
[Before you start reading, please give me power stones and a comment!!!]

It's been two months since I was teleported to the great forest, apparently the rain had decreased a bit or maybe it was my imagination, but the sound of the water falling on the roof without stopping was driving me crazy, I considered many times using magic to disperse the clouds, but I remembered Eva's lessons:

"never alter the weather with magic, or you will alter the natural order" was what she always said and I will follow it.

but even so, life here could not be more boring, unfortunately I did not relate much with the Dedoldia and I think they only tolerated me because Gustav had let me stay.


honestly, I would like to return here another time when things relaxed in Ars.

my routine was still as monotonous as the day I arrived but...

"haaaaaa!!!" Gyes shouted at the top of his lungs as he lunged at me.

(plack!!) our wooden swords clanged together, it had been a year since I started training the boy and he had improved considerably if you can say that.

Don't get me wrong, he's only an 11 year old boy and he's only been training for a month, his posture and way of attacking have improved but nothing surprising.

With all that "previous training" the boy had, I could barely put him in beginner rank, I still can't control his natural impulses well, since when he gets frustrated he ends up attacking me with his claws, but a stone bullet is enough to make him regain his senses.

"nnngh!!" Gyes tried to feint me by moving his sword to the right but his body was already on the left, the boy wanted to attack me in the hips, but I didn't train five years for nothing!!

I simply let his sword continue its course, and with its own inertia he staggered forward, he barely had time to recover but with a quick attack on his ribs he was immobilized on the ground.

"Haaa...haa...." Gyes muttered breathlessly and lying on the ground, he was already at his limit.

[Okay Gyes, that's enough, good job] I said with a smile and I extended a hand to help him up.

[Tsk!... okay, thank you for your teachings] he muttered with a frown.

Yes, yes I know you're frustrated but you asked me to train you kid!!

After letting Gyes catch his breath I simply decided to go out for a walk around the village, there wasn't much to do here in fact and I had already memorized most of the structures in the area.

There were a total of 67 huts or houses or whatever you want to call them, each one was connected by bridges, and some were at different heights than others, so the village is about three sections high and at the north end of the village was Gustav's house which was about three stories high, plus there were about four warehouses and a couple of jails for the inhabitants who broke the rules.

I even witnessed one of the Doldia imprisonments, it happened two weeks ago when they discovered a boy eating from the provisions kept for the rainy season and immediately imprisoned him and his punishment was...

to strip him naked and throw a bucket of cold water on him every three hours...

I honestly don't know if this applies to all the crimes committed here, but I found it curious.

[skall!!, come back here!!!] I heard a child's voice on one of the upper floors.

Instinctively I looked up and saw three children running and playing dangerously close to the railings.

[Hey kids, I don't think I have-

[Give me that!! It's mine!!]

[No! It's mine! I found it!!]

Two children started to fight, interrupting me. I couldn't see them well, but it seemed that they were struggling over something and...

One of the children fell into the water!

My goodness...the child fell face first into the water and we are about ten meters above the water level if I remember correctly...

[Kidar!! Help!! Kidar fell off the bridge!!] One of the children screamed, but fortunately the child knew how to swim so he came up to the surface, but the water now acted like a river and was dragging him strongly!!.

"Shit!!" I muttered as I began to run along the railings. The water was turbulent, making it very difficult to follow the child's trail.

I finally reached the end of the first floor of the village, some beast warriors had already been warned but they seemed reluctant to jump into the water and with good reason...

Fuck it!

I quickly took ten steps back to gain momentum and started running, I quickly gained speed and jumped...


I don't know how to swim...


My fall sounded like a comedy, I still fell flat on my face into the water and became momentarily disoriented.

As I was sinking like a rock I used water magic to lift myself up, I even rose above the water slightly and looked around.

"There he is!!" I muttered, the boy was being quickly dragged by the current, he was about thirty meters away and getting further away.


I used wind magic again to propel myself, I used more power to fall in front of him.

"haaaa!!!" With a precise movement I fell about twenty meters in front of the boy and prepared to intercept him, with a quick movement I used a Sonic boom to propel myself to the bottom which was about ten meters and created a pillar of earth that propelled me back to the surface, the sudden decompression made me I shuddered for a moment but put that aside, the pillar rose a meter above the water level and the child was coming straight towards me.

[Kid!! Hold on!!] I shouted as I manipulated one of the parts of the pillar and created a bar about five meters long, hard and resistant for the child to hold on to...

"aaagh!!" Luckily the boy was able to hold on but the force of the water was making him falter so I climbed onto the pole and lifted him onto the earth pillar.

"Haaaa!!!...Haaaa!!" (cough, cough, cough)

It took a few moments for the boy to catch his breath and then he calmed down.

[Boy, what's your name??] I asked him while using healing magic on him.

[Kydar..Thank you very much for your help...] He murmured tiredly with a small smile.

[No problem, next time don't be so reckless when playing...] I muttered and looked towards the village.

It was about 60 meters away and we were in the middle of the "turbulent river" so it was dangerous to pass.

I looked around and about ten meters away there was a tree.

So I quickly made a plan to try to make a land bridge using the trees.

It took us about half a day to get back to the village using the dirt platforms as support, the poor boy seemed quite reluctant to cross all these mini bridges but in the end I was able to convince him.

When we approached the village there were already quite a few Dedoldia warriors waiting for us on the bridge where Salgado was, obviously I made the boy go up first and I went up using wind magic

Also the locals were kind enough to applaud my act and for the first time since I arrived here, they looked at me with good eyes even Gustav congratulated me for this!This event helped me to have a better image in the village and so I continued to live in my time in the village.


It's been three months since I got stuck in the big forest and now I can say for sure that the rain has stopped, it's no longer an eternal flood Now it's a light drizzle and finally after so long I could see the sunlight, but still, Gustav told me that the water level would still take half a month to go down so I still had to wait.

Life in the village of Dedoldia has returned to normal, with the sunrise many sea monsters have made themselves present and for a simple act of charity I offered to help them.

One of the most notable monsters was a kind of green eel about thirty meters long, which despite its size moved terrifyingly fast and was the warriors' number one priority to hunt it since those damn things jump out of the water!!

Apart from that, Gyes' progress with the sword is slow, the boy has talent but he lacks too much, if he continues training at his current pace he would be intermediate swordsman at 13 years old.

Since the day I rescued that child I have tried to help the Dedoldia as much as possible, most of them are simple things like helping them organize their food reserves, stand guard and as I already mentioned marry the sea monsters that come out every hour of the day.

I have come to enjoy life here in the village to a certain extent, but even a stay like this must end.


Another fifteen days have passed, what was left of an imposing sea of water in the middle of the forest is now just simple puddles on the ground and wet mud.

It was time for me to leave as I had long awaited, But to my surprise several Dedoldia came to say goodbye to me, among them Gyes, Gustav and the boy I rescued that day.

Surprisingly the Dedoldia had human style clothes that looked great on me...don't ask why.

But they were actually clothes that functioned as adventurer clothes, he had waterproof boots and a navy blue tunic with blue eel skin that is waterproof, excuse the redundancy.

But who am I to judge these people's gifts???

[Young Paul, I will never forget the moments I shared with you and I will also never forget your selfless help for our people] he said with a smile.

[hehe, it's not for nothing, I did it to kill time] i replied.

Gustav smiled at this and patted me on the shoulder.

[You are a brilliant young man, I hope you return home without any mishaps," he murmured.

I smiled back at this and nodded.

[Me too, my mom and brother are waiting for me after all] he said with a smile.

[Ha!, before you go, we wanted to give you this] Gustav said and behind his back Gyes took out a sword sheathed in a very beautiful leather.

[Consider it as a gift from our race to you, I already told you but...

I took the sword in my hands and slowly unsheathed it.

[His name is Sakka, this sword was given this name because of the trees that grow near Millis have the same name] he murmured.

I just listened attentively while Gustav spoke.

It turns out that this is one of the 49 swords forged by the famous blacksmith Yulian Jalisco from the bones of the dragon king Kajakut, each sword has a special ability and this particular sword has the ability to become sharper the harder the material it cuts, in short this sword can cut anything...

The blade of the sword was pink and the edge was golden like the handle, in the mansion there were also Sakka trees but they were purple, I guess this is another species.

I sheathed the sword again and looked at Gustav and with a bow I spoke:

[Thank you very much for your hospitality, I will never forget the kind treatment you gave me, if possible in the future I would like to return] I declared.

Gyes and Gustav smiled at this.

[Of course, you are welcome to return whenever you want and we would like to know if you met your family] Gustav said patting me on the shoulder and I nodded again.

[Well, it's time to go...] I muttered and got on my horse, besides the sword Gustav had given me a horse, I don't know where they got them, although I assume they had their own stable.

Gyes and Gustav nodded and so I left Dedoldia village, it was almost three months of stay and I learned a lot about the local culture, I will make sure to return in the future...


[Darius Pov]

...and that's the problem, I'd like to know what you think" I said looking at the woman in front of me, she was Reida Reia the goddess of water, she had returned to the ruins of the capital three weeks ago but I could barely get in touch with her.

The woman was already in her 40s but her breasts were just as huge as ever but unfortunately if I wanted to get ahead of her, I would end up destroying what little remains of Ars and no one could stop her.

The woman had a frown on her face and looked me up and down which made me shudder slightly in fear.

"You are certainly a despicable person, that child scares you so much eh?" she said in a mocking tone.

I could barely contain my anger, she was above us and I needed her.

"Yes, that child is an advanced triple and when he finds out that I killed his mother he will most likely come for my head...that's why I want to hire your services, I will pay you three gold coins a month and we will help "I'll restore your dojo," I said.

Reida raised an eyebrow, remained silent for a few moments, and then sighed.

"Okay, you win, asshole, but let's be clear that I'm only doing this for the dojo... oh, and I also want you to start a search party for the Asurans," she murmured.

"I didn't know you had such a generous heart..." I murmured, clenching my teeth.

"No, my daughter is lost, hurry up," she said, and so she left.

Okay, I'm safe now...

So with this Reida started working for me and a search and rescue group was founded for the inhabitants of Asura, but that's another story.