The combined Earthquake unleashed by four Elite Four-level Fighting-type Pokémon was so terrifying that even Sato, still a kilometer away and rushing toward the Game Corner, could feel the tremors beneath his feet.
Sato's heart tightened. If Zoroark were hit by an attack at or above its own level, its Illusion ability would be shattered.
A mysterious Pokémon with the ability to transform was more than enough to attract the interest of lurking predators.
His eyes turned pitch-black as Dark Energy silently surged through his body, boosting his speed exponentially.
Using the cover of night, Sato raced toward the Game Corner at full speed.
At the same time, Zoroark, still disguised as a young man, proved to be even more perceptive than Sato had expected.
It was constantly monitoring its surroundings for the slightest movement. And the moment Hitmonchan and the others made their move, Zoroark reacted immediately.
Without hesitation, it stepped directly onto another person's back, perfectly avoiding the initial impact of the Earthquake.
Fortunately, a large structure like the Game Corner was built with high seismic resistance. While the foundation remained intact, everything else was not so lucky.
Shattered glass, snapped light fixtures, and suspended monitors all came crashing down under the raw force of the attack.
Many people were injured in the chaos, but the sudden pain also snapped them back to reality.
The gamblers scrambled to find cover, while the Team Rocket grunts quickly retreated, pulling back just enough to keep a safe distance from Bruno and his League forces.
Even the rogue League members abandoned their attempt to join the "bug-catching" frenzy over the Pokémon prizes.
With everyone moving away from the center of the chaos, the Pokémon that had been freed from their Poké Balls were suddenly left standing in the open.
At that moment, the League forces fell silent.
Team Rocket fell silent.
The hidden gamblers fell silent.
Even the startled Pokémon huddling together in fear fell silent.
For a brief moment, all four sides stared at each other in complete, mutual hesitation.
No one dared to make the first move.
"Larvitar is over there!"
Shff! Shff! Shff!
As if triggered by those words, all eyes immediately locked onto the center of the battlefield.
A pale green Pokémon trembled in fear, shrinking behind the round body of a Chansey.
"These Pokémon are now League property!"
A smug voice broke the tense silence, Officer Jenny, who immediately took the opportunity to assert League authority.
She ordered Team C, a squad that had barely participated in the battle so far, to secure the Pokémon.
The League members quickly surrounded them.
This, however, did not sit well with certain individuals.
To the gamblers watching from the sidelines, these Pokémon were already as good as theirs.
They had already considered them personal prizes!
And those who could afford to frequent the Goldenrod Game Corner were not the type to be intimidated by the League.
"And who gave you the right?!"
The first voice rose in defiance.
Then another.
And another.
Even Team Rocket members joined in the mockery, deliberately fanning the flames of dissent.
Bruno's face darkened.
He had just swept the area with Mind Reader.
Only one person among Team Rocket's forces had reached pseudo-Elite Four strength.
Clearly, this individual was not the one leading this operation.
Meanwhile, underground…
The damage to Team Rocket's secret base was even worse than the Game Corner itself.
Though they hadn't been buried alive, the entire electrical system had been destroyed.
Cracks ran along the walls, filling those below with a growing sense of dread.
All electronic communication devices were now useless. And worse, the base still contained a vast amount of sensitive data and classified information.
Without erasing those records, Kaiser couldn't risk retreating.
"Damn it! Destroy every computer! Purge all digital records! Clear the collapsed exits and get us out of here!"
Kaiser's voice boomed through the darkness. His subordinates immediately obeyed, turning on flashlights and sending out Pokémon with Flash to light their way.
Back on the surface, Bruno watched as the crowd's hostility escalated.
With a mere move of his hand, his four Fighting-type Pokémon stepped forward in unison, charging up another Earthquake.
The pressure in the air shifted.
Those hiding in the shadows pulled back in fear.
Those standing their ground hesitated.
And the confused Pokémon remained as clueless as ever.
"Politoed, take these Pokémon away!"
Bruno unleashed his strongest Pokémon once more.
The moment the rescued Pokémon were escorted to safety, the battle erupted again.
Sato immediately noticed the Rocket Admin at the far end of the battlefield, a Pokémon trainer with Pseudo-Elite Four strength and the designated leader of this entire operation.
Sweat poured down the man's forehead despite his outward composure. Inside, he was panicking. Ever since the earthquake, he had lost all contact with Commander Kaiser.
Now, with Team Rocket locked in another direct confrontation against the League, their forces were crumbling rapidly. Outnumbered and outmatched, they were losing at an alarming rate.
Yet not a single Rocket member surrendered.
The reason Team Rocket had managed to survive past defeats and rise again from the ashes was clear: they never bowed down.
At that moment, Goldenrod Gym Leader Howard, Sato, and additional League reinforcements arrived one after another.
With his heightened senses, Sato instantly detected Zoroark, who had remained hidden. The two exchanged a glance and gave each other a slight nod.
Sato blended into the League ranks. His impressive combat skills and crucial assistance during the battle had made him a welcome ally among them.
Meanwhile, Zoroark, who had been lurking on the battlefield's outskirts, took advantage of the chaos to quietly slip away unnoticed.
By now, the Rocket forces above ground had been nearly wiped out.
League trainers cheered at their imminent victory, but Bruno remained deeply troubled. His brows furrowed as he swiftly ordered a full sweep of the Game Corner, instructing his subordinates to search for any hidden passages.
A sharp, blood-curdling scream tore through the battlefield. Amidst the clamor of combat, this sound cut through everything like a blade.
"Elite Four Bruno! We've found Team Rocket's underground base!" Officer Jenny clutched her earpiece, excitement evident in her voice.
"Move in!"
Without hesitation, Bruno charged ahead, leading his four Fighting-type Pokémon straight into the underground base, showing no concern for potential ambushes.
Officer Jenny hurried behind him, barely keeping up, her face lit with excitement.
Below, inside the Team Rocket hideout, Kaiser scowled as the entrance was breached. One of his subordinates tumbled down the stairs, their fate uncertain.
But moments later, Kaiser's lips curled into a sinister grin.
He pulled out three black Poké Balls, his expression twisted with anticipation as he locked eyes with the massive figure stepping through the entrance: Elite Four Bruno.
"So, it is you," Bruno muttered, his voice low and tense.
Having spent years battling Team Rocket, he knew each of the Four Executives and their tendencies. Despite his brutish appearance, Kaiser was by far the most cunning among them.
"Hahaha! What's with the small talk?" Kaiser sneered. "Rhydon, Aggron, Nidoking... go wild!"
Three massive Pokémon burst from the Dark Balls, their eyes glowing a menacing red. Their raw power and presence were on par with Elite Four Pokémon.
"You're still as depraved as ever," Bruno growled, his fists clenching at the sight of the Dark Balls.
Around them, League trainers poured into the hideout, immediately clashing with Rocket forces in a full-scale underground brawl.