The night sky in the city of Tokyo betrayed a hint of serenity, but certainly not for the likes of Saphire Yukiko Volkov. Striding down a tranquil path home, the soft light from the lamps glinted upon her long dark black tresses, falling in waves with reddish ends—a testament to the beauty of her Japanese mother, a tall, majestic woman. Her skin was as colorless as the color of the winter's snow, and her bright sapphire blue eyes, bequeathed from her father, a dashing Russian man, glinted with fierceness.
Tall and athletic but unmistakably female, Saphire glided with uncommon grace, the result of rigorous body conditioning and self-control since the age of childhood. Her tasteful but simple dress—a white top with matching black pants tightly wrapped around her body. Beneath her striking appearance lay a deadly swordsmaster, a skill sharpened through rigorous swordsmanship drills with her swordsmanship-practising mother.
Every night after work at the university, she wore her bag slung over her left shoulder and her favorite sword at her right. Her sword wasn't any sword; it embodied her—a cutting-edge sword mirroring the heritage as well as the responsibility that belonged to her.
But tonight things were different. As Saphire marched down the dark, deserted path, something unusual happened. The ground beneath her started emitting a weak light, defining the borders of a circle with bizarre markings. Suddenly, the presence of danger. In the split second, she dumped her pack onto the path, ripped her katana from its holder with a swift motion, and assumed a defensive stance, ready to confront whatever came her way.
Before she even reacted, the magical circle lit with a fierce light. A brilliant light engulfed her, and in the instant of a second, there arrived the bizarre force of gravity. Saphire was torn from the world she recognized, teleported to a world beyond her own—a world that would test her every ounce of skill and mettle.
When Saphire opened her eyes, there before her lay a sight she would have never imagined. Tall trees surrounded her all the way around, their trunks as large as the body of a man. A thick canopy of dark green leaves blocked the light from the sun which would have been blazing overhead at this time. In the background, the sounds of strange birds filled the air, and the scent of dampened earth filled her nostrils.
Carefully, Saphire rise. Her body lightened, but her consciousness heightened. She gazed about, striving to grasp her new world. The woods came alive but strange, as if she'd been shifted from her world. At her feet, the traces of the magical circle which took her here no longer lingered, as if they'd been nothing.
Though panic came close to creeping in, the expression of Saphire did not waver. Panic would be her own undoing. Her hand grasped the katana tightly, the sword her last resort and protector in this new world. She took in her surroundings with keen attention, scanning for any threats present.
Her steps were slow but certain as she set out walking through the woods, searching for clues as to her whereabouts. Each movement, each sound, she listened closely for, searching for signs of other living creatures. Saphire realized that in order for her to survive, she would have to learn about this world—and soon.
Gradually, she began thinking about a plan. Her number one priority was shelter and water. Her thoughts raced at the same instant, trying to recall if there was any from her training or her mum's stories that would be applicable here. Though this world was bizarre, there was a bizarre presence with her—a presence she could not identify but which was strong enough to keep her alert.
As time passed, Saphire struggled through. Something was sure: she would never give in. Regardless of the situations, she would find her path again or at least understand why she existed. And if this world would dare defy her, she would be more than eager to meet the challenge.
Saphire stepped cautiously through the woods, feeling the soothing sigh of the breeze through the foliage. Her thoughts buzzed with questions with no answers with each movement.
"Where am I now? Is all of this just a bizarre dream, or is any of this even actuality at all?" She hesitated, catching her breath. But the faint tension in her body and the icy grasp of her sword at her belt reassured her this wasn't a fantasy. This was a world she would have to contend with, regardless.
"I have to keep myself calm. Panic is just going to put me at risk. That's what Mother used to teach me. Keep calm, keep alert, and let the enemy never see the fear in your eyes." She repeated her mother's words inside her head, attempting to slow her rapidly beating heart.
Saphire paused, looking around her, before taking a long sigh. "That circle of magic. Why is all of this occurring? Why me? I have to know about this. It can't be random. It's maybe a test... or destiny."
A chill crept down her skin, but she planted her feet. "I won't live on hoping or expecting. This world is new, but this much is sure: I have to live. Mother, Father. I'll find a path home."
Her eyes narrowed as she gazed at the thick woods in front of her. "Whatever is hiding there, I'm ready. This is a strange world, but this katana... it will guide and defend me. I am Saphire Yukiko Volkov, and I won't be easily defeated."
With unwavering determination, Saphire again set out, going deeper into the mysterious woods, ready to face whatever lay ahead.
Saphire moved cautiously through the woods, but there emerged a strange sound in the background. It wasn't natural—a low, throaty growling sound that chilled her. She took her walk more cautiously, sharpened her ears, and crept more warily through the woods.
As she approached the source of the sound, a horrific sight lay before her. A pack of gigantic beings had gathered in the clearing. They were like wolves but much bigger, standing at nearly two meters tall. Dark grey skin covered them, rough as stone, with hard spines down their backs. Red glows came from their eyes, with malice and kill instinct. Razor-sharp teeth filled their snout, ready to shred whatever came their path. A large, pulsing spike at the end of their tail waited like a deadly instrument.
Saphire held her breath as the surge of adrenaline flowed through her body. "These animals are no normal animals… these are monsters. And they're coordinated," she whispered, keeping close down.
She observed them keenly. It looked like the pack was hunting, with the pack members scenting the ground as if tracing prey. Saphire realized that she would have to be wary; the wrong movement, and she would be their next prey.
She took even, deep breaths as she crept through the woods, her movements silent. She positioned her body at an angle so as not to create a shadow in the dappled light through the foliage. Her eye never wavered from the monsters as she estimated the distance from them and the direction of the wind. "Not bright, but deadly," she whispered, noting the movement of the creatures.
Inside, her battle instincts and survival instincts raged. A piece of her longed to attack them and kill them before they spotted her, but she knew this wasn't the time. It would be wiser to avoid confrontations, at least for the present, until she found more about this world and the capabilities of her foes.
Saphire kept walking, gaining more distance from the pack, but she wasn't at ease. "I cannot let them realize I am here. Each movement must be cautiously considered," she thought, her body tense. Each time a creature turned her direction, she halted, standing absolutely still like a statue until their attention shifted away.
Finally, after seemingly ages, Saphire was out of their grasp. She took a deep breath, being certain the sound would be inaudible. "I have to be more careful. This world is more dangerous than I have imagined."