Chapter 4:Perilous Gambit

Chapter 4:Perilous Gambit

Peter saw the sword heading towards his ribs. In desperation, he tried to avoid the blade by bending to the left, but it wasn't enough.


Moments before the attacker's sword reached its target, it began to glow, and several electrical discharges appeared on the blade.

"Ahh, I'm fucked."

The bandit's blade ran across Peter's skin, cutting it but not breaking the ribs themselves. Immediately after, an electrical discharge passed through him, causing his muscles to spasm.

"Damn it!"

Peter was now in a dangerous situation—he was between a dangerous enemy and a wounded but still conscious opponent rising from the ground.

"Now it's getting interesting," Peter thought, retreating further so that both enemies were in front of him.

The biggest problem with an opponent who uses electricity is that metal conducts it, and the sword given to him by his master—although of excellent quality and rare properties—was made of metal, which created quite a challenge in this fight.

The first bandit, the one with a horizontal cut on his chest, remained silent, his face showing pain. The third bandit was the first to speak.

"Well, who do we have here? Some talented youngster."

He said with a hint of mockery in his voice, smiling wickedly.

"It's the first time I've seen you in the area. Did you come here recently?"

"Or maybe you've been hiding around here for a long time? In my opinion, you know how to fight and, more importantly, you don't hesitate to kill, which is not a popular trait among people from the real world,"

the bandit continued, his smile growing even wider.

Peter remained silent, not wasting time on distractions such as talking, instead focusing on how to get out of this fight unscathed. His lack of response angered the robber.

"Hey, can you even hear me, idiot? Or maybe you think I don't deserve your answer, boy?"

The bandit spat on the ground.

"You're such a loser. You managed to defeat and kill one of us, and you already think you're better than us?"

The bandit shouted mockingly, and at that moment, Peter unexpectedly attacked—throwing sand from the ground at the bandit.

The bandit cursed, rubbing his eyes and raising his sword defensively, but the real target was his companion on the right.

The wounded bandit also raised his sword to defend himself, but weakened by the injury and blood loss, he didn't have the strength to block Peter's blow.

After the first attack, which knocked his sword aside, Peter slashed his throat. The bandit, desperately trying to avoid the strike, threw himself backward, but it was too late—the sword tore through his throat. The bandit fell to his knees, clutching his throat and roaring something in pain.

Peter was already retreating, desperately trying to avoid the third bandit's electricity-covered sword, but he had already been forced to block several strikes, which sent painful shocks through his body.

"If this continues, I'm finished."

Peter thought, still trying to come up with a way to defeat this troublesome enemy—but with poor results.

This forced Peter to improvise.

After a few more dodges, he changed tactics and swung from above so hard that the bandit had no choice but to dodge instead of blocking.

After several such attacks, combined with a few counters from the enemy's sword, Peter began to feel a tingling sensation on his right side—the wound from earlier was making itself known. With a slight expression of pain on his face, Peter stepped back.

Peter was running out of time. And then, the unexpected happened.

With a loud cry of effort, the girl who had been the bandits' original target made a vertical slash toward the bandit's back. It would have been perfect if not for her scream, which alerted him in time.

After the failed surprise attack, she screamed in pain as the electricity electrocuted her.

She collapsed to the ground, looking at the bandit—then, a few seconds later, she screamed again, this time in horror, as Peter decapitated the bandit and his head fell in front of her.