It's been six months since Rola's attack, and now I can finally say that the attacks have stopped.
But not only that, since today I turn ten, yeaaah!!, how exciting, huh?.
Haaaa... I've realized lately that life as a noble could be a little more repulsive than I thought, to start with we have Hilda who spent years trying to seduce me despite being just a little girl, then we continue with the kidnapping and murder attempts respectively.
A shitty life in a few words, to start with I'm already tired of trying to live up to my father's shitty expectations, yes, and in case you don't know, even with my attempts to reconcile, he simply won't admit his mistake and became more distant from me on purpose.
"Well then fuck you fucking dog!" I screamed in my mind while I rolled around in my sheets.
And did I tell you that I became an advanced in the Water God style? Yes, after seeing Rola's performance in that style, I was motivated to train harder in the three styles.
I am now a triple advanced to the surprise of all my teachers.
Just to give you an idea, an average person depending on their own talent, would take ten years of training to go from intermediate to advanced in any sword style and that's if you only focus on one.
And then there's me, who at only ten years old became advanced in the three styles!!.
I am definitely a prodigy hehehe...
Besides, my teacher Wii Taa commented that I am close to being a North Saint!!.
Damn, I only need to master Flow and learn the long sword of light to advance more!!.
But well, let's leave that aside and go with my birthday.
My mother woke me up early in the morning to prepare me for my "special" day.
I could only sigh at my mother's enthusiasm and Philemon's confused look at all this, hehehe, my little brother is everything you could be in a child his age, apart from training I also play with him you know?!...
"Young master Paul, they are already waiting for you in the meeting room" the voice of a maid took me out of my thoughts, I had been ready for a couple of hours and I had only been sitting in a corner of my bed while I was rambling.
"I'm coming!" I said and jumped up and ran to the door.
The maid sighed lightly when she saw me ready and so we began to walk through the halls of the mansion.
It was a short walk, about three minutes and then I took a detour to enter through the balcony to the living room.
...there were my parents waiting for me both in fine clothes, my mother had a big smile on her face while she held Philemon in her arms, my father on the other hand had a frown and a look that said: "you better not screw this up, the honor of the Notos depends on your performance", I could read that whole sentence on his face.
without exchanging a single word with my parents I stood in front of the balcony, all the other nobles and their families were looking up at the balcony.
"Thank you all very much for coming today, I'm sure it was very difficult to make time to come see me despite everyone's busy schedules, I hope your stay this evening is comfortable and thank you very much for accompanying me on this very special day" I declared solemnly, I had only remembered fragments of my speech five years ago hoping that no one would remember it and luckily for me it was so, since most of the nobles had faces of astonishment at seeing a child say such complex words.
Then applause began to be heard from one part of the room and then the entire room was filled with applause and cheers.
Shit, this seems like deja vu or a situation carefully planned by all the nobles to keep up appearances.
When the applause stopped I went down from the balcony and joined the banquet that was about to begin. Dinner went off without a hitch, my father at the head between two tables while praising me at the top of his lungs, but now he felt superficial, he only did it to keep up appearances, which only caused me to shrivel in my seat while looking expectantly at the other tables.
My target? Philip and Hilda, are as far as I can tell, the only friends I've had in these ten years and don't blame me!!.
I've tried to make friends at the academy as well, but everyone runs scared when they find out I'm a Notos, apparently despite all this time I can't figure out the weight of my own surname in politics.
After eating I took several noble girls out to dance simply to try to make friends or something, but the girls just interpreted it as me wanting to sleep with them.
"What is it that even the boys are screwed in the nobility?..." I muttered under my breath.
"Eeeeh...I don't know what you mean by that, but hello!" a child's voice came to me from the side.
I jumped up from the chair I was sitting on and looked at the child.
"Philip..." I muttered with a smile, of all people this was the only one I wanted to talk to right now.
The boy tilted his head in confusion and then laughed.
"You look like you've seen a ghost" he muttered and then patted me on the back.
Philip was now eleven years old and he's getting more confident and meticulous with each passing day, I worry that it's because of his father's influences though I can't do anything about it.
"I honestly didn't expect to see so many noble girls agree to be asked out dancing, on my birthday I tried to ask Hilda out but she flat out refused..." he muttered and shrugged.
"Hah! I do believe that... besides, speaking of her, haven't you seen her at the party?" I muttered.
"No... actually none of the Zephyrus are here and besides, of the Boreas, only me and my father attended" he said while scratching his chin.
"I see... ever since they tried to kidnap Hilda, Dante has been acting weird" I said.
"I agree and ever since they tried to kill you, my father and Mr. Dante have been very tense" he muttered.
Shit... this is honestly confusing, and right on your birthday huh?...
"I guess these events have left you paranoid right? You must be looking out for your children's safety" I explained.
Philip just laughed disdainfully and looked in the direction of his father.
Oh shit...
"Yeah, maybe that's true, but knowing my father he's just worried that they'll kill his heir, but unlike him, your father doesn't seem that anxious" Philip stressed with his eyes half closed.
"Yeah... you're right," I muttered.
"Eh, let's stop talking about such complicated topics, why don't we go out and get some fresh air?" Philip muttered when he saw my change of mood.
I just nodded and we went out to the balcony of the living room.
The view was simple, below you could see the mansion's garden, the protective wall and the greenish sky...
wait... green?!.
Before I could complain about the appearance of the sky, a huge rumble was heard from the living room.
I recognized that sound immediately, it was the sound of a sword traveling at high speed and then cutting human flesh.
I stood frozen in place for a moment until my senses screamed at me "mother!" I screamed and ran back to the room with Philip.
The room was a total chaos, the nobles were fleeing to the exits of the place, only Saurus was inert while he looked with hatred at two figures that stayed in the center of the table.
I scanned the surroundings in search of the two people that mattered to me and there they were, in a corner huddled in fear.
my mother and my younger brother Philemon.
my father!!, his body was lying on the floor and his head was two meters away from him and in front of him!!
was Dante!!!!
and a man with a stupid hairstyle, he wore a red cape and his hair was white and was in the shape of a clay bowl and he had a peacock tattoo on his cheek.
the North Saint Aubert Corvette, a 17 year old boy with an innate talent, had become popular since at the age of 16 he was hired as a bodyguard for Minister Darius.
"Quickly kill the others before Wii Taa gets there, unless you want to say goodbye to your head prematurely" Dante said nonchalantly to Aubertt.
The guy just sighed and focused his gaze on my mother.
I could feel my blood boiling inside my veins, I had never wanted to kill someone so much, I don't know why, but when I saw my dead father I only felt discomfort and relief...
But my mother...
"Haaaa!!" I gathered all the mana I could in my hand and created a thirty-centimeter stone bullet with an explosive interior.
The projectile broke the sound barrier and headed for Aubert's head.
"Nghh!" The guy screamed and was barely able to dodge the attack but it earned him a big cut on his cheek.
I didn't waste any more time and cast two spells in my hands.
"Mother!!, Philip!! Run!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and threw a fireball at Dante and another stone bullet at Aubert.
Philip seemed to stay still out of fear but when he heard my command he ran out of the place as fast as he could, just like my mother.
The spells flew at a terrifying speed, apparently Aubert tried to save Dante but when he saw the stone bullet he changed his mind and moved out of the way, the fireball hit the bastard full on and he screamed in pain.
Aubert clicked his tongue and dodged the other stone bullet, only to fall into a Quagmira followed by an ice spear that hit him directly in the shoulder.
My mother and Philip had already run out of the place, only Saurus was left who looked at us with disdain from his corner.
"Damn kid!!" Aubert screamed but I threw another stone bullet at his head, the bastard repelled it just as I wanted, splitting it in half and the shrapnel embedded itself in his chest making him scream in agony.
"Who sent you!!!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Aubert just twisted in place and threw his sword at me, which I simply dodged, then he threw a bag at me that was obviously full of pepper powder and it just landed at my feet.
"Did you forget that I'm a northern advance guard?!" I shouted.
Aubert just sighed and let himself fall into the mud, his body just twisted and... died.
"Shit!!" I shouted in frustration and my gaze turned to Saurus.
"You!! Did you know about this?!!" I shouted.
Saurus took a step back but with an impassive face.
"Your father is dead, Dante too, only you can-
I didn't let him finish and a stone bullet went through his skull at maximum speed and I left the place.
My mind was only thinking about my mother, I wasn't even affected by my father's death.
"Paul!!" My mother shouted from a corner of the mansion and I ran towards her.
She was there next to Wii Taa, a sigh of relief came out of my lungs and I ran to hug her.
"Young master Paul!! What happened?!" My master shouted.
"The Zephyrus and the Boreas betrayed us, my father is dead!" I shouted.
Wii Taa froze in place, sighed and gave me my sword.
"Here, if that's so we have to go directly to the king, now you are the leader of the Notos...Lord Paul" Wii Taa said and then knelt down.
I just squeezed my sword with all my strength and so we left the mansion.
As if it were a horror movie, the sky began to change color several times, the red orb that I had seen so much began to grow larger.
My mother had gotten into the carriage with my little brother, while I and Wii Taa looked at the scene in the sky without understanding.
But... the next thing happened in less than ten seconds.
The red orb disappeared, the clouds changed color much faster until they compressed right where the red orb was and...
A huge pillar of light fell to the ground and advanced at a terrifying speed, destroying everything in its path, the mansions, the shops, the Silver Palace, the academy and reached the mansion in the blink of an eye.
"Lord Paul!!" My master's voice reached my ears too late, as soon as I turned around a blinding light enveloped me and I lost consciousness.
I woke up and felt like I was flying, but not in a pleasant way. I opened my eyes and the same blinding light filled my eyes, so I closed them instinctively.
I felt like I was bouncing around in different places, and then I felt myself starting to fall.
But then I felt it change direction and started to fall again, I tried to open my eyes and the light was still there so I stayed with my eyes closed during this whole process.
The light was filtering through my retinas, so I used my hands to cover myself and eventually the light disappeared and I started to feel the wind on my face.
I opened my eyes undecided and... I was falling, below me a forest stretched to the horizon and I was falling straight towards it.
"What the fuck!!!" I screamed in total panic, I was falling at full speed towards an unknown forest when just a few seconds ago I was outside my mansion.
Shit! Shit! Shit!, think Paul...
"haaaaa!!!" With a guttural scream I made a Sonic boom that slowed my fall slightly, shit!!
I put all my trust in wind magic and made my spell more powerful which slowed my falling speed considerably, but not enough.
In the blink of an eye the treetops were inches away from me and I could only close my eyes.
What followed could only be described as the most horrible pain I have ever felt until I passed out from the pain.
Coment and give me power stones!!