Chapter 10 - The Beginner Alchemist Exam - 2

Allearys left the evaluation room and headed straight to her office. At first, she had only wanted to see if she could make this handsome young man, whom the receptionist had informed her wanted to join, her personal assistant. But she hadn't expected him to be so talented and well-mannered. Now, she wanted to learn more about him and find a way to make him join her. That was why she intended to investigate a little about him and figure out how to convince him.

She herself was very talented. Although she was not originally from the Habsburg Empire and had emigrated here to experience the hardships of the world from a much more powerful nation, she had been able to use her talent to rise as high as the second in command of the alchemy branch. She was currently the successor to the position of lead alchemist, as the current leader was being transferred to the capital. And this position was no small matter, since the city of Vienna was the second largest and most important city after the capital, Madrid.

She didn't believe anyone would dare do anything to her or to the person she wanted to protect. It would be mutually beneficial for the two of them, they could help each other a little. And when she returned to her country, she would have even more to boast about to her peers.

As soon as she entered her office, she sat in front of her desk and injected energy into something resembling a stone with strange symbols, which projected an image and something similar to a keyboard.

Curiously, although it might seem so, this artifact had not been produced by a civilization that followed the path of techno-energetics. The union itself was a follower of the path of pure energy, but since the union had members who did follow the techno-energetic path, it inevitably influenced the appearance of modern artifacts. In the case of this artifact, it was called an Energetic Information Station, or by its acronym, EIS. However, the version she used was the personal and portable one, called the Portable Personal Energetic Information Station, or PPEIS. It functioned through a series of successive formations that she neither understood nor expected to understand, as their creation was an absolute secret. They were also excessively expensive, with the cheapest costing 100 energy crystals, while the most advanced ones, connected to the union's energetic network, cost 10,000 crystals. Hers was special since she had privileges due to her position in the Union of Mortal Races and the Union of Inscription Masters, Alchemists, and Refiners-Blacksmiths.

It was a very useful tool for verifying union information. That was why she had come here—it was the most reliable way to find what she was looking for without involving anyone else. Allearys then entered her UMIARH identification and began her search.

At that moment, a projected image displayed:

"Feicui Long – Age: 25 years – Sex: Male – Nationality or Affiliation: Habsburg Empire – Strength Rank: Intermediate potency or intermediate-level forcePlace of Residence: Vienna – Date of Birth: Day: 7 – Month: 7 – Year: 35,777Place of Birth: Madrid, Habsburg Empire – Parents: Status unknown"

Allearys read the information and frowned. It seemed to only be showing Feicui Long's identification card, which she had already seen and knew the details of beforehand. But she was well aware that this information was most likely fake. While the union's card was nearly impossible to forge, the one issued by the union itself was different from the one given to member forces, which were handled by those forces directly. That meant it was indeed possible to falsify, and in fact, it was common for people to buy nationalities.

Knowing this and feeling unsatisfied, she tried something else. She accessed the union's direct information database and entered the name Feicui Long.

It didn't take long for multiple results to appear, but thanks to the artifact's spirit, a gift from her parents, she was able to quickly filter the results within the union's PPEIS. There were three results. The first was the one she had already seen. The second was from a nation located on the thirteenth continent, the Continent of Rainy Purple Clouds, but its information was also very similar to the first.

Then she tried the third one, but a message appeared:

"You do not have the required permissions to view this information. Please stop attempting to access it, or if you believe this is an error, try using your identification again."

Allearys raised an eyebrow in curiosity, but she quickly entered her other identification, the one from the Union of Mortal Races. Soon, the projector loaded an image and then displayed a series of messages:

"Identification successful. Permissions confirmed. Access granted."

Faced with her, a completely new set of information appeared:Name: Feicui Long - Age: 25 years - Sex: Male - Date of Birth: Day: 7 - Month: 7 - Year: 35,777Nationality or Affiliation: The Sanctuary of All Races - Force Rank: Superpower.Parents: Mother: Alexandra Migarovich, from the Migarovich House - Ruthenia - Force Rank: Superior Potency or high-level strength, Father: ????? - insufficient permissions.Place of Birth: Island - Paradise of All Races - Temple of the Sanctuary.Status: Alive - Affiliation Status: Exiled on Day: 8 - Month: 6 - Year: 35,792.

Allearys was astonished as if she could not believe what she was seeing: How was it possible for a young man of superpower to end up in such a weak and poor continent? But more importantly, the Paradise Island of All Races is located in the core continent, so if he was exiled, how did he arrive at only 15 years old? The intrigue was so great that she sought more information about the force called The Sanctuary of All Races.


A few hours passed, and Feicui Long had finished his lunch and had been preparing for the practical part, as he did not feel confident without the support of the formation, but he hoped to create supreme-grade second-degree medicines.

Then, the door opened softly. Entering elegantly and with gentle steps was the evaluator Allearys. With her came the UMIARH assistants once again, carrying several boxes with sets of assorted herbs and other various materials. This was because, to advance in alchemy ranks within the classification system also established in the Absolute Treaty, just like the other two, the mastery of inscriptions and refining-smithing, one must master a certain number of medicines and be able to produce them with a success rate no lower than 95%. At least, that was the requirement for the initial levels. The higher one advanced in rank, the stricter the requirements would become. That was why there were so many boxes filled with herbs and materials.

Allearys nodded to the assistants and asked them to leave. The room quickly became empty, and the door closed, leaving only her and Feicui Long inside.

Allearys opened her mouth to break the uncomfortable silence that was beginning to form and said, "Well, I hope you enjoyed your meal. I would have loved to accompany you so we could enjoy it together, but unfortunately, I had something to take care of during that time. Shall we begin?"

Feicui Long nodded seriously and took the first of the boxes. The first alchemical preparations were simple, as they were the five basic medicines: Blood Restoration Pill, Bone Recovery Pill, Healing Potion, Healing Pill, and Energy Recovery Pill. It might seem strange that there were two types of healing medicines, but each offered different benefits and advantages. Moreover, each had a different preparation process and distinct steps, so they were considered separate preparations despite possibly being seen as different formats of the same concept.

He then began a careful preparation process with great attention to detail. He cut, ground, and crushed the ingredients, then added them into the furnace, alone, with water, or with beast blood. Afterward, he proceeded to cast the inscriptions with his hands, from which runes, seals, talismans, glyphs, and sigils flew, creating a beautiful spectacle with a certain touch of elegance. All of this was done without delay. Feicui Long knew that his weakness was his weak cultivation and, therefore, his small energy reserve, so he had to work quickly and efficiently, never letting his focus slip for even a second.

Soon, the first batch of medicines emerged from the alchemy furnace: second-grade, mortal-quality supreme-rank Healing Pills. It didn't take long for the next ones to be completed, all of the same quality. Finally, the potion emerged like a flowing river, which Feicui Long guided into a bottle, also of the same quality.

After finishing this part, he took three Energy Recovery Pills and adjusted his mental state. Meanwhile, Allearys took the prepared medicines and placed them in a large box carefully designed to preserve medicines for a longer time.

Feicui Long continued with the process. This time, he wouldn't make them all at once. He had to make the remaining 20 one by one. Although it would take longer and consume more energy, he didn't want to risk losing too much quality. He repeated the entire process for each herb and material with extreme care, and little by little, the different alchemical preparations emerged until only the final and most difficult one remained.

But Feicui Long was already exhausted. Even though he had been taking Energy Recovery Pills, Mental Recovery Pills, and Spiritual Recovery Pills, the energy consumption for his weak cultivation was too much, and he was starting to feel the effects of overexertion. As he prepared the last one in the furnace, he felt he was about to fail and wouldn't be able to keep feeding energy to the furnace much longer. He had to act immediately. He gritted his teeth and, with great determination, muttered to himself in a low voice, "It's all or nothing. I'll use the rune even though I didn't want to."

With that, he formed a special rune with his hands and threw it directly at the pill that was struggling to take shape. The rune immediately shone with a brilliant light and an incredibly imposing aura. It radiated pure power, completely suppressing the energy of the rebellious pill, compressing it, and forcing it to take form.

Allearys noticed this and opened her mouth in shock upon seeing it, but Feicui Long had no time to waste. He took the pill and placed it in the box with extreme care.

Then the moment arrived. Allearys, still very surprised, began evaluating the quality of the alchemical preparations and announced them aloud to Feicui Long. "There are seven of second grade, supreme rank, advanced level; nine of second grade, superior rank, advanced level; eight of second grade, high rank, advanced level..."

When she reached the last one, she paused for a moment and examined it in great detail. Although she hadn't been born with a special ability like Feicui Long's Third Eye, she had learned her own technique for evaluation. However, at that moment, she doubted what she was seeing. Before her eyes, the name appeared: "Mastodontic Strength Pill – Second Grade – Transcendence Rank – Advanced Level."

It was well known that the classification of the "Absolute Treatise" consisted of seven ranks, but in reality, there were a total of ten, seven normal and three special ones: semi-perfection, perfection, and transcendence. These last ones were exceptional, as one didn't progress to them in a linear fashion. Normally, upon reaching supreme rank, advanced level, one would move directly to the next grade. Only a few alchemists, refiner-smiths, or inscription masters managed to reach the special ranks, as advancing even a single level required a monumental effort.

Curiously, creations in the semi-perfection rank were equivalent to or even superior in potency and effectiveness to the mortal rank of the next grade. Similarly, the ranks of perfection and transcendence far surpassed even the low rank of the superior grade.

That was why Allearys doubted her vision, but she still had to announce the result to Feicui Long: "The last one is Second Grade, Transcendence Rank, Advanced Level."

Feicui Long was not surprised. He knew what would happen if he used one of his own inscriptions, those designed by him. He hadn't wanted to use them to avoid revealing his identity, but he had no choice. He couldn't fail the exam.

Allearys had an insatiable curiosity. She wanted to know which inscription he had used, but she felt she couldn't ask him directly. She herself was capable of reaching the special ranks, but only in two or three alchemical preparations, and the highest she had ever achieved was perfection. If she could obtain that inscription, she might not even have to wait for the branch leader to retire to claim his position. She could even ascend to the capital's branch.

So she tried to discreetly look at the inscription. At first glance, she could tell it was an incredibly complex rune, but before she realized it, she was immersed in a different world. She saw a dragon, an emerald dragon. Just by looking at it, she could feel the power emanating from it, a raw and pure power, an unrivaled force capable of devastating everything in its path, capable of piercing and shattering all, capable of suppressing everything in existence. At some point, she noticed that the dragon had become aware of her presence and was looking directly into her eyes.

Its eyes, its incredible eyes, held a golden clock where time flowed, set against an emerald background that radiated the same overwhelming power she had felt, along with a vast amethyst streak that looked like a great rift in space. It was a sight that was beautiful, magnificent, awe-inspiring, and terrifying all at once.

Just as she felt she was about to lose herself in those mesmerizing eyes, Feicui Long noticed the seemingly vacant gaze with which the evaluator was observing his rune. Without hesitation, he stepped to her side and gently moved her shoulder.

Allearys snapped out of it in shock, and Feicui Long gave her a kind smile as he asked, "Are you alright, Miss Allearys? I was wondering about my final score and whether I passed the full exam."

Allearys, slightly embarrassed and with flushed cheeks from the situation, and from having Feicui Long so close, smiled softly and replied, "Oh, yes, you passed with the highest score. I'll make sure you receive an extra reward for achieving it in this manner…"

Feicui Long, surprised by Allearys' sudden tenderness and beauty, couldn't help but give her a genuine compliment for the first time: "You look very beautiful when you're embarrassed."

Allearys, upon hearing him, blushed even more. She tried to ignore her embarrassment and said, "Are you sure you don't want to join me as my assistant?"

Feicui Long slightly shook his head. "No, miss. I already explained that I can't…"

Allearys sighed and replied, "I know that the Sanctuary of All Races is very strict. Everyone who has been exiled has had a horrible life. They are not allowed to stand out, and the members do everything possible to keep them unhappy and from excelling. But they couldn't do anything to me, Feicui Long."

Feicui Long, quite surprised at how Allearys knew about his place of origin, tried to speak, but she interrupted him before he could say anything: "I understand your concerns. I know that the sanctuary is very tyrannical and that when something bothers them, they undo everything with almost no consequences, especially if it concerns exiles under their rules. I also understand that you fear their strength; it is a superpower-ranked force, one of the strongest within that category, with 9 platinum stars. It's even a direct subordinate of a supreme-ranked force. But you don't have to worry about me. Although it may not seem like it, I belong to the Great Divine Forest of Life and am a descendant of the Goddess of the Forest of Life."

Allearys paused and then continued: "I know that maybe you don't know about it, since it is a much lower-ranked force, a major power or high-ranked force. However, it is one of the direct subordinate forces of the Great Empire Dracoaeternia, the number one supreme power and leader of the union. The Forest of Life may be a small nation, but its value to the Empire Dracoaeternia is immeasurable. In fact, not even the high nobles have the same power or influence as the descendants of the Goddess of the Forest of Life. That's why, even if they are tyrannical and despotic, they wouldn't dare to touch a direct descendant like me."

Feicui Long sighed before responding: "Miss, I understand that they wouldn't do anything to you or the union, but who says they wouldn't do anything to this empire? I suppose you've investigated the sanctuary, right? If so, you know how the sanctuary members handle these matters. If they can't do anything to you, they're capable of declaring war on an empire and crushing it to the ground just to prevent an exile from being happy or achieving success. To them, exiles should be content to live in hiding, never standing out. They won't do anything to me directly due to orders from the sanctuary master, but to you? No. However, all those innocent people don't deserve to be caught up in this."

Allearys replied, "But your talent... someone with your talent shouldn't have to live in the shadows because of some bastards. Just look at your skill in inscriptions and alchemy, you're a genius among geniuses..."

Feicui Long laughed a little, 'Hahahaha,' and explained, "I'm very glad you consider me a genius among geniuses, and I certainly have some talent in inscriptions, but my talent in alchemy isn't all that great."

Allearys retorted, "You don't have to act so humble, your alchemy skills are very good. They may be lower than your inscription skills, but they are still top-notch."

Feicui Long said, "I'm not being humble, miss. It's just that if you have all the time in the universe, even a fool can become a master."

Allearys, resigned, simply sighed heavily, 'siiiight,' and said, "I understand, then I won't insist anymore. But I'd like to ask you two things: what do you plan to do after this, and second, why did the sanctuary master make an exception for you? As far as I understand, while the sanctuary directly harasses exiles, it doesn't give the orders, nor does it prevent its members from behaving that way. But for some reason, as you said, you're an exception to the rule. Could you tell me, please?"

Upon hearing this, a memory surfaced in Feicui Long's mind, a memory from fifteen years ago...