Chapter 17: The Sword of Dragon Slaying

PS: This is the remastered version. The PS from the previous chapter can be ignored.

The moment Zhang Ge gripped the hilt and pulled upward with force, a crack resembling the opening of a scabbard appeared out of thin air at the tip of the blade where it had been suspended.

From the crack, countless streams of blood flowed out, yet it did not feel tainted. The blood seemed to be drawn by some invisible force, converging on the ground to form a cross.

Legend has it that after Saint George used this sword to slay the dragon, the dragon's blood formed a cross on the ground. Now, over 40,000 years later, this scene was reenacted in the cavern.

As the sword was gradually drawn out, the flow of blood diminished until, when the last inch was pulled free, the cross on the ground fully took shape. The blood rolled and twisted, eventually merging and transforming into an equally ancient scabbard.

However, when Zhang Ge attempted to wield this ancient relic from the 1k era, he did not sense anything extraordinary about it. It was as if the previous phenomena had been nothing more than illusions.

Yet, this scene did not dispel the doubts in the minds of those present; instead, it only deepened them.

Who exactly was the "he" referred to by the other party? Why would a Slaanesh Greater Daemon come to gift a sword? And why was it that only Zhang Ge could draw this sword?

But now was not the time to resolve these questions. The pursuing cultists above would not halt their advance because of their doubts. The remaining time was running out.

Facing the gazes of the three others around him, Zhang Ge spoke:

"Like the ancient hero Endymion, I will contain this sword before the Inquisition arrives."

The name of Endymion, the Custodian who contained the demonic sword Drach'nyen within his body, was not unfamiliar to the other three. However, after his mission, he ventured deep into the endless void and has not been heard from since.

Now, Zhang Ge might face a similar fate.

Silence lingered for a moment before the Commissar nodded in understanding. Zhang Ge then sheathed the sword and fastened it to his belt.

Immediately, the four of them scattered, quickly finding a tunnel that seemed to serve as an escape route under the light provided by the flares. The tunnel extended diagonally upward, and looking up, there was no end in sight.

Like the elevator, this tunnel was spacious enough to accommodate the mutated bulk of the Governor, suggesting it was constructed after he fell to Chaos. However, this precautionary measure ultimately did not aid him but instead became the hope for the decapitation squad to escape.

Following the torches with their flickering pink flames on either side, the four gradually delved deeper into the tunnel. The echoing footsteps and the gradually decreasing numbers on the depth gauge did little to dispel the illusion that they were trapped in an endless, looping space.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. After advancing a distance where neither the beginning nor the end was visible, a metal sliding door finally came into view above.

The Priest pulled open the door, and Zhang Ge, as the first in line, exited the tunnel to scout and secure the area. After he signaled that it was safe, the rest of the squad returned to the surface.

The familiar desolate landscape greeted them, but with the disappearance of the Warp anomaly, the massive rift in the sky that had once stretched like a scar was now covered by dense clouds.

The Commissar took out the map again, using the relative position of the distant Water Supply Town to confirm the direction and distance needed to return to their starting point:

"Moving in this direction, we'll need to cover about four to five kilometers. We must hurry."

Time was running out for the squad. The swarming cultists would soon reach the theater, and upon discovering the purified Governor and the shattered altar, they would undoubtedly launch a frenzied pursuit of the fleeing group.

However, this would also mark their final frenzy. Without organized attacks, they posed no threat to the combined PDF and Astra Militarum defenses. After suffering further casualties, the remaining cultist leaders would soon realize that instead of trying to eliminate this army, why not attempt to become the new leaders of the cult?

Wouldn't that grant them more blessings, and be much simpler?

Although this did not solve the root problem, it would at least buy the defense line some time to request reinforcements and resupplies, which was the original goal of the decapitation squad.

Covering the four to five kilometers at full speed, the squad took even less time than the initial two to three kilometers. Soon, the crimson Chimera reappeared in their sight.

Simultaneously, the "driver" spotted them, and the Chimera quickly turned its hull, speeding toward them at a pace far exceeding that of a normal troop transport.

To be honest, this overly agile scene made it seem as if the Chimera were a living creature, joyfully bounding toward them.

However, the other three were too exhausted to notice this detail.

After the Chimera stopped in front of the squad, the Commissar approached the driver's side and patted the hatch to express gratitude to the crew. Not everyone would dare to wait in such a dangerous environment until their return, especially with the risk of Warp corruption.

"At least we're 90% alive now."

Seeing the visibly weary group, Zhang Ge walked to the rear hatch and opened it as he spoke.

"Before the investigation, I want you to accompany me to the Convent."

As everyone entered the vehicle and took their seats, Sister Amelie spoke up. She held her lasgun, and though her words seemed like a request, her tone was as calm as if she were stating a fact, leaving no room for refusal.

Zhang Ge had no objections. Although he could tell Sister Amelie intended to protect him, it didn't matter. How could one come into contact with a Greater Daemon's shadow and remain completely uncorrupted?

With so many fanatics among the Sisters of Battle, surely one could be found who would dare to strike him down. It might even be more dangerous than the Inquisition, as the latter at least had a "just in case" reason to kill you, while the Sisters might simply believe "doing so serves the Emperor."

After their brief exchange, the Commissar's voice rose above the roar of the engine, just as it had at the beginning. He spread the map on the floor, though this time, with two fewer people, the cabin felt less cramped and somewhat emptier:

"The position we need to break through to return is here."