"It's settled then. We will take turns cooking for dinner daily unless we get too busy. Don't worry about the dishes, I'll wash them all by myself," Alex stated.
"W-w-wait, I haven't said anything yet!" Eve was flustered as his statement felt like a seal that bound her to restart that beautiful, but simple life they had before. She didn't want to relive that sweet life, because she knew it would only make her vulnerable and weak in front of him—the man who lied to her for five years.
"Hm? I thought it was you who offered to cook dinner for us," Alex grinned, knowing he had trapped Eve into this routine. "Do you want another arrangement? Perhaps every two days? Or every weekend?"
"I-I will cook whenever I have time. But you can't say anything if it's not to your liking," Eve warned.
"When did I ever spit out the food that you made? I would even lick the bowl clean as I can't wait for the next meal," Alex stated, and Eve rolled her eyes instantly.