
Nearly four years later:

"Any promises to make to yourself before I drive through the gates of Crestwood College?" Noah asked, his eyes darting between me and the road, a huge grin on his face.

I shook my head, silently taking in the towering walls of my home for the next four years. High red brick walls and meticulously landscaped grounds with students walking along the cobble stone pathways. It looked just as it did when on the computer Noah and I had used while reading the requirements needed to be met to gain a full scholarship.

The scholarship was for me of course. Noah's stinkingly rich parents could afford to send him to any college of his choice no matter how expensive. I felt bad for pulling him towards the lower end of the spectrum because he had refused to go to a college I wasn't in. It was a good university but nothing really special. Noah deserved really special.

But hey, at least it was free.

Noah as usual seemed to read my mind, "everything is only free if you keep your GPA above 3.5"

I huffed. "Shut up Noah. Must you take the fun out of things?"

"Nah don't worry about that," Noah switched off his car and smiled at me. "Crestwood is gonna do that from now on."


"What's your room number again?" I asked Noah, following him up the stairs of the residence hall. All around us were the loud voices of college students chatting with and greeting one another. It was obvious most weren't back but definitely enough were around for me to lock my jaw at the noise.

Noah checked his phone quickly.


"I wish we could be roommates," I said quietly.

I thought he hadn't heard me till he stopped so that I was no longer behind but right next to him.

"You know this place doesn't allow gender inclusive housing Ellie."

I sniffed hard.

"Ellie please don't start crying. You're still in the same building remember?"

"Yeah but two floors down."

"We can always meet up in the mixed suite. You saw it right? On the third floor. Couches and bean bags and even a vending machine. We can spend all day together."

"Yeah with other people."

Noah rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Oh no, people. C'mere."

He pulled me in roughly and gave me a hug.

"We're still gonna be best friends. Always."

"Thanks. Don't mind me Noah, I'm being silly. Just feeling overcome with different types of emotions I guess."

Noah pulled away from the hug and we continued walking. "Nah I get you, this all feels so weird."

A sharp wolf whistle was heard and Noah reached for my hand, interlocking our fingers. We both didn't say anything but simply walked faster.

I was suddenly aware that I was on the male side of the residence hall. Yeah a few girls were scattered here and there but it was mostly guys, some even in towels, all loud and tall. Their presence was so loud and the testosterone was beginning to choke me.

We stopped at his door and Noah felt in his pocket for his door key and pulled it out.

"Room sweet room," he said and I chuckled.

We walked in and I felt the blood drain from my face as we both stared at the figure sitting on a seat. The figure had his headphones in, was shirtless and his long legs were spread apart as he played on a Nintendo Switch. Hunched deeply over his game, he seemed oblivious to our arrival.

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I could only hold Noah's hand impossibly tighter. This situation was impossible. We hadn't seen him since the last day of ninth grade after he had moved during the holidays. We hadn't seen him and we had been so happy.

So freaking happy.

Aiden finally looked up, brows furrowing as he took off his headphones and stared at us. His eyes lowered to our interlocked hands before he looked up again.

Aiden paused his switch.

"Who the fuck are you?"