The Apollo 11 Deception

July 20, 1969 – Lunar Orbit

Elara sat in her Time Pod, watching the Earth shrink behind her.

This mission was different.

She wasn't just traveling through time—she was heading to the Moon.

Below her, the Apollo 11 command module, Columbia, orbited the lunar surface, while the lunar module, Eagle, was preparing for its historic descent.

The world was watching.

But the Revisionists were already here.

And if they altered this moment, the entire Space Race—perhaps even humanity's future beyond Earth—could change forever.

"Chrono, status report."

**"Anomaly detected:

1. Revisionists attempting to interfere with the lunar landing.

2. Possible sabotage of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's mission."**

Elara clenched her jaw.

If the landing failed, history would shift dramatically. The Soviets could gain the upper hand, the Apollo program could be scrapped, and humanity's path toward space exploration could stall for decades.

She had to ensure Armstrong and Aldrin stepped onto the Moon as intended.

The Hidden Threat

Elara activated the stealth mode of her pod and carefully descended toward the Moon's surface, touching down in a shadowed crater just beyond the planned Apollo 11 landing zone.

She checked her oxygen levels and adjusted her gravity boots before stepping onto the lunar surface.

Ahead, she could see the lunar module, Eagle, making its slow descent.

Everything seemed normal—until Chrono alerted her.

"Anomaly detected: Unauthorized beacon transmitting false telemetry data."

Her heart skipped.

Someone was manipulating Apollo 11's navigation signals.

If the wrong data reached NASA's control center, the lander could drift off course, crash, or even fail to return to orbit.

The Revisionists were trying to erase this moment from history.

Not on my watch.

A Race Against Time

Elara followed Chrono's signal and spotted the source of the interference—a small, metallic device planted on the Moon's surface, hidden behind a rock formation.

Nearby, two figures in modified space suits worked quickly, adjusting its controls.


Elara silently approached, her movements precise in the Moon's low gravity.

She unholstered her plasma cutter, took a deep breath, and moved in.

"Step away from the beacon."

The two figures spun around, startled.

One of them, a woman with a reflective gold visor, immediately reached for her equipment.

Elara didn't hesitate—she kicked off the ground, using the Moon's low gravity to launch herself forward.

She collided with the nearest Revisionist, knocking him back as his helmet slammed into the lunar dust.

The second Revisionist tried to activate the sabotage device, but Elara ripped the power cable free, sending sparks into the air.

"Chrono, disable all unauthorized transmissions."

"Jamming all interference signals… Restoring original telemetry data… Apollo 11 navigation back online."

Elara turned just in time to see the first Revisionist drawing a concealed weapon.

Before he could fire, she grabbed a fistful of lunar dust and flung it at his visor.

Blinded for a moment, he stumbled back, and Elara landed a solid punch to his oxygen pack.

A sharp hiss of escaping air followed.

He panicked, scrambling to seal the leak, while his partner activated a time rift.

They weren't going to win this fight—so they were retreating.

Elara lunged for them, but the rift swallowed them before she could stop them.

The Revisionists had escaped.

But Apollo 11 was safe.

One Small Step for Man…

Elara turned her attention back to the lunar module.

She watched as Eagle's landing thrusters fired, kicking up dust as it touched down.

A moment later, Neil Armstrong's voice crackled over the radio.

"Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."

Elara smiled.

A few hours later, the hatch of the lunar module opened.

Armstrong carefully descended the ladder.

The world held its breath.

Then, the words that would be remembered forever:

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Elara felt a surge of relief.

The mission was a success.

History was intact.

But as she prepared to return to her pod, Chrono beeped with a new alert.

"New anomaly detected. Location: July 4, 1776. Mission: The Declaration of Independence."

Her stomach tightened.

The birth of the United States was at risk.

And the Revisionists were heading there next.

Next Mission Detected: