I sat down after a grueling argument with Howard who just couldn't get it through his head that magic, ghost, gods, Superpowers and what have you simply didn't exist and that it was all just fantasy made up by some people who were either high, bored, crazy and or just dumb and thought seeing a meteorite meant there was a god bestowing upon them upon some vision or whatever else like being the child of a god or one of the gods.
''Ahh... I know I really shouldn't be doing all of this especially because her death however the facts are here and there is most likely no afterlife and awaiting such does nothing for you but give false hope when you can just move on with life like everyone always says there are always more fish/women in the sea plus with her personality she would want him to move on I mean it's been 3 months already.
That is plenty of time-?'' Before he could finish complaining about his Howard Nathaniel heard his phone ringing and with a brief sip of the water write next to him ce coughed a little before answering his phone saying ''Nathaniel speaking who is this?'' And not to long after he got his answer ''It's me hun could you be a dear and get some milk from the convenience store?''
With a brief pause and grumble in his mind about just getting home he answered with a ''I'll get right to it'' And hanging up soon after ''One little store run couldn't hurt plus I need the exercise however minimal it may be'' After mumbling that he quickly got back on his pants while getting to the door where he usually keeps his shoes and after a brief few taps on the floor with his foot he unlocks then relocks the door as he started walking to the small convenience store down the street.
5 Minutes Later.
After paying $10 for just one thing of milk and wondering why his mom liked this brand so much he walked out of the store while noticing a ''homeless'' man in the corner of his eye he immediately started walking in another direction while thinking 'I don't want to deal with anything that might happen if I go there so i'll just go the long way home'
Right after thinking that and turning around the ''homeless'' man tilted his head to the side and then locking onto Nathaniel's back as he started sprinting to him ''Something's off-'' was the last thing Nathaniel said before he was promptly knocked out by the ''homeless'' man 'Hope I wake up with all of my organs or just wake u...'
With a thud Nathaniel fell straight to the ground as a helicopter started getting closer towards the ground ''Yes sir target acquired no injuries except a minor hip fracture... ohh the civilians nothing happened to them the one person was most likely streaming while the operation was on its way.... yeah of course I used that ''emp'' just in case he pulled a Crowley on us though it was sort of a blessing letting us push past that 2012 date''
After a couple more topics were thrown around by both parties the helicopter was able to fully land and after a brief grunt Nathaniel was lifted over the guards shoulder.
Arctic Location ???
Nathaniel slowly got up while huffing and puffing 'This feels like a hanger but way way worse but hey I still have all of my organs' Soon after thinking that Nathaniel's eyes fully came into focus as he looked around causing him to think 'So I was one kidnapped by a cult two kidnapped by a gang three a shadow government or four I can't think of that yet'
12 screens suddenly lit up as shadowy figures appeared 'Shadow government it is' As he let out that little quip in his head varies papers that looked familiar started to have bright lights shine on them as one of the shadowy figures started to speak ''You have 2 choices one you tell us how you were able to create a gate of Guff and join us or two be thrown into the gate of Guff and die''
To that Nathaniel merely looked dumbfounded before saying ''I have no idea what your talking about what's even a gate of Guff?'' After he said that a strange looking guards suddenly came from nowhere as he was told ''Two it is'' And shortly after guards or at least what looked like guards grabbed him from both his right and left sides dragging him towards Guff as he thought.
'So from all the little I mean very little clues I have Howard was right..... well off to hell I go I guess' with that ''last'' thought a sudden ''explosion'' happened as pieces of different worlds came from the sky and the door In front of him opened sucking him in.