Ray Reached the marketplace and began to wonder where he could sell the fruits he was carrying.
He began wandering the market from store to store, inquiring about the cost of the goods, which dispelled his doubts about the currency.
The primary currencies in the village were bronze and copper coins, with silver seldom used in shops and gold coins exclusively held by the village chief.
While conversing with the shopkeeper and discreetly gathering information, an older man, accompanied by the guard he had seen at the entrance, entered the shop.
Upon entering the shop, the old man began to look around. After noticing him, he slowly approached him.
As Ray contemplated his identity, the shopkeeper stood up from his chair and approached to greet the old man.
Shopkeeper: "Village chief, good afternoon. What an auspicious day you have graced my shop with your presence."
The shopkeeper greeted the elderly man and commenced flattering him incessantly.
Ray who was watching this almost reflexively began distancing himself from the shopkeeper and started watching the show.
The elderly gentleman, feeling embarrassed by the shopkeeper's persistent flattery, coughed to mask his discomfort. He then shifted his gaze to the guard and subtly signaled for intervention to conclude the conversation with the shopkeeper.
The guard observing the scene from the sidelines straightened his posture and discreetly pulled the shopkeeper aside after interpreting the old man's gestures to intervene.
The village chief freed from his plight was visibly relieved and turned towards Ray's direction and greeted him.
Village chief: "Welcome, gentlemen, to our small village. I am the chief of this village," he introduced himself.
Ray shook hands with the chief and introduced himself as a small businessman who had lost his way.
Ray: "Chief I'm Embarrassed to trouble you but I require a few supplies, and I have no money to buy them right now."
"All I have with me right now are these spirit fruits. I wish to sell them in your village, but I have heard that only you have the capacity to purchase them."
Ray explained his plight to the village chief.
While selecting fruits to sell, Ray used his spirit eyes to identify some low-level fruits in the forest and brought them here.
The village chief was visibly taken aback by the mention of spirit fruits, as he had expected Ray to ask for some money by selling some spices and then leave the village after purchasing some supplies, given that Ray was traveling lightly.
Seeing the village chief was standing motionlessly, Ray tapped on his shoulder to wake him up from his stupor.
Village chief: "Did you say spirit fruits?" asked the chief with renewed enthusiasm.
Ray who didn't know the preciousness of the fruits in such a remote village presented the basket with fruits in it.
The village chief, surprised by Ray's honesty, instructed the guard to hold the basket and lift the cover to inspect the fruits inside.
After inspecting them the chief confirmed they were low-level spirit fruits that were useful for martial artist practitioners.
Village chief: "Indeed, these are low-level spirit fruits that we are in dire need of. Although they are not fresh enough, the energy within them remains firmly locked inside."
"Gentleman why don't you come to my home there we can discuss the deal about the fruits."
The old man extended his invitation to Ray. To which Ray thought for a second and agreed to the chief request.
The shopkeeper, who had been listening from the side, was visibly shaken upon hearing the conversation. He hastily closed his shop and followed them out.
Ray followed the chief to his house; after reaching the house Ray observed the surroundings and discovered he had reached the edge of the village with a big house standing on the high ground.
It was the only two-floored building in the village which was built with black rocks and plaster between them.
The rest of the village houses were built with wood and mud.
As Ray was observing the house and appreciating it, he started hearing noises from the direction of the village.
Upon observing, Ray saw that all the able men and women had come here to see the village chief.
The village chief who was urging the maids to prepare a banquet and was waiting for Ray to enter the house was stunned by seeing a large number of people gathering in front of the house.
The village chief tensely walked in front of the crowd and began asking for the reason for their gathering there.
The crowd stayed silent which irritated the chief as he demanded the answer again.
To which the shopkeeper who was them previously pushed the crowd out of his way and stood in front of the chief and explained
Shopkeeper: "Sir, while I was following you guys after closing the shop, the villagers asked me why I was leaving at the busy hours, to which I explained what had transpired at my shop, and the news was passed to the entire village in few minutes." explained embarrassingly.
Village chief: "Is that it?" asked back angrily.
All the villagers were immediately embarrassed by the event and started coaxing the village chief.
Villagers: " Chief, don't get angry, it's not good for your health, we will apologize for the mistake we made."
Upon hearing the villager's explanation, the village chief was relieved to learn that the villagers had gathered only after news about the spirit fruits.
Village chief: "Sigh, when I saw you, all gathering again, I thought our fishing boats had been attacked by the monster fish in the lake once more."
"If you are here regarding these spirit fruits, then you may all leave. I will purchase the fruits at any cost and distribute them to the village according to each person's contribution, which is recorded here with me," the chief instructed.
As instructed, the villagers immediately erupted into joy upon receiving the assurance of the Chief and happily departed.
Seeing the villagers depart obediently, the village chief felt relieved.