Sleeping Beauty

I brushed my teeth, staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, my eyes barely open from lack of sleep.

It was six a.m. on a Saturday, and the only reason I was awake was to review the outline for the romance novel.

Hopefully, Aiden had a better plan for the book than I did, because mine was heavy on plot and lacking… well, everything else a good novel should have.

So much for being a writer. This whole novel thing was turning out to be way harder than I'd imagined.

I spat out the last of the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth. The plan was simple: get some sleep until noon, then start prepping for the bowling outing.

But first, I needed some clarifications from Moana.

She was in the kitchen, hunched over a textbook with a mug of coffee in hand.

"What kind of teacher gives quizzes barely two weeks into the semester? And of the three he's giving us, only one actually counts for our grade, yet we have to study for all of them!"