[please give me power stones...]
I ran back to the inn where I found Flute cleaning Hilda's naked body and Lilia resting in the room.
It was still around 9am so it would take a while for Roxy to get here and Gesee would probably still be at the guild wasting time.
"Paul? Are you okay? Were you able to return that girl to her parents?" Flauta asked with concern.
"Yeah, and they gave me a reward hehe" I said, lifting the bag of money and making it ring "but there are problems, I suggest we leave Millis as soon as possible" I muttered.
"Is it because of the slave market?..." Lilia muttered.
"Indeed, despite all that shit being a legitimate business here and I raided it and killed the employees unjustly, there are probably soldiers looking for me all over Millis by now" I explained and sat on the corner of the bed where Hilda was.
"I see, in that case I'll pack everything" Flute said with a smile.
I looked over to my side, Hilda was sleeping in bed, her chest was rising and falling rapidly which showed that she was breathing with difficulty.
"How is she?..." I asked looking at Flute.
She put on a complicated expression as she looked at the red-haired girl beside me.
"has signs of malnutrition and physical abuse...But I guess you cured her with magic but...her private parts are very hurt" she murmured with sadness.
I could practically feel the anger building up inside me at this news...to think that those bastards would attack a little girl...good thing they're already dead.
"I'll have to heal her then..." I said lifting the sheet where she was and separating her legs slightly.
Flute wanted to protest but swallowed her words, yes I know, from any perspective this is uncomfortable and even more so when you need to make skin to skin contact...
I felt my anger grow as I felt the torn skin on her vaginal walls and the dried blood on them...
But I shook my head and used advanced level healing magic to heal her, then I asked Flute to confirm the status and fortunately everything was as good as new...partly.
When that was over, Flute dressed the girl and we let her continue sleeping, I noticed that Lilia was looking at her with a complicated and pitiful expression.
Both had been through terrible situations, no matter who had suffered more, it was our duty to help both of them overcome it.
"Well... I'll go to the guild to look for Gesse, the adventure partner I told you about, and then we'll wait for Roxy so we can leave the city," I declared and Flute nodded so I left the room.
I used my green robe to cover the lower part of my face as much as possible and used the same path where Zenith and Teresa were ambushed to get to the guild, the debris of the carriage was still there, but there were already guards cleaning them so I overlooked the incident.
I arrived at the guild after about a half hour walk and when I entered I found Gesse eating at a table in the place.
When he saw me he sulked instead and tried to ignore me.
"Gesse, I'm sorry about that earlier with the hit and everything, but it was a life or death situation... things have changed" I muttered.
He raised an eyebrow and continued eating what looked like hazelnuts and beans or something.
"Yes, I know. The news has already reached us that a dwarf attacked the slave market, freeing them all, You have become a celebrity," he said in a sarcastic tone.
"Yes, they had one of the daughters of House Latreia kidnapped there and the rewards for her rescue were good," I muttered with a smile and slid three of Millis' gold coins onto the table.
Gesee's eyes widened and a wide smile formed on his face.
"Well, that changes things, buddy!" He said and practically snatched the coins from me.
I blinked in surprise for a few seconds but then focused again.
"Yes, and because of all that drama we must now leave Millis as quickly as possible. I say this so you can get ready to leave," I murmured and he nodded.
"Fine, but I don't have too many belongings at the inn I'm staying at, so where should I wait for you?" He asked.
"My other companion Roxy is still on a mission and will be back late, let's meet back at the guild at dusk" I said and he nodded.
After this quick exchange I quickly returned to the inn only to find to my surprise that Hilda was already awake...
When I opened the door I found Hilda sitting on the bed with Flute gently feeding her.
But when our eyes met the girl's eyes opened wide and tears ran from her eyes.
"P-Paul! I was so worried about you!!" She said through tears and jumped out of bed running towards me.
She wrapped her weak arms around me in a hug and began to cry on my neck.
Because of her age, she was a little taller than me so it was a little awkward but I still hugged her back.
"Hilda...I was so worried about you, it must have been hard, huh?" I murmured as I stroked her hair and she nodded weakly while sniffling.
"Yes...yes...yes...I-I was so worried about (sniff) you, ever since that day..." she murmured between sobs as she trembled in my arms.
"I know...you're worried about my birthday, right?...I saw it coming" I murmured and immediately Hilda looked at me with wide eyes.
"D-did you know?...a-and what happened to my father? What did he do to you?" She said with concern.
"He...and Aubert Corvette killed my father and Saurus before I had time to react."I muttered and I could see the surprise on Flute and Lilia's faces.
"that my father... k-killed your father?!..."uuuh...I'm so sorry Paul! I didn't want any of this to happen!!" She said and cried heavily on my neck again.
She stayed like that for ten minutes while she was still in my embrace, out of the corner of my eye I could see the pitiful faces of Flauta and Lilia and I continued to comfort the girl.
"Okay, okay, now the important thing is how you are, I would just like you to rest, but we have a problem and we have to leave Millis now" i declared.
"Huh, Millis? But isn't that on the other side of the world?" Hilda asked in confusion to my surprise.
"Ha...I guess you were kidnapped before you knew what happened, right?" I asked and she nodded.
I made her lie down on the bed again and explained to her what happened in all these months, Hilda's expression of sadness only deepened at the uncertainty of the situation.
"So...what are we going to do?" She asked while looking at me expectantly.
"For now we will continue traveling without stopping until the eastern port, they do not know my identity but I am already a fugitive in Millis and that is why we must leave"
i declared, Hilda was silent for a few seconds but then she nodded in approval.
I spent the rest of the day with Hilda, she was still quite weak but with some healing spells I was able to restore some of her vitality.
Also, his private parts are no longer injured as before but the psychological trauma was still there but I preferred not to touch on the subject Or so I thought because when Flauta and Lilia went out for lunch Hilda began to tell me her story.
It was just as heartbreaking and unpleasant as I had imagined but hearing it from her made it even worse.
But even with all that, Hilda looked at me expectantly and with some fear, he apparently wanted to know my reaction to all this.
"I'm sorry Hilda, but that can't fix what they did to you, in comparison I was fortunate because of the kindness of the Dedoldia, I hope that at least it comforts you to know that those men won't hurt you or anyone else anymore" I murmured as I looked at her.
Hilda's eyes widened, she clenched her fists and bit her lips as tears ran down her eyes again, and a second later she rushed to hug me again.
"Thank you...thank you so much, I was so scared that you would be disgusted by me!!" She said while crying again.
Disgusted? But why?!...Ah, damn medieval worlds and their standards with virginity...
I tightened my hug and while stroking her head I whispered in her ear.
"Never mention anything like that again Hilda, what those people did to you was not your fault, it never was and it never will be, so please don't ever fear that I'll be disgusted with you" I whispered to her.
The girl's body tensed and I could hear her struggling to speak as whispers came out of her mouth.
"Thank you so much Paul...I don't know what I would have done without you" she murmured and then looked me in the eyes and...she kissed me....
Yes, a direct kiss on the lips, I was in shock, frozen in place for the entire duration of the kiss.
I don't know how much time passed, but when Hilda separated her lips from mine her face was flushed and she cradled her head on my chest breathing more lightly.
"I love you..." She murmured and I could feel her falling back asleep.
I'm cooked...
After this altercation I arranged Hilda to rest more comfortably in bed while I was in conflict.
I already knew that Hilda liked me, since the day I rescued her for the first time... but I didn't think that after that event she would do something like this...
Apparently cheesy words still carry a lot of weight here, I wasn't trying to manipulate her or anything but her reaction still doesn't let me think straight.
So I just decided to leave the inn and eat with Flute and Lilia.
Hours passed and the afternoon arrived, marking the return of Roxy And I immediately told her what had happened, she was visibly worried about the girl sleeping in my bed but I told her it was just a matter of time before I helped her.
She also quickly accepted the idea of leaving, thanking us for having already packed her things in case of an unexpected incident.
And as if it were a coincidence, while we were clearing out of the room Hilda woke up so I had to tell her what we were going to do and she agreed, but she acted quite attached to me...
With just three suitcases as total luggage, we left the inn heading to the adventurers' guild to pick up Gesse.
And something that caught my attention in an uncomfortable way is how Hilda was walking next to me hugging my arm, I also gave her my green tunic to keep her a little warmer so she was a little blushing.
We quickly arrived at the guild by the alternate route I had taken, the others would wait outside while I spoke to Gesee, Hilda wanted to go in with me but I told her to wait outside and she agreed reluctantly.
The guild was the same both during the day and at night, the only difference was the lighting and the drinks that were served here.
As agreed, Gesee was here, sitting at a table eating with a suitcase next to him on the floor
I waved to him and he came towards me with his luggage in hand.
"Good evening mate, are you ready to leave this overwhelming place?" He said with a smile and I nodded.
"Yes, but first I want to clarify something, I am traveling with several women who were slaves or were captives so don't you dare tell one of your idiotic jokes!" I warned him.
"Calm down Paul! I know when to be serious and when not to! We better not waste time and get out of here" he said and so we left the inn.
But Gesee's smile faded when he saw the malnourished states of Lilia and Hilda and he looked at me with concern.
"Ahem...good evening ladies, my name is Gesse Nukadia and I will be traveling with you for the rest of your trip" he murmured softly.
The other women nodded as well and the awkward atmosphere disappeared, but I could see from Gesee's expression that he had regretted any kind of thought he had had seconds before.
Me and Gesee were in the front, Flauta and Lilia in the middle and Roxy and Hilda in the rear.
That was the formation we were in with the three horses we got.
We had to continue on the road as much as we could and rest on the side of the road, after galloping for about six hours I decided it was time to rest.
The nearest town was still a couple of hours away and we would only have to stay there for breakfast, no more missions, that would be for the central continent.
It was already nighttime so I decided to camp on the side of the road. Gesee and I prepared a campfire and the guy started cooking and from the smell of the meat it seemed to be delicious.
We sat in a circle around the campfire and Hilda sat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder and interlacing her hands with mine.
"...Hilda, are you okay?" I murmured with concern.
She looked me in the eyes confused and leaned back on me.
"No...I'm still very scared...but I was more scared knowing that I was going to die without having told you my feelings before" she said and tears began to come out of her eyes again, But this time she cried silently as she watched the fire crackle and roast the flesh.
Well...what am I supposed to say now? She's a child for God's sake and all the poor girl sees is a boy younger than her that she loves...
Besides, she's too vulnerable to be hurt like that...let's just leave this at hugs for now...yeah, that's it!!
Without answering, I gently stroked her head and after a few minutes we had dinner, which turned out to be surprisingly tasty...
Also after that a little further away from the road I created a stone room for the women to bathe in, apparently they all accepted it so I had to fill the stone buckets again with water several times.
Fortunately the rest of the night went off without a hitch and a couple of hours later we went to bed and guess what?...
Even though I didn't have a sleeping bag, Hilda came to lay down next to me, using my arm as a pillow.
"Paul?...are you still awake?" She murmured, snuggling up to me and hugging me by the neck.
"...yeah, what's wrong?" I muttered.
"I wanted to know what happened to my father," she murmured softly.
Oh shit...
"...I'm sorry, he ordered my father's death at the time and anger blinded me and...I killed him" I murmured with concern.
Hilda's body tensed again, her hug tightened and I could feel her tears wet my arm.
"It's okay, I'm not mad, just sad about how my father ended up" she murmured and then gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you Paul, rest easy" she said with a trembling voice.
"...I...I love you too, see you tomorrow" I murmured and Hilda hugged me tighter until we fell asleep.