It all started with Leon's bright idea. We were lounging around at Kazuki's place, doing absolutely nothing productive, when he suddenly said, "You know what we need? Jobs."
The room fell silent as we all turned to stare at him.
"Jobs?" Crimson said, raising an eyebrow. "Like... actual work?"
"Yeah," Leon replied. "Think about it. We'll make some money, learn responsibility, and... okay, mostly just make some money."
Crimson grinned. "Bet."
We all exchanged nervous glances. Kazuki was the first to speak. "Can we all agree not to bring him along?" he said, pointing at Crimson.
"Oh, come on," Crimson protested. "It'll be fun!"
Kazuki sighed. "Fine. But if you ruin this for us, I swear..."
The Fast Food Fiasco
The next day, we went to a local fast-food joint to apply for jobs. To our surprise—and the universe's eternal mistake—we all got hired on the spot. The manager, a tired-looking guy named Steve, handed us uniforms and gave us a brief rundown of our duties.
"Just follow the instructions, don't mess around, and everything will be fine," he said, clearly regretting his decision already.
"Don't worry, Steve," Crimson said with a mischievous grin. "We've got this."
Steve looked like he wanted to cry.
At first, everything went surprisingly well. We were serving food, taking orders, and even managing to stay out of trouble. But, of course, that didn't last long.
It started with Crimson. A customer came up to the counter and ordered a burger. Crimson smiled sweetly, went to the back, and returned with a burger that looked... off.
"Enjoy your meal," he said, handing it over.
The customer took one bite and immediately spat it out. "What the hell is this?!" they yelled.
Turns out, Crimson had replaced the patty with a dead rat he'd found behind the dumpster.
"It's organic," he said, trying to defend himself.
"You're gonna get us fired!" Kai hissed, smacking him upside the head.
"Relax," Crimson said. "It's just one rat."
Meanwhile, MJ was working the fryer. He'd somehow managed to spill an entire bag of salt into the oil, and every batch of fries that came out was basically inedible.
"These taste like salt blocks," Kazuki said, gagging as he tried one.
"I was trying to make them flavorful," MJ said defensively.
"You've made them a weapon," Leon replied, tossing the fry back into the trash.
Things only got worse from there. Kazuki accidentally spilled an entire bucket of soda syrup on the floor and decided not to clean it up. By the time Steve walked through, the floor was so sticky that his shoes got stuck, and he had to waddle out of the kitchen like a penguin.
"What the hell is going on here?" Steve yelled, trying to free his shoes.
"We're... experimenting," Crimson said, flashing his best innocent smile.
Steve didn't look convinced.
The final straw came when Leon decided to see how much ketchup he could fit into a blender. The answer was too much. The blender exploded, spraying ketchup all over the walls, the ceiling, and Steve, who'd walked in at exactly the wrong moment.
"That's it! You're all fired!" Steve screamed, red-faced (and red-everything-else, thanks to the ketchup).
We didn't even bother trying to argue. Instead, we decided to go out with a bang. Literally.
The Kitchen Destruction Derby
"If we're going down, we're taking this place with us," Crimson declared, grabbing a broom and wielding it like a sword.
"You're insane," Kazuki said. But he was already grinning.
Within minutes, the kitchen was in absolute chaos. Kai was throwing buns like frisbees, MJ had somehow set the fryer on fire, and Crimson was using the mop to knock over shelves of supplies.
"This is the best job ever!" Crimson yelled, laughing maniacally.
Leon, ever the planner, decided to go for the grand finale. "Let's take down the ice cream machine," he said, pointing dramatically.
"You monster," Kazuki said, but he was already helping to unplug it.
We managed to drag the machine out into the dining area, where it promptly tipped over and spilled soft serve all over the floor. Customers screamed, Steve looked like he was about to have a heart attack, and we were having the time of our lives.
By the time we left, the restaurant was a disaster zone. We were covered in ketchup, flour, and who knows what else, but we couldn't stop laughing.
"Well, that was a short-lived career," Kai said as we walked home.
"Totally worth it," Crimson replied, still grinning.
"You owe me a new shirt," MJ said, glaring at him.
"I'll pay you back... never," Crimson said, sticking out his tongue.
Kazuki shook his head. "We're never getting jobs again, are we?"
"Probably not," Leon said. "But hey, at least we'll always have this memory."
"And Steve'll always have nightmares," Crimson added.
We all burst out laughing again, knowing full well that chaos followed us wherever we went. And honestly? We wouldn't have it any other way.