Another day has passed, now classes will start normally.
As I mentioned before, I chose advanced healing magic classes and magic circle classes.
Honestly, these are things I've never heard of before and I want to seriously investigate.
After saying goodbye to my parents and spending two hours in a carriage, I returned to the academy.
There were now many more people than there were yesterday, of all ages, even some adults.
"Alright everyone! New young masters please follow me!!!" A middle-aged man shouted from a part of the courtyard.
So I did what he asked and approached him. I could also see several children my age approaching him and even some ten or twenty year old boys...
In total we were 74 people if I counted correctly.
The man escorted us to a room where there were many more people, the place was completely full of children and young people and everyone was looking at someone on a podium.
Apparently that was the director of the institution, if I remember correctly his name was Jason WhiteHouse, a high-ranking noble.
All the kids were talking to each other, moving around and shuffling around the room, it was kind of overwhelming in a way...
"Alright!,Could everyone please give me your attention!?" Jason's voice echoed throughout the room, very loudly, perhaps some kind of magical implement?...
Everyone stopped talking immediately and the director smiled with satisfaction.
"Very well, I would like to welcome all the young people who come to study at this noble institution, we thank their parents for the kind donations and we are firmly committed to guide you on the path of life and help you get the best out of yourself throughout the time you are studying with us, My name is Jason Whitehouse I am the director of this institution, and next to me is the Deputy Director and also a teacher Minerva CrowFeather, and behind us are the teachers who will help you during these seven years in your academic development to guide our Kingdom to a better future!!" He said in a solemn tone, it was a speech obviously memorized and it was not the first time he said it, I bet he says it at every ceremony to the first-timers.
The event continued with the other teachers but I did not take the time to memorize their names, I only recorded the name of a woman named Clarise Blackberry who is the master of magic circles.
Honestly, I didn't give much thought to all this, the other teachers gave their own motivational speeches and all that shit and in the end each teacher made us get into groups and we started following the teachers assigned to us.
I obviously would go with teacher Minerva to her classes so I followed the group where she was, it was no surprise that besides me only four other children went to her class.
And the majority goes to reading and writing classes because it would be the first time they have studied in their life...
But what was surprising was that all those children seemed to be my age and were strangers to me except for...
"Paul!! It's me Philip, are we going to go in the same class?!!" An eight year old boy with brown hair quickly approached me.
Philip Boreas Greyrat, I hadn't seen him since my fifth birthday, what a surprise that he still remembers me...
"Oh? It's you Philip? What a big surprise!!" I said while patting him on the back.
"Yes, I'm already in my second year, but since I learned to read and write quickly I decided to take these classes, besides these, what else did you choose Paul?" The boy asked as we walked through the halls.
He moved and spoke just like you would expect from a child his age unfortunately...
"basic magic and magic circles" I said "and you?"
"Ah...I chose history and politics" he said shrugging his shoulders.
I could see Philip's gaze drop to the floor and he started walking a little slower...
" you want to sit next to me in class?" I asked.
The joy returned to the boy's face and he began to walk quickly again.
"Yes, I would like to, thank you very much Paul!" He said enthusiastically but I just shuddered at the childish hyperactivity.
After walking for about twenty minutes we arrived at a classroom, it was of average size considering the enormous rooms of the institution.
But it was normal, Minerva's class was not very popular, the vast majority after finishing reading and writing go to History and Politics, Therefore she did not receive many students, but this was a gain for me, it was better to study without the annoying noise of the children.
We sat in two rows in total, after all we were three boys and two girls and we were divided by gender apparently.
I sat on the second bench and Philip next to me, And so Minerva took a huge white blanket from her desk and tied it with threads like a blackboard. This activity took her about twenty minutes... I suppose there are no blackboards in this world huh?...
"Well, I guess everyone here knows how to read and write, right?" Minerva asked and stared at us, we all nodded.
"Very well, now all of you will tell me your names one by one so we can get to know each other, as it was said in the welcome ceremony my name is Minerva, what is yours?" She asked with a smile
The first to get up was a girl of about 10 years old and her name was Lana Purplehouse
Then the other girl got up and her name was Diana Gullfoot, Then the boy in front of us stood up, his name was Eduardo Sarandony.
Then Philip stood up and introduced himself and finally it was my turn and when I said my name the children were visibly surprised.
They had already been surprised by the mention of Philip's surname Boreas, but my surname Notos was more shocking.
"Paul Notos are the heir of the Notos house?!..." Lana asked and I nodded
The girl looked at me with incredible amazement and then a smile formed on her face.
"Very well, now that everyone has asked, tell me what you know about healing magic?" Minerva asked.
I was going to answer but Diana raised her hand first.
"Helps heal wounds?" She murmured.
"correct, healing magic is as its name says, healing and has been of enormous help in human history" Minerva explained.
The children were watching her attentively but I was impatient...where is the advanced rank healing magic?!!
"Okay kids, do any of you know how to use magic?" Minerva continued asking.
No one nodded except me and at this she looked at me in shock, apparently the usual answer is no...
"Well, you're in luck because with me you'll have your introduction to healing magic, but first we have to learn how it works" Minerva said And then he turned his back on us and wrote on the white canvas "The origin of healing magic"
I didn't sign up for this shit! Do I really have to do all this just to learn a spell?! Now I remember why I left school in my old world...
Two hours passed since then and after a boring history lesson on how elves made deals with spirits to control the elements and how healing magic was born as a derivative, the class ended...
In summary I didn't learn anything, but it's the first day, I'll give this place the benefit of the doubt.
It was already time for my next class, so Philip and I would part ways for today, The boy looked sad about it and I could only sigh and shrug my shoulders.
"Then I'll see you at lunch Paul..." He muttered with his book in his arms.
"Yeah, see you there best friend" I replied
This seemed to put Philip in a good mood because he immediately smiled and disappeared down the halls to his class.
(sigh) Children... it seems that Philip feels very alone and takes refuge in the only person he considers his friend, it is sincerely sad and even more so knowing who his father is...
Getting those thoughts out of my mind I started walking down the hall, according to Minerva, teacher Clarise's class is nearby, I just have to walk straight and turn left until I find another classroom, and so that's what I did.
It was about a five minute walk until I came across another door, they were the sliding type, so I knocked first and entered it.
Inside the classroom there were a total of Ten children...and teacher Clarise
It seems that these types of classes are not popular, huh?...
But among all the children there was a girl with red hair whom I recognized.
Hilda Zephirus Greyrat...
"Oh? You must be Paul Notos Greyrat, right? Take a seat. We're about to start classes." Clarise said while looking at a book.
The hall was even smaller than Minerva's and there were only three rows of benches.
Hilda raised her head from her desk and stared at me and then a smile that gave me chills appeared on her face...
In addition to that I noticed that of the ten children, seven were girls and three were boys, four counting me.
Naturally I sat next to the kids, but when I did...Hilda sat next to me and gave me a big smile as she did so.
"I certainly didn't expect to find you here Lord Paul, you remember me right?" She murmured with a smile and placed her hand on mine at the table where we were.
"eh...y-yes, I remember you Madam Hilda, good to see you again" I said
Oh shit...this kind of progress is not something a fucking kid should do!!!
Hilda smiled at this and sat closer to me to the point that our thighs were touching and she winked at me...
"Well, I guess we're all here now, for the new students I'd like to introduce myself, my name is...
Another two hours passed and it was still a waste of time.
Again Clarise began to give us a talk about the origin of magic, the elves and how the magic circles were a derivative of humans in replicating the control over the elements of the elves.
In the end, they were useless things that did not contribute anything to what I wanted to discover, but there was also Hilda's constant pestering in trying to seduce me in a classroom...
I honestly don't know if she does it to annoy me or because she liked it or why her parents force her...
Neither of these options were good, but I hope she just wants to make fun of me and nothing more.
After these first four hours of classes it was time for the break that lasted an hour. Yesterday, thanks to Minerva's tour, we were able to find out where the cafeteria was, so it wasn't a big problem.
The problem is that Hilda is following me!!, and very closely, damn it!!
I just tried to ignore her but she seemed unfazed by my slight rejections which bothered me even more.
Finally I arrived at the cafeteria where Philip was right at the entrance with a tray of food in his hands.
He looked at me and immediately smiled and approached me.
"Paul! How did your classss..." Philip stopped mid-sentence and looked behind me only to turn bright red.
"Philip?..." I muttered as I approached him.
"M-m-miss are you today?" Philip asked, blushing completely.
Hilda just crossed her arms and looked at him with a frown, as if he was the last person she wanted to see.
Well, tell me what you are doing here and what do you want with Lord Paul?" She asked with hostility.
"Pfff!, Paul is my best friend!, and I was waiting to take him somewhere special" he declared solemnly and handed me the tray of food.
"a special place?...where is it?" I asked him.
Philip came up to me and so did Hilda, the poor boy blushed again and then whispered:
"It's the North Tower! It's the highest place here! Don't worry, nobody checks that place, we have enough time to go and come back without being late" he explained.
"Hmm, the North Tower, huh? Okay, let's go quickly. If what you say is true, then it must be amazing," I said, and Philip gave me a big smile.
Hilda didn't say anything but I could see her grumbling as she followed us or well... she followed me.
We walked quickly through the corridors for ten minutes until we reached the place, it took us another ten minutes to go up and Hilda got tired halfway, but Philip and I didn't stop and we continued up.
We eventually reached the top of the tower and were on a balcony, I estimated the thing was about fifty meters high, I could see a large part of the city but not my mansion so it was a regular view of the urban landscape.
"Tell me Paul, what do you think?" He asked with a smile.
"'s very nice here, I can swear I see the roof of my house on the horizon..." I replied.
"Great! But that's not all! Look up there in the sky and tell me if you don't see anything strange!" He announced and pointed his finger to the sky.
I followed the path of his finger and...there it was.
If you didn't concentrate hard enough you wouldn't see it, it was quite small actually but it was there.
A small red orb and a kind of yellow rings.
A planet?, it looks too close, maybe about two hundred meters from the sky
"What is that?..." I asked.
"I don't know, it's been there for a long time, and it's become a habit for me to come and see it," Philip murmured with a smile.
"I seems like good luck" I murmured with a smile.
"I think so, but I've noticed that it's gotten a little bigger...nah maybe it's my imagination" Philip murmured
So we both stayed looking at the strange orb in the sky for a while until Hilda came to interrupt our peace, perhaps it was an agreement between the two of us without saying a word, But when Hilda came to the balcony, Philip and I immediately began down the stairs, I could only hear Hilda's distant scream of fury with a smile.