First things first.
Vis is very expansive, encompassing just about every power in the world.
There are arts, unique battle styles, for every weapon imaginable. For now, they will be ranked from 1 to 7. You guys can help me come up with a different system, whether it be Stars or F-SSS (pls no).
Veiled- Basic understanding coming into an art
Bound-More understanding, still bound by inexperience.
Infinite- Understanding beyond that of ???, allows one to ???
Martial Arts or Techniques- Different than arts, which focus on combat with weapons, these are arts specifically for your body. Same ranks as Arts, maybe a slight difference later, haven't decided.
Magic Artifacts- We all know what these are. Some are naturally crafted over time, some are artificial, made by one of the races.
Ranks (weakest to strongest)-
Second Age
First Age
Now I was going to put every single magic type I've come up with here... but nuh uh, that's a lot ;-;
If you guys want a list, just comment on it. After a certain point in the story ill add them in.