Complex Feelings

Bane gazed at his bank account happily. 39,000 Shill was more money than he'd ever seen before. Just before heading back to the faction building from the Guild Hall, he had a few errands to run. Now that he had the wealth to buy some necessities, he took a small detour to a clothier.

He'd lived most of his life wearing worn cloth robes and torn pieces of clothing. He decided this was the perfect time to get himself some new clothes. With a few holes in his light armor, he knew he'd need to visit Old Grey's soon for repairs.

Clothiers and tailors were scattered throughout the inner parts of Gren. High fashion and quality fabrics were staples in the city center, while the closer you got to the slums, the more modest the clothing became. Bane sought comfortable, relaxing clothes for his days off. The first few vendors he encountered offered outrageous, fitted garments in wild colors. However, after browsing a few stalls, he finally found a vendor with clothes that suited his taste.

Light tunics and comfortable pants hung on the racks of a street vendor. The vendor, a young woman with smooth almond skin, sat on the paved roads of Gren, stitching an extravagant, brightly colored tunic.

"Can I help you, sir?" she asked, not even looking up at Bane, her attention fully focused on her work.

"Yes, I'm looking for some clothes—tunics and pants," Bane replied. The woman nodded, her brown hair falling into her eyes as she finished a stitch.

"I see. Let me take your measurements," she said, grabbing a tape measure and moving behind Bane. "Raise your arms."

Bane raised his hands, and the woman reached around his back. He looked down as her almond-toned arms wrapped around him to measure his waist.

"Okay…" the woman mumbled some numbers to herself, then moved to measure Bane's arm length, legs, and finally his chest.

"You're surprisingly tough…" she remarked, deliberately feeling his arms and chest beneath his armor. Bane allowed it for a moment but eventually pulled away. The woman walked over to a rack of clothes.

"This rack should fit you. The pieces match the measurements I took," she said, pointing to a rack of tunics in every color of the rainbow and another rack with more modest pants.

"Thank you. How much for each?" Bane asked.

The woman quickly explained the costs. The dyed garments were more expensive, so Bane opted for plainly colored tunics and pants. He selected three tunics in shades of gray and brown, along with blue and black pants. He returned to the woman, who had resumed her stitching. She inspected the clothes and named the price.

"Three of each, six pieces total…" the woman hummed, calculating the total. "That'll be 3,000 Shill." Bane pursed his lips, considering the price. But given the quality and modesty of the clothes, he reached into his pocket and handed her three one-thousand Shill coins.

"Pleasure doing business," the woman smiled, her eyes scanning him up and down. Bane felt a slight unease. Okay, I'll excuse myself, he thought. It seemed the woman was intrigued by his newly formed muscles.

Bane gave a short goodbye and made his way to his next destination.

"Welcome back, young adventurer!" the mature woman at the front desk of the Limpar Bathhouse greeted him with a warm smile.

He purchased a bar of soap and access to the baths. After stripping off his dirty armor, he buried the void sack and his sword beneath his clothes, hiding his valuables. He moved to the mirror and gazed at his reflection. Mr. Grey was right—he looked different.

I look… different, he thought, running a hand through his long black hair. The skinny, lanky young man he once was had transformed into a sturdy, muscular figure. His jawline was more defined, and his pale skin seemed to glow under the ambient light of the lamps. He flexed his arms and stomach, admiring his defined forearms and developing abs. Glancing down, he noticed changes in his lower body as well.

The system is brilliant, he mused. Paired with better nutrition, the effects of the system had exceeded his expectations. He flexed his thighs and calves, pride swelling as he took in his new physique.

Snapping out of his self-absorption, he stepped into the bathhouse and quickly washed his hair and body. Stepping out, he felt like a new man. He tried on a pair of black pants and a brown tunic, relishing the freedom of movement and the feel of the clean fabric against his skin.

"Thank you," Bane said to the woman at the front desk as he left. She simply smiled and waved.

With his hands full of clothes, his weapons on his back, and the void sack at his waist, he made his way back to the Faction Building.

I'll have to visit Old Grey's before I return to the dungeon, he thought. He hadn't realized the extent of the damage to his armor until he bathed. It was still usable, but far from ideal. Shaking his head, he decided to postpone the repairs for another day.

Bane stood outside the disheveled building, reminiscing about the first time he had stood before it. Looking back, he couldn't believe he had entered so eagerly. Something had changed since then.

That morning, when he first met Eir, he had been full of smiles and excitement for his new life as an adventurer. But now, despite growing stronger and earning more money than ever before, he felt an emptiness he couldn't quite explain. His emotions came in waves. Yesterday, he had hugged Eir and felt happy, but that wasn't the norm. Most days were like today—lonely, cold, and filled with killing.

As usual, he pushed his feelings aside and entered the building.

"Hi, Bane," Eir greeted him calmly, a rare occurrence.

"Hey, Eir. How are you?" They exchanged their usual pleasantries, and Bane shared the details of his day, including the money he had acquired. Eir mentioned she hadn't done much that day, and soon the conversation shifted.

"Here you go," Bane said, handing Eir 25,000 Shill. "That should cover the repairs and anything else you think is necessary."

Eir quickly stashed the money away. "Thank you. They'll be here tomorrow." Then Bane remembered his conversation with Winter.

"Also, a girl from the Guild might come tomorrow," Bane mentioned casually, not thinking much of it. But Eir immediately tensed up.

"What?" she asked, her voice sharp.

"A girl from the Guild might come tomorrow," Bane repeated. Eir's mouth hung slightly open, as if she couldn't find the words.

"What's your relationship with her?" Eir demanded, her eyes narrowing.

"She's a Guild employee," Bane replied simply, his tone neutral.

"So why is she coming here?" Eir asked, her voice tinged with nervousness and confusion.

Bane frowned. Why is she getting so worked up? Could it be…? His thoughts trailed off as he considered the possibility.

"She suggested we meet up and talk outside of the Guild setting. I thought it would be a relaxing time," Bane explained. Winter had an aura that made him smile, and he thought spending time with her might help lift his spirits.

"Is it possible that you… like this person?" Eir asked, her voice low and serious. She looked down at the floor, her face shadowed.

"She's very helpful at the Guild and fun to interact with, so yes, I'd say I like her," Bane said casually. He meant it in a platonic way, but Eir's reaction suggested she interpreted it differently.

"R-Really?" Eir stammered, her composure slipping.

Bane pressed his hands to his forehead, feeling a headache coming on. "Why do you care? You're a god, and I'm just a human. You shouldn't be concerned about my personal affairs."

Eir hesitated, then crossed her arms and looked away. "You're right! Why would I care?" she scoffed, moving to another corner of the room. The conversation was over.

But her true feelings were far more complex. She cared for him deeply, though showing emotions was difficult for her. Relationships between gods and lesser beings weren't blasphemous, but they were taboo. And now, the thought of someone else being closer to Bane than she was filled her with sadness.

I don't know what to do, she thought, sitting alone in the corner as Bane left the building. She wanted to call after him, but after what she said, she could not bring herself to.

Thoughts raced around her head as she spiraled into herself. With the mention of a new girl it was both a blessing and a curse, she would have to be better.

If anything, if Bane chooses to be with her, I can judge and see if she is worthy. When it came to Bane, she would put her own feelings aside and respect his own wishes. But Eir wanted to make sure he was in a healthy relationship.

She continued thinking in the dark corner of the dilapidated building and soon, Bane returned.