Calculated Confrontation

'Sabrina- a mage, Mark- a tank, Luther- a scout, Alice- a support, and Leona- an assassin, their team combination seems perfect, no wonder they have been successful lately.'

Shaan easily digested the information fed by Sabrina.

"Sister Sabrina, I want to ask the last thing you gave me that first-order zombie crystal, do you have more of them?"

Shaan exclaimed in an obedient voice.

Hearing his words, Sabrina's eyebrows furrowed, but before she could express any concern, Shaan spoke yet again.

"Of course, I will pay for it. Didn't you see my backpack was neatly stacked with all the supplies I had been collecting?"

Shaan made a proud face, punching his chest with one hand as a gesture to show off.

The hot-tempered Mark was about to say something but Sabrina quickly stood in front of him, with her same elegant smile.

"But Shaan, aren't we now a part of the same team?"

"Shouldn't you automatically contribute to the team by providing free food now and then?"

Sabrina's face was already tangled, but she still completed her sentence.

'Ahhh, here it comes! The moral kidnapping.'

'But she doesn't know when it comes to procrastinating, I am a pro!'

"Sister, I have to make one thing very clear."

Shaan intentionally raised the amplitude of his words and stepped back a few meters.

"I may be a little naive but my mother always taught me about equal exchange."

"I can already save myself by getting invisible when my life is at stake, I can also find food on my own, so basically if you look from my perspective I don't seem to need anything from you guys except one thing!"

Shawn's words were precise, the sharpness hidden in them was enough to make anyone angry.

Everyone understood Shaan's underlying meaning, the only thing the team could offer was-zombie crystals, as for the rest, Shaan needed nothing from them.

Everyone's expression became grim, even the quirky Alice stopped smiling.

 "Actually, I very well appreciate your idea of protecting me, but I am not that weak."

He spoke this to make them aware that even without them he was fine and could live a good life.

"The reason I approached you guys was because I wanted human company, it was too lonely to always be alone."

This line was used to arouse the tiniest bit of sympathy in them as humans.

"Oh, yes! There is one more thing…..collecting food is not easy, sometimes you may have to face some unexpected danger, therefore, If I start providing food to you for free you will become dependent on me."

"I also want to grow stronger and evolve my ability by becoming a second or perhaps even a third-ranked evolver."

Finally, his last sentence laid bare his ambition.


"If you want to join us, you must always provide us with free food. Why should we give you our zombie crystals which we painstakingly collected?"

Luther blurted out in the heat of the moment, his arm muscles already contracted as if wanting to punch someone to oblivion.

"Shaan, I thought you were a good boy! We also need to consume zombie crystals to keep evolving ourselves, your ability is just finding food and getting invisible when your life is at stake. What good will it do to evolve such an ability?"

Alice, too chimed in trying to defuse the situation.

Taking a deep breath, Shaan again stepped back a meter,

"You…'s not like I can't find other people."

"Since you guys don't want to cooperate on my terms, I can only helplessly leave and find someone else."

"As you guys said before, food is something most valuable in this post-apocalyptic world. Even if you guys have lots of zombie crystals, if you don't have sufficient food to counter the excess hunger produced by their consumption, it's no use stocking them."

And at last, here came the naked threat.

It is said that words are the strongest weapon and at times, a pen is heavier than a sword, Shaan's words clearly portrayed his craftiness.

By now, Sabrina and others knew this Shaan was definitely a sly guy.

He intentionally showed his weakness while approaching them and seduced them with his ability to provide food.

He clearly knew that if they tried to kill him, then he could simply go invisible.

Sabrina stood there trying to control his anger.

She wanted to kill him but knew she didn't have the ability. The feeling was really annoying.

She had to admit, she felt such irritation after a long time.

Yes, Shaan came after doing his homework…..The temptation of food was too great. 

Sabrina admitted he was right, without sufficient food what's the use of them hoarding all these zombie crystals if they can't raise their strength to their heart's content?

Luther, Mark, Leona, and Alice…..all looked at their leader Sabrina for further instructions.

They knew they had encountered a tricky situation.

If this Shaan seriously left and found some other team, they would lose a golden chicken….and the most irksome thing was they were yet to taste the eggs laid by this golden chicken!


Sorry guys caught a cough so slow on updates but now I am better^^