A.D. 877 Kingdom of The Republic of New Mongolia, Oxford Castle
/pov MC/
"Ahem.. alright where were we? Eadith?.." I ask my secretary.. as I try to remember what the last thing on the 'docket'.. was..
"Aestan.. who is temporarily in charge of the new 'ministry' of 'public-works'.. is scheduled to take the 'floor' next.. 'sire'.." she explains to me.. doing her job 'exceptionally'.. as she always does..
"Mm.. yes.. well.. go ahead 'Minister' Aestan.. you now 'have' the 'floor'.." I smile and tell him to begin his 'reports'..
"Ahem.. thank you 'sire'.. according to our 'estimations'.. they 'put' us at having.. finished 'laying' our main roads.. or 'high-ways' as you have decided to.. name the 'main-roads' being 'built' within our borders.. we will have a 'bite' under twenty and four.. 'kilometers' of 'high-way' finished.. they will be 'built' to the 'specifications'.. of three 'carriages-wide' from each side.. of the 'epi-center' of the 'high-way'.. which makes our twenty and four.. 'kilometer' long 'high-way'.. six meters wide.. and it will be 'finished'.. by the 'first-turn' of 'spring'.. and then a 'fifth' of the 'labor-captives'.. as you have 'moniker'd' them 'sire'.. will be 're-directed' to our 'secondary' roads we are 're-furbishing'.. 'two-fifths' of which.. will be 'sent' to the 'great-wall' you want built 'sire'.. with the 'remaining'.. 'one-fifth' being 'sent' to the 'mining-camps'.. the other 'fifth' will remain in the 'capital'.. working on the 'various'.. 'public-works'.. 'projects' in and around the city.. and harbor 'sire'.. with the 're-vamping' of the sewers.. being the first 'local' project of 'implementation'.. and that brings me to an 'end' of my report.. thank you for your 'time' gentleman.. thank you 'sire'.. I 'release' the 'floor'.." he finished reporting..
'Bringing' a 'tear'.. to one of my 'eyes'.. I still remember the day I 'gutted'.. that 'sack' of shit.. that 'murder'd' the twins.. Aeric.. and Aestan's father and mother..
'Gutted' him like a freshly 'caught' fish I say.. 'de-capitated' him after i finishing.. 'skinning' him like a 'cat-fish'.. my next 'pot' of 'gold'.. 'metaphorically-speaking'..
Anywho,.. after that.. I 'took' the boys under my 'wings'.. 'sheltered' them.. 'brought-up'.. the 'boys' my very fucking 'self'.. 'taught' the little 'fuckers' to 'scrap'.. how to 'protect' themselves.. never to 'stop' their 'feet'.. always 'moving'.. never 'still'.. how to watch the men in the 'position'.. or 'higher-in-rank' than you.. how to 'see' what they 'do'.. whilst 'do'ing' their 'jobs'..
So when that person is 'out-of-the-picture'.. so-to-speak.. you already know how to be the perfect 'squad-leader'.. and so on.. when your 'promoted' once again.. you know how to be a 'group-leader'.. then the next 'promotion'.. you already know how to be a 'team-leader'.. and so on.. til 'penultimately'.. becoming a 'chief-commander'.. the 'dream' of any 'true' warrior..
Anywho,.. what I was saying is I 'practically'.. 'raised' the 'twins' myself.. and one of them just gave his very first 'speech'.. in front of all the 'shakers-n-movers'.. of my future 'empire'.. gods Im proud.. pull yourself together.. don't let them see you cry.. you fucking pussy.. get yourself together damnit!..
"Ahem.. cough.. 'excellent' report Aestan.. Im more 'proud'.. than 'spoken' words.. can possibly 'describe' my boy.. I truly am.. that was an excellent 'report'.. given by an 'outstanding' young 'orator'.. like the ancient 'Plato' or 'Theocoles'.. 'damn' good job my boy.." I tell him.. 'meaning' every word I said..
'Head-Quarters' of the 'Hounds' of Oxford
/pov Eardwulf/
"Achoo.. fuckin gods.. someone must be talking 'shit'.. on my fucking 'name'.. I can feel it.." I hear my 'best-friend' Aeric saying.. after sneezing..
"I doubt that.. Im sure it was just a sneeze.. and anyway there is only 'one' god.. what you.. think of that 'wench' Riantha?.." I was 'telling' him.. till thinking about one 'fine-maiden'.. I couldn't help but ask Aeric his 'opinion'.. of my 'dream-girl'..
"She looks pretty.. but.. you 'know' me Eardwulf.. Im like Aethred.. if it has 'grass'.. on the 'field'.. then 'play-ball'.. I don't 'care' much for the 'too-pretty' ones.. I just like a 'easy-screw'.." he tells me..
'Making' more sense than Im 'comfortable'.. with him 'making'.. I really 'like'.. the 'Lady' Riantha.. I know 'fucking' all kinds of 'wenches'.. is most men's dreams.. but not me.. I only want one.. the 'Lady' Riantha.. the 'finest' of 'courtesans'.. 'ply-ing' her 'trade'.. at the 'wolf's 'Dipping-Pool'.. the 'highest-end'.. 'brothel' of the capital city..
"Fuck it.. let's go get 'in-ebriated'.. where do you want to go?.. how bout we 'hit' the 'dippin-pool'?..".. I tell him.. 'wanting' to 'lay'.. my 'eyes' on my lady..
"If you want to go see your 'whore'.. just say so.. and by the way.. there's 'numerous' gods.. your a 'fool' if you actually believe otherwise.." he responds..
"Look.. I would love to argue with you all day.. if I didn't have a 'beautiful'.. young 'maiden' waiting for me.. but 'fortunately' for me.. I 'do'.. and just because she 'works' in a 'brothel'.. doesn't 'make' her a 'who're'.. no matter.. let's head to the.. 'dipping-pool' then my friend.." I tell him.. before 'heading'.. towards my favorite 'honey-hole'..
The 'establishment' the 'wolf's 'Dipping-Pool'
/pov 'Scar-faced' James/
"Fuck you!.. do you know who I am?.." I hear the 'arse-ling'..
Aethelwold.. my 'best-friend'.. my 'partner-in-crime'.. we were 'visiting'.. his very 'favorite'.. 'courtesan'.. the 'Lady' Riantha.. whilst on our mission to 'gather' some 'intel'.. in this new 'kingdom' here in Oxford..
"Do you know who I am?.. Im the fucking 'second-in-command' of the fucking 'Hounds' of Oxford!.. who the fuck.. are you?.." I hear the very 'irate' young man yelling..
Right at my very 'unfortunate' dumb 'Royal'.. 'arse-ling' friend.. I would have never thought this.. is how I die.. I am very 'pale'.. at this moment.. I've already 'lost'.. a 'lot'.. of 'blood'.. the man.. 'accompanying' the one.. 'shouting'.. just got 'finished'.. 'wiping'.. the 'blood'.. 'off' of his 'short-sword'.. after 'retrieving'.. 'said' weapon.. right from.. one of my kidneys.. and half of my left lung..
Where it had.. 'penetrated'.. through me.. 'diagonally'.. it's cold.. my eyes grow 'heavy'.. my 'breathes' grow.. 'hesitant'.. Im so 'sleepy'.. never been so.. 'sleepy'..
"I am 'Prince' Aethelwold.. son of the 'former'.. king of Wessex.. 'King' Aethelred of Wessex.. I am 'Prince' Aethelwold.. son of Aethelred.. and I 'demand'.. to 'see'.. the 'wolf'.. 'immediately'!" I hear the 'prince' say..
I can 'barely.. 'hear' my 'friend's' voice anymore.. that was the last 'voice'.. and the 'final' words.. I'll ever 'hear'..