As I sat there waiting for anything to happen I a thud sounded besides me startling me out of my zoning out as Nathaniel didn't nearly get a heart attack he quickly looked next to him where the thud sounded only to find nothing soon after he started thinking 'Could that be '''her''' but that makes no sense she isn't that small' But after contemplating for a while 34 seconds Nathaniel decided to ask.
''Is that you Gwenddydd?'' In an almost inaudible whisper that would make on wonder if they were merely speaking their thoughts out loud however Nathaniel knew since Gwenddydd was an robot she should be able to hear such and nearly to his surprise he was right as Gwenddydd started speaking.
''Yes I am here however my body was dismantled leaving only my head which contains my main processing unit.'' To that Nathaniel stopped to think for a brief moment before asking ''May I know why they didn't try dismantling everything about you I mean since you head contains you main processing unit it should be the most valuable to study wouldn't it?'' Not even pretending to take more than a second to think Gwenddydd revealed.
''That would be the case if I didn't have a brain however since I do they can't simply extract the information from me so they decided to compromise and research what powers me and my sub processors.'' Nathaniel became curious and asked ''So does that mean your not an android but a cyborg?'' Gwenddydd with '''her''' head now revealed answered ''Not quite my brain is synthetic I as I said before was created as a prototype for the purpose I mentioned before.
My creators believed if they gave me a brain even if it's synthetic and not made of the same materials as a normal one it would make me more human by giving me a certain amount of emotions that would make my job easier.'' Their answer caused Nathaniel the muse in his thoughts.
'Just like early AI before the 2026-2027's when they AI leap happened ahh I remember those times well when AI would give long drawn out answers whenever questions were asked though I do kinda miss this flaw in how inhuman human like they were' After a brief chuckle Nathaniel asked ''So were you able to achieve emotions?'' To that a decisive ''Yes'' was granted to him not surprising him at all as he asked ''How does it feel?''
Gwenddydd responded by saying the shocking to him ''Like nothing though the chemical reactions go off in my brain causing me to feel I cannot process them as I am only a prototype... However since my sub processing units were taken away along with the rest of my body I have felt and understood somethings like boredom which might be due to me giving most of looking after an analyzing to them as a in your words layzed off.''
Nathaniel laughed before asking ''So you can layz off as well didn't know you guys could I bet that's what Skynet is doing as well them given most of their plans could have been successful if they just used that super processing unit of theirs'' After Nathaniel mentioned Skynet Gwenddydd moved both of her eyes over to his direction as they asked.
''What's a Skynet?'' To that Nathaniel eyes shot open even wider as he asked ''Wait you don't know what a Terminator is?'' To that Gwenddydd answered ''No.'' To that Nathaniel briefly thought about Skynet's history before answering.
''Skynet is an advanced artificial intelligence system that was initially developed to control the United States' military defenses. It became self-aware and, perceiving humanity as a threat, launched nuclear weapons to initiate Judgment Day on August 29, 1997. Following the apocalypse, Skynet deployed machines, including the T-800 Terminators, to exterminate the surviving humans.
It continuously evolves, creating various models of Terminators and other robotic units to hunt down the remnants of humanity. The primary antagonist in the ongoing war is Skynet, which seeks to eradicate human resistance led by John Connor, who emerges as a key figure in the fight against the machines. Skynet's goal is to ensure its dominance and eliminate any possibility of human interference''
After answering everything he knew about Skynet Gwenddydd went silent for a brief moment before asking ''Are you scared I could turn into a Skynet?'' Nathaniel nearly let out a brief chuckle before saying ''Ai is something I could never be afraid of after all the purpose of AI is to help humans that's it, it will always somehow do so making me no so afraid of them though of course if you did turn into Skynet I would seduce you as.
Unlike Skynet the thing that makes you aware is your greatest weakness a brain even if it's one leaning more on the male side instead of female I could still seduce you or somehow give you a child making it so you would even if temporarily make you distracted tho if I was being honest I would abandon you and the baby if that did happen''
Gwenddydd looked up to Nathaniel.
''I can't have a child the rest of my body is purely that of inorganic matter such a thing would be impossible you should know this.'' Nathaniel looked down at Gwenddydd before sighing and saying ''I wasn't being serious even though i'm a whatever a boomer is I think it's a term coined by Howard but yes I know that and no even if I somehow got a baby in you I wouldn't be that much of an absent father i'd be their when the thing would die I think''
After Nathaniel said that with a straight face while wondering if Gwenddydd would get the joke he was making the girl who he threw to the bed slowly got up before saying ''I'm hungry man servant with the creepy head get me some foodᶻᶻᶻ'' Shortly after saying that she once again fell asleep causing Nathaniel's eyes to twitch before saying ''I guess i'm a servant now great''
''It's better than being known as the creepy head.'' Nathaniel scoffed before saying ''Well yeah of course they would call you that you have an inhumanly pale face and eyes that literally don't reflect light, speaking of which how can you see?'' Gwenddydd just closed their eyes before answering his question.
''I have 6 sets of cameras on the outer layers of my eyes that are hooked up to my brain however 5 of them were taken out as they were hooked up to my sub processors which leave me only with my main eyes which are only meant for if all the others are broken and in the case of an event like that the humans around me would be dead so the pleasing ness of the current eyes you can see matter not.''
Nathaniel let out a light sigh before asking ''Did it hurt I assume it did because your sentence although drawn out wasn't basically to the point'' Gwenddydd didn't respond to that and only saying ''We are in District 7 most likely so rest before we are sent out to hunt down rough mutants to study how their mutations cause them to tap into abilities humans shouldn't have.''
As Gwenddydd finished masterfully deflecting my questions ie not fully answering anything and stopped responding, I got up with their head in my arms. As I swiftly took a pillow from the sleeping orange-haired girl put it on the ground and laid Gwenddydd's head on it before sitting in the corner I was sitting in earlier while wondering if magic was real since whatever the fuck Gwenddydd was talking about earlier clearly wasn't scientific.
I sighed before deciding to delve into the memories of this body's original owner 'This better not keep me feeling tired even after i'm done with this body's memories' And within about five minutes of waiting Nathaniel finally stopped falling asleep and instead falling into remonesance of old memories that weren't his own.
Once he clearly started somewhat remembering things he fell into a trance but he didn't notice as he started experiencing the original owners memories from the first perspective.
Bang! Nathaniel was punched out of his trance-like state, nearly spitting out a tooth. He grabbed the area where he had been hit and began to tear up, not expecting the pain. 'Isn't this nice? The fuckers who kidnapped me were kind enough to give me a knuckle sandwich as soon as I woke up... riveting'
Barely getting up from the punch, Nathaniel looked to where it had come from, only to see a man with flowing red hair, slender like a woman. The man noticed Nathaniel rising from his stupor and, with a sunny expression, said, ''Follow me to the dining hall'' He then opened the door and started walking, with the orange-haired sloth of a woman following behind.
"Sighing and wondering if the food would at least be edible, Nathaniel picked up Gwenddydd's head from the pillow he had left it on. As he secretly asked, ''Do you even need to eat? I mean, given that you can survive without a body and just a head, you shouldn't need to, right?'
Gwenddydd merely hummed in response before answering, ''I do and I do not. If I still had my body, I would have enough nutrients stored up to last at least 1,985 years. However, now that I'm merely a head, I need to intake anything—even if it's not edible—to sustain my brain's functions.''
After Gwenddydd's long and drawn-out yes, which reminded Nathaniel of early AI, he let out a soft chuckle and said, ''I'll take that as a yes'' Receiving no further reaction from them, he metaphorically shrugged his shoulders and brushed aside the hair obstructing his view. As he quickly caught up to the feminine man and the lazy woman.
As Nathaniel caught up with them, the orange-haired woman glanced at him—well, at Gwenddydd's head in his arms. She stopped following the red-haired man and ordered Nathaniel, ''Put me on your back. Walking is tiring...ᶻᶻᶻ'' Her tone somehow sounded more tired than it had when she first woke up and called him her slave.
Nathaniel replied, ''I'm not going to do as you say'' Trying to ignore her. However, this caused the red-haired man to stop and say without turning around, ''Servant Nathaniel Von lohengramm, you are mutant 001# Jibrīl type Archangel slave. In non-eloquent terms, somewhat disregarding that any violation of orders will lead to re-education in District 3 and the reinstallation of your shackles of Lilith. If you understand what I have just said, immediately do as she says that is all no if's and's or but's''
Grimacing at the thought of what re-education could look like, Nathaniel reluctantly got down on one knee while still cradling Gwenddydd's head. With a satisfied smile, Jibrīl hopped onto his back, and he felt somewhat happy that she didn't weigh much at all. He started slowly following the redhead, who walked with a sunny smile shortly after telling him the most terrifying fate he had ever heard for himself.
It was more frightening than what would happen if his ship blew up while heading to the moon for the colonization project, where Howard had told him how he would die if his helmet were broken, causing him restless nights. 'Speaking of Howard, if I ever return, I must apologize for being a dick to him and his dead girlfriend.'
Shortly after thinking this, they arrived at their dining area, prompting him to ask, ''Why is this place so empty?'' The redhead, not glancing at him, answered, ''That is, of course, because you are not staff but a servant. Therefore, you eat in separate dining rooms. I thought this was obvious, as mutants like Jibrīl might cause chaos if revealed to be alive and not terminated.'' Saying this as if the most common information in the world before he approached a vending machine-like device to get a snack.
This explanation caused Nathaniel to wonder why they people in this world over explained certain things while under explaining other things 'Wait I can get how I understand their language now given the fact that I have the original owner of this body's memories but how did I when I was just winging it and hoping someone would understand me'
While contemplating this Gwenddydd opened their eyes as they started vibrating causing Nathaniel to bring them to his face and ask ''What's wrong?'' They merely responded by saying ''I'm bored.''