Pov change Zeek, what happened, Zeek said as he sat up after gaining consciousness.
Then before anything else he heard a boom, what in the name of kamio is going on, Zeek yelled frustrated because of all the different events happening to him in one day.
Zeek, still in full kit, dashed out of his unit and towards the sound, only to see Ava getting absolutely destroyed.
He watched for a second in confusion before realizing that Ava was about to be finished off.
Oh crap, Zeek thought as he threw his string towards the mysterious guy's arm hoping to buy Ava a second to escape.
But to everyone's surprise it managed to stop his hand completely.
Oh this is way better than just string. Why would an energy power be weak, looks like I'm not so unlucky after all, Zeek thought.
As he realized just how much control he really has over the string, he decided to test his theory and try sharpening it.
As he gave the mental command he was surprised as the string became razor sharp and severed the weird man's hand.
And to his surprise once more his hand regenerated almost instantly.
While he was still contemplating what to do he barely had any time to react as the man dashed at him.
Right my swords he thought as he drew them both in the nick of time, ramming one into his chest and the other into his stomach.
Now you done glue screamed mentally as he swung his sword as hard as he could slamming him all the way to the street turning him into a puddle.
Stepping out of the shadows he went to collect Ava and take her home, before he had to dodge a first from the guy he just turned to liquid.
As he dodged Zeek whipped around both swords in hand, slicing him in thirds.
Then again he regenerated, again, and again, and again, as Zeek destroyed the mysterious man's body again, and again he just kept regenerating.
Zeek kept this up for 14 minutes before even seeing a sign of the weird man's regeneration slowing down.
He just keeps regenerating, these swords are almost ineffective against him. I need something stronger, he thought looking around.
That might work he thought as he used his string to pull a fire escape down on the weird man.
Brent looked up and simply caught it with one hand.
Unlucky for him that was Zeek's plan all along as he wrapped Brent up in his string.
Shredding him over and over until 2 hours later he finally stopped regenerating and was gone.
As the fight came to an end Zeek was panting, before passing out once more.
Pov change Dan. Sir we have good news and we have bad news, Dan reported to Samuel.
Just tell me the good news first, God knows I need it right now, Samuel said, happy there was finally some good news.
Well the good news is Brent is dead, said Dan obviously nervous.
Yessss, Samuel said while pumping his fist childishly.
And the bad news is there was a single infected strong enough to kill him, Dan said solemnly.
Samuel froze as he slowly looked down towards Dan, there was an infected strong enough to do what Samuel whispered dangerously.
Look at the footage from the drone we had following Brent.
Dan showed a tablet with a video of Brent and Zeek's fight.
Samuel sat back in his chair and groaned, after about 10 seconds of him groaning and hitting the back of his head against the wall he finally spoke.
Label this new infected case number 3 Samuel spoke seriously.
See the case number was not to indicate what order the infected were found in, but instead indicated how much of a threat the person was to the kco.
But sir, to give anyone a case number above 100 you would need a rank five or above, and to get in the top ten case numbers you need a level six permission, nevertheless in the top five, you would need permission from Mr Kaner himself, Dan reported nervously.
Fine, assign him case number 101 and get a level six down here now, Samuel ordered Dan angrily.
Right away Sir Dan said and then ran out of the room.
Pov change Zeek.
Not again Zeek said as he sat up on his bed.
Ahh my head what happened, he asked to no one in particular.
You decide to fight a top rank full mask infected and passed out after winning.
Did I look cool at least Zeek asked.
No, for the first portion of the fight you were swinging your sword wildly at him, and then you put him in a blender of string for two hours, and then promptly passed out, Ava said with a deadpan look.
Well at least I managed to win, I had to come rescue you after you got tossed around like a ragdoll, Zeek remarked playfully.
Ava blushed with embarrassment before turning around and angrily stomping back to her storage unit.
Pov change unknown. Water was slowly dripping down the ceiling as a mysterious figure passed back and forth.
No no no the figure yelled and they punched the wall making the concrete crack and the crumble.
It was all going to plan but Brent had to go and get himself killed.
I even managed to trap Kaner, but noo, everything had to go wrong, the figure yelled again before destroying another wall.
Mark my words you string using plan running annoyance, I WILL END YOU!!! The figure screamed to the void again before slowly sinking into the floor.
Pov change Zeek. As Zeek was getting up he felt a sudden chill down his spine, he didn't know why but he felt something bad was gonna happen soon and this weak gear isn't going to be able to protect from whatever was coming. So it was time to see what his string could really do.