Chapter 9: The Dream

Crestella stands by the window staring at the moon, exclaim deeply.

How could you have agreed to their request?, you want to expose her to the world.

Am left with no choice, the council doesn't want a girl to be the hire to the throne and they are doing everything they can to achieve that but if she win the battle, she will get recognition.

Have done everything I can, ever since she was born so she wouldn't have any contact with werewolves, not even the maids in this castle dare to go near her chamber but you want to send her in their mist, what if she find out who she is?.

You've watch her grow up, everything about her shows she is a true vampire, she doesn't show any sign of a werewolf and you've cut off the link that could lead her to finding who her mother was.

"Jasmine sits on the bed beside Kendrick", I wish she wouldn't find out, she looks into Kendrick's eye, she's just a child, she can't bear the weight of the throne yet, do you have to send her to battle?.

It has been decided, she leaves at the crack dawn tomorrow.

A white tall werewolf walking towards Crestella the moon shinning onto it's white fur, staring at Crestella with It's green eyes stops in front of her, Crestella place her hand on it body brushing it's fur with her hand, hello Crestella, am Ella your wolf.

Wake up Crestella, it morning.

Where is it, she ask anxiously?.

What is the matter?, you look sacred.

I saw a wolf in my dream.

Lucia laughs at her, you saw a wolf in your dream, that must be because you are scared of fighting werewolves, everyone is waiting for you outside.

She flings up from the bed quickly dress up in a trouser and a brown top, Jasmine enter the room with Elizabeth standing behind her, leave us, I want to talk to my daughter, "Lucia bow down and exit the room".

I tried to talk your father out not to send you to battle but he refused.

Mother, I can protect myself and Kai assigned Moana to protect me, am not scared of facing werewolves.

Promise me you will come back unharmed.

I promise mother, she hug Jasmine.

Jasmine extend her hand to Elizabeth, she hand her a red bracelet, she put it on Crestella's wrist, you must not take it off, it will protect you from harm.

Crestella enter the hall knee before Kendrick, he place a sword in her hands, this sword is forged of silver, it your's now, you must return unharmed.

"Benjamin whisper to Lucia as they walk out of the hall accompanying Kendrick", where did you run off to so early in the morning?.

I came to bid Crestella farewell.

How many times have I told you to stay away from her.

Father she's my friend and I will continue to see her.

Kai help Crestella get on the horse, you will do good.

Why does he keep lingering around my daughter?.

I know you don't like him but he takes good care of her.

I hate seeing him with her.

Kai approach Moana and Peter, keep her safe.

Rest assure I will protect the princess with my life.

Kai place his hand on Peter shoulder, I know you will,he turn to Moana, be careful.

Crestella looks back at Jasmine standing beside Kendrick in front of the castle, the people cheer as they rid out of the kingdom.