Whatever, I need to work on turning this storage unit into something that resembles a house, he sighed out as he began working on turning the storage unit into a mini house with the materials, he decided he should probably start work on the flooring first, then. then the rest. Pov change kco second rank. Sir we went to the location we tracked from the laptop but there was no one there, we looked around and found no traces of anyone being there except a small stick tent, there was no trace of where they went from there sir, reported second rank Dan Conners. Was there any signs of what stage of progress the individual was at with kamio, asked fourthed rank Samuel Brentson. No sir, the campsite of the unknown individual had no traces of any high level kamio power, Dan said while passing Samuel pictures of Zeek's original campsite. So either they're experienced enough to know how to suppress, or they're so weak that their work is indistinguishable from a normal human, said Samuel as he contemplated what his next course of action should be. If it's already been over a month since we last got a trace of them then call off the search for now since they're most likely already long gone, now you are dismissed, Samuel said while taking out a cigar and lighting it. Pov change Zeek. After three days of work I finally finished this converting this crappy old storage unit into a decent mini house, Zeek said as he looked around, the unit now had nice wooden floors and a small kitchen with a couple cupboards and small stove and fridge, he also has a twin sized bed, and a couch with a tv, lastly he found a old radio, no one has used one since one of these things for like 20 years so if I ever meet someone else we can probably safely chat through one of these. As these three days past Zeek had been noticing more and more that mystery person going around, he new for sure now he's not alone, to prepare for whoever that was he had took two short swords and strapped them to his back, he also raided a abandoned police station for a pair of handcuffs,along with that he also started wearing all black and he learned how to hop across roofs, parkour, and fight with the strength he gained from kamio. He plopped down on his couch exhausted, he had spent all day gathering food from the shop. He started to drift off to sleep when he heard something start fiddling with the lock he immediately hid right next to the unit door in a dark corner, he watched as someone struggled to open the door, ruling out them being a infected with kamio, when they entered he saw they were a girl with blonde hair nothing else was visible through the cloak as the person walked through the the unit even more he drew his sword and held it to the back of the person's neck, freeze, put your hands on the air and no sudden movement, Zeek said as the strange girl raised her hands. Zeek using handcuffs he found in an abandoned police station cuffed her. Who are you and why did you come here, Zeek said, still holding the sword to her neck. I am Ava. I was just exploring abandoned units to see if I could find supplies since they have been disappearing recently, Ava said calmly. Ok Ava are you infected with kamio, he asked seriously as he kept his sword held up to her neck. Yes I'm not gonna lie to you I've only been infected for 2 days so I came to hide out here like as I assume you did, she said slowly turning around to face Zeek. Well then I guess we are kinda on the same side, so how about this we work together and share the things we gather, I'll even be kind enough to make you a unit like mine with the wooden floors and decent appliances, Zeek said as he pulled his sword away from her neck and sheathed it. I'm Zeek by the way, so do you Wanna team up, Zeek said as he uncuffed her. Fine only cause I would enjoy not sleeping on concrete she said while rubbing her wrist. Three more days passed as with Ava's help Zeek managed to set up another little apartment in the unit next to his. So how many days have you had your mask, Ava asked while they were cooking some rice and orange chicken in Zeek's kitchen. It's been about 43 days, so in about 22 more days until I see if I can rip my mask off and stay human, Zeek said solemnly. I'm sure you'll be able to do it, if you managed to get this far there's no way you'll fail Ava said cheerily. Pov change Samuel Brentson. Sir There was another infected that managed to escape our capture, but this time there wasn't even a campsite left behind but we did find the phone she watch the tracking video on in a bush sir, report Dan. Why does this keep happening, if anymore escape, we might have too many full mask kamio to deal with to keep more from forming, it will be catastrophic, Samuel said seriously as he looked at Dan. I'm sorry sir but there's not much we can do after rank 6 James kaner disappeared 10 days ago, we have to use most of our forces to stop the breaches of the full masked infected Mr kaner was containing, Dan said nervously. You are dismissed Dan, I need to think things over Samuel said as Dan left the room. Pov change Zeek. It's been 22 two days since he finished Ava's unit, he knew today he would both gain him kamio power and attempted to rip his mask off, he had Ava leave for this since if he failed it might become dangerous for her. As the mask finally reached half he felt an incredible energy flood his body, he now instinctively knew what his power was, it was.