The future crisis?

"Yes, as long as you are willing to exchange, I am willing to provide!"

Hearing Shaan's blunt affirmation, the group's frown immediately eased.

The temptation to raise their strength crazily by getting uninterrupted food supplies had long made their mind dizzy to think from where the heck even Shaan was gonna come up with those supplies.

Accepting the small purse full of zombie crystals, Shaan straight away sent his backpack full of ration towards Mark.

"Happy cooperation!"

With Shaan's wide grin, the atmosphere suddenly became cheerful.

"Shaan, we are about to go to the east zone and do a big hunt today. Our target is to collect at least 300 first-order crystals, would you join us or will again leave to find food?"

After getting what they wanted, Sabrina straight away went to the point.