Chapter 95: Dead-Fish Eyes Master

Explosions, screams, and the deafening clash of Pokémon attacks filled the air, the Pokémon Center, a symbol of peace and healing, had descended into complete chaos.

Sato rushed to a nearby telephone, quickly dialing Wester's number.

"Hello? Wester, are you there?"

There was rustling on the other end before a lazily drawn-out voice responded.

"It's two in the morning. Don't you ever sleep?" Wester yawned, then continued-"What's with all that noise?"

Before Sato could reply, an attack came his way!

With one hand gripping the phone, his other hand swiftly released Ariados's Poké Ball!

"Ariados, Sticky Web!"

Strands of resilient bug silk spread out in a massive net, intercepting the enemy. A strong-looking Arbok was now trapped within the web!

"The Pokémon Center is under attack. All four semifinalists, except for us… no, except for you, have been targeted. Watch yourself."

With that, Sato hung up before Wester could even respond.

On the other end of the call, Wester snapped awake immediately. He hurriedly threw on his clothes, then glanced toward the door, where his bodyguards stood watch.

They were sent by his family, each possessing at least one pseudo-Elite Four-level Pokémon.

Meanwhile, back in the Pokémon Center…

Ariados and Arbok were evenly matched.

Neither Ariados's bug poison nor Arbok's snake venom could completely suppress the other. Additionally, Sticky Web's effectiveness against serpentine Pokémon was greatly reduced.

On the other side, Zoroark was locked in a fierce battle with another Pokémon: a Rhydon. An Elite Peak-level opponent with a rock-hard body, making it an absolute counter to Zoroark.

But Sato's focus wasn't on the battle. His attention was locked onto the assassin in front of him. A man in black combat gear, his face masked, sporting short, clean-cut hair…

And a pair of dead-fish eyes. Eyes that, no matter how well disguised, Sato could never forget.


A black dagger flashed through the air, slicing past Sato's cheek.

Sato's frown deepened. The one thing he didn't want to happen… had happened.

His master's target… was him.

"Zoroark, Night Daze!"


A wave of dark energy erupted around Zoroark, instantly blasting both Arbok and Rhydon backward.

Sato took the chance to recall Ariados, then turned and bolted out of the Pokémon Center!


Zoroark instinctively followed, though it didn't understand why they were running. They had defeated Blue Badge assassins before, and buying time was clearly the better option.

Sato patted Zoroark's back, saying nothing, only pointing toward the southwest exit of the Pokémon Center, where waste disposal trucks came in.

It was the least crowded area.

Overhead, a dark shadow swooped down, blocking the moonlight, its wings casting a large silhouette over them.

Sato glanced up.

"Extreme Speed!"

Without hesitation, he issued a command and Zoroark instantly picked up speed!

Two Air Slashes struck the ground behind them, only clipping some of Zoroark's fur, which fluttered away in the wind.

"Jump left!"

"Right side!"

"Turn and slow down!"

One after another, Air Slashes rained down, yet Sato dodged them all, as if he had eyes on the back of his head.

Within moments, they had left the Pokémon Center behind.

Sato glanced back, a massive Fearow was pursuing them relentlessly.

Good. That's exactly what he wanted.

Sato directed Zoroark further into the outskirts, while atop Fearow, the dead-fish-eyed assassin grew increasingly puzzled… and cautious.

"What is that traitor planning?"

"Fearow, Extreme Speed!"

"Zoroark, stop."

Zoroark came to a sudden halt, and Sato immediately dismounted.

Caught off guard, Fearow overshot them by a significant distance, before awkwardly circling back, its trainer muttering in irritation.

"You led me all the way here… do you really think you can handle me alone?"

The dead-fish-eyed assassin spoke as he dismounted from Fearow.

Having run this far, Sato's emotions had gradually settled down, the man before him was only his master from the previous life.

Now, the same person had marked him as a target for assassination. Trying to use their past relationship her, would only make him look like a fool.

"Dead-fish eyes, let's see how much you've got!"

Sato grinned.

He had already figured out how to keep him alive. Knock him out and dump him somewhere safe.

Simple. Direct. Effective.

"Fearow, Aerial Ace!"

"Zoroark, Night Slash!"

Beak and claws clashed violently, the sharp, ear-piercing sound sent shivers down the spine. The next second, Arbok suddenly lunged out from underground, aiming at Zoroark!

Sato didn't even flinch. He turned to his master. He knew this move all too well.


An eerie cackle echoed through the night, Gengar emerged from the ground surrounded by ten surging Shadow Balls, which it hurled toward Arbok all at once!

"Arbok, Substitute!"


A loud explosion rang out. Arbok vanished underground once more, and Gengar pursued instantly.

The chaos forced both Zoroark and Fearow to separate, neither making another move.

"I underestimated you."

The low, serious voice, paired with those lifeless eyes, really… didn't sound convincing at all.

Sato nodded calmly.

"Yeah, you did."

Without another word, he stepped back lightly and several vines suddenly erupted from the ground where he had just stood, grabbing nothing but air.


A row of gray stones, lined up neatly in formation, came crashing toward the assassin's joints! Most of the rocks missed, but some landed.

Fortunately, Sato had instructed Larvitar to hold back, or his master would already be on the ground.

For the first time, the lifeless eyes showed a flicker of surprise. He was stunned, Sato completely saw through his tactics and now he couldn't understand Sato's motives.

"Is this really all you've got?"

Sato sighed in disappointment.

In his memory, his master was not only a master of ambush and deception, but also a genuinely strong fighter.

Then again, this wasn't the same timeline. In the previous life, his master had died protecting him.

After that, Sato had grown far stronger. There was no way to compare their growth anymore.

And his master, in this timeline, had yet to reach his peak.

"Damn it!"

Sato's words weren't even whispered... and yet, they clearly infuriated the assassin. Even with a strong mental fortitude, being mocked by a mere child, was enough to make anyone feel ashamed.

"Rhydon, Earthquake!"

Another colossal Pokémon landed heavily, the ground itself trembled beneath them!

"Larvitar, Gengar, come out!"

"Fearow, Drill Run! Arbok, Iron Tail! Target Larvitar!"

Earthquake was especially dangerous for Pokémon hiding underground!

And the moment Larvitar and Gengar emerged, Fearow and Arbok immediately locked onto Larvitar!