That same command repeated itself through each synapse of his brain before slamming his fist forth. It struck the magical skin of the reaper, producing a shock wave that rippled through the arena.
Despite how much strength he packed behind the punch, it did not send his enemy flying, only sliding Rurik back as a light bruise was left on the man's metallic skin.
"This colosseum usually only feeds me has-beens and incompetent never-wheres," Rurik remarked, brushing his chest off. "You're a breath of fresh air."
None of the man's words played any meaning into Gael's mind, only seeing red as the singular word repeated in his head—
As he brought his palms close together, the malevolent flames sparked in accordance to his will. The frightened look in the spectators' eyes fed his destructive urges, stoking the fire he held as it swirled intensely.