BBC News, Delhi Geeta Pandey Dowries have been illegal in
India since 1961, but the bride's family is still expected to gift
cash, clothes and jewelry to the groom's family.
Now, a 27-year-old teacher in the central city of Bhopal has
started a petition asking the police to deploy officers at marriage
venues and conduct raids to put an end to this "social evil".
Gunjan Tiwari (not her real name) tells the BBC her petition is
rooted in her own experiences of being rejected by dozens of
men over dowry. The practice of giving a dowry is mentioned
even in the oldest law codes, such as that of Hammurabi in
ancient Babylon.
Daughters did not normally inherit anything from their father's
estate, but they got a dowry from their parents when they
married - which was intended to offer as much lifetime security
as her family could afford. A wife's dowry was administered by
her husband as part of the family assets. In the case of a divorce
without reason, a man was required to give his wife the dowry
she brought as well as the bride price he paid. If the woman died
childless, her dowry reverted to her family.
In African the Malobo goes to your parents, and you don‟t have
much saying on this.
In general, people today do not believe in a dowry, as it supports
the demotion of women and their absolute dependence on their
husbands. A dowry ultimately refutes the long-fought battle for
equality of the sexes and incorrectly characterizes women as
second-class people and in some extreme cases the practice has
even been linked to violence.
The engagement ceremony is also known as the dowry payment
ceremony. Paying the bride price in the past guaranteed
premarital female virginity and sexual fidelity.
In modern Africa, the bride price is a way for the groom to prove
that he can take good care of the bride by being a good provider.
Each community has its way of celebrating the engagement
ceremony. For example, in Burkina Faso, the groom‟s family
visits the bride‟s family to discuss the bride price. Dowry can be
in the form of animals, money, kitchen utensils, cereals, or
clothes. In some counties but not in Africa where its cows and
money, and few items like a blanket
Some communities in Kenya also conduct an engagement
ceremony that involves the groom paying a dowry with
traditional brews, cows, goats, honey, and green bananas.
Modern-day grooms pay the bride price in cash.