"Kai and the warriors set out in the woods searching for Crestella", Peter lead the search following Crestella's sent, Kai look up in the sky, he look at Peter, hurry up and find her before the rain start.
Am trying my best, he move fast in the woods following her scent, the warriors runs after him.
"Rain Splashing on them as they run about in the woods", they hide under a tree to avoid getting wet in the rain, have lost her scent because of the rain, we will need to wait for the rain to stop.
Kai look up the sky rain pouring heavily, we will begin the search once the rain stops.
Crestella and the woman hide in an abandon hut not far from the river, shes it at the entrance of the house wieldy open without a door watching the rain falling, she dose off while looking at the rain, the old woman move close to her cover her with her cloak sit down looking at her sleeping soundly tears dripping out of her eyes, your daughter is as
beautiful as you were, I hope you find peace now that she has attain her werewolf form.
The sun rises the rain has stops, kai wake them up, it morning and we haven't find Crestella,spread out and look for her, he order them.
Peter run back to the tree where kai and the warriors stands, I smell her scent by the river, they run in the bush to the river in a full speed, search everywhere, Kai command them.
Crestella woke up find herself naked, she wrap herself inthe cloak on her body stands up on her feet looking around for the old woman, she pick her torn dress on the floor, I have no choice if I don't want to go back to the castle naked, she quickly putthe dress on and walk out of the hut,she walks towards the warriors searching for herby the river.
Kai sight her and run to her, he grab her shoulder, where have you been all night?, he ask her worried.
Peter and the rest move to them, are you alright Crestella.
Am fine, she respond.
Kai trail his eyes on her, why is your dress torn?, who brought you here last night?, his voice sound worried looking at Crestella all messed up.
No one brought me out, I came here myself.
Let's go back to the castle, can you walk?.
Peter look sock hearing that from Kai, she doesn't have to walk, we left the horses in the woods last night, she will ride the horse.
I know that,but were the horses are is far from here.
Crestella withdraw herself from Kai, I can walk, she look him in the eye.
It day break and Crestella is not back, Jasmine pacing up and down in her room.
Kendrick stand up from the wooden chair walk to the door, where are you going to?, Jasmine ask him furiously.
I have a meeting with king Vincent this morning and before the leaves, the matter has to be discuss.
We need to find Crestella soon, she yell out, no one must find out and for that not to happen we have to find her soon.
Kai will bring her back, he left last night under my command.
Him, you trust him so much that you even let my daughter get close to him.
Kai is not a bad person, I trust him.
If he doesn't bring my daughter back, I will take his head off.
Kendrick storms out of the room in anger.
They ride back to the castle, Moana stand under a tree close to the back of the castle, she place the cloak in her hand on Crestella
immediately she gets down from the horse, they hurried into the castle passing through the kitchen to avoid been seen, Moana escort Crestella to her room.
Jasmine barge into the room frustrate sees Crestella all messed up, she move close to her slap her on the face, you left the castle without telling anyone, she yell at her.
"Peter aghast", that must have hurt, he whisper to Moana.
We have guest in the castle, what do you want them to think of us, she raise her hand to slap her again.
Kai grab her hand from behind, no one finds out and she's back.
Jasmine snap her hand away from him angrily, how dare you grab my hand, do you want to lose your head?.
She's your daughter, do you have to treat her like this?.
Jasmine slap him hard on his face, if not for the king I will have you torn into pieces, she turn to Crestella clean yourself up, you smell.
Jasmine and Crestella walk into the hall, Crestella bow to Kendrick and take her sit, she found her way back home, Benjamin mumble to himself glaring at Crestella sitting beside Kendrick.
Kai brought her back this morning, I heard the queen was furious at her and Kai stepped in to stop her.
Benjamin look at Jonas surprise, Kai stops the queen!.
The maids are gossiping about it, I over heard their conversationon my way in.
Our kingdom has been friends for a long time and I wish for it to stay the same.
Regarding that, I did like to make a propose, I want my son, prince Edward to marry your daughter, Princess Crestella for our friendship to become stronger.
Kendrick looks happy to hear the proposal, I wouldn't want anything more, I agree to this proposal.
Jasmine looks at Kendrick dumbfounded, what in the gods name are you saying, she whisper to him softly.
Crestella look shock, looking at Kendrick and Jasmine whispering to each other, she look at the council members whispering to one another, she lock eye with Edward sitting beside Vincent, Edward smiles at her.
Kendrick escort Vincent out of the castle laughing after their discussion, it my pleasure to have you here, Kendrick and Vincent hug each other.
Edward approach Crestella, I look forward to seeing you again.
Crestella look him in the eye, I believe the next time we meet will be for our marriage.
Aren't you happy about this marriage?.
Crestella smile softly with a bit of annoyance, my father has agreed to this marriage it has nothing to do with my happiness, she bow down to him and walk away.