It was difficult to get a read on just what the capabilities or specialties of the man were; he didn't look imposing, though he certainly seemed athletic. On the glasses-wearing familiar's chest, he had an armory of knives kept strapped, along with trinkets of magical origin stored on his belt.
"Nice to meet you," Gael said, holding his hand out.
The man with countless tools stored in his loose, unorganized uniform waited a moment before accepting his hand, looking at the capybara on the young man's shoulder, "Oh? That is an interesting pet you've got there."
"Pu!" The capybara let out a bark-like sound in response.
"Ha-ha, a feisty one, at that," Matteo remarked, pulling away as he fixed his glasses. "So, I assume I've been summoned to aid you in a time of dire. What is it I can assist you with?"
"Well, for starters, I'm sorta lost," Gael said. "Are you familiar with Galios at all?"