was both ready to fuck a baby into me while also being quite content with just that, the relaxed smile and posture telling me most of what I needed to know, though I still waited to hear of any potential offers she might have for some more...

Sadly though - besides just letting me nuzzle against her plump balls and inhale more of her musk - Sylun was content with just the single ejaculation via my mouth, and after a few seconds of basking in her pleasure while also groaning as I slurped up the remaining cum off of her cock, she used one powerful leg to push me back, lest she decide she needed more.

"That was excellent, little bunny. Worth the trade. Sadly I can't fuck you till my balls are empty since that'd make the expedition tomorrow all the harder. Losing some strength to gain some pleasure thanks to a tight Bunnykin pussy isn't something I'd do."

Giving me a smile she helped me to my feet before palming my ass as she added "But if you stick around the mines for a few more days I might just come find you to do just that...", winking at me before leaving me at the table with my profits as she got herself cleaned up.

With her load sloshing around inside my belly, I followed her movements with my eyes and realized just how much I had enjoyed that, my panties completely soaked with both my precum and juices thanks to this one blowjob I had given.

"If you want to go around and test your luck with the rest of my party, go ahead. Just don't be too surprised if some of them get a little... rowdy and refuse to take no for an answer. Some of them are absolute idiots, so if anything bad happens and no one comes to save you right away..."

She left it at that, and I had to stare at her in slight shock as she openly admitted that I might get raped in this camp, though she placated me somewhat by adding "I don't condone it, and they'll get beat and sent back to the city with many, many marks on their Guild files - maybe even some time in a cell - but that doesn't mean it can't happen."

Sylun gestured at the various bags and said "Besides, I think some of them might be hoping to get to you for this alone. It's 'free' money to them... So get back to your group, stash this away, and then maybe come back. Otherwise... it was nice, little bunny. Thanks for the head~!"

I was sent on my way a little bit richer and quite content with my bellyful of semen, after Sylun had gotten another handful of my body as she felt me up for the next potential meeting, of course; with her warning I made my way out of the camp carefully before returning to the spot that Izzy had told me to go to when I was done.

A little nice copse of trees that was just out of the way, and inside I found Izzy already waiting, the Reptilekin counting out her own profits before grinning at me as I sat across from her, showing off my own gains from today.

Swapping stories about the people we had blown to get these profits was certainly interesting, and according to her rough estimation we had gained another few silvers of profits with this alone, though we were still waiting to see how much more Ulya would bring us.

It didn't take too much longer for her to return, but when she did she gave us a wry smile and dropped down far more than we had managed to acquire, though when she began to rub her hips we knew why; that didn't stop Izzy or I from going over to the beautiful milf and stripping her down as we started to vent our 'frustrations' inside of her.

That was why we got to see that it was her pussy that was ravaged and not her ass, but when she promised she had been given some medicines we relaxed a little more, though it didn't stop Izzy from pounding away at her ass like it owed her money.